
vigorously implement the talent development anhui project | accelerate the cultivation of digital talents and move towards a digital and intelligent future


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original title: vigorously implement the talent development anhui project | accelerate the cultivation of digital talents and move towards a digital and intelligent future

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at present, the digitalization wave is surging, and the tentacles of the digital economy have penetrated into thousands of industries and households. in the wave of digital economic transformation, digital talents have become the core driving force for development.

recently, anhui province issued the "anhui province digital economy talent cultivation plan (2024-2027)" (hereinafter referred to as the "cultivation plan"), which clearly stated that it will strive to build a high-level digital economy talent team with sufficient quantity, excellent quality, optimized structure and reasonable distribution in four years to meet the needs of the high-quality development of the digital economy in anhui province. by 2027, a total of more than 300,000 digital economy professional and technical talents and more than 200,000 digital skills talents will be cultivated.

the release of the "cultivation plan" provides directional guidance for the cultivation of digital talents, and will also build a talent "reservoir" for the development of the digital economy in our province.

why should we accelerate the cultivation of digital talents?

——it is both an urgent task and a long-term plan

what are digital talents? there is no unified definition at present. it is generally believed that anyone with information and communication technology skills can be considered a digital talent. for reference, the ministry of human resources and social security has marked digital occupations in the "classification of occupations of the people's republic of china (2022 edition)", such as artificial intelligence trainers, logistics engineering technicians, digital publishing editors, etc.

at present, with the rapid development of the digital economy, new formats, new models and new fields are emerging one after another, and a large number of digital and intelligent positions have emerged one after another, and the demand for digital talents has grown explosively. however, talent training takes time, and the supply speed is difficult to keep up. problems such as insufficient total talent, mismatch between talent quality and industry demand, and insufficient innovation capabilities in key core areas are becoming increasingly prominent. according to data, there is a gap of 25 million to 30 million digital talents in my country, especially in related fields such as artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing, semiconductors, and big data, where the demand for talents has surged.

digital talents are the core driving factor for the development of the digital economy. not long ago, nine central departments jointly issued the "action plan for accelerating the cultivation of digital talents to support the development of the digital economy (2024-2026)", requiring that we closely follow the development needs of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and strive to build a high-level digital talent team with a large scale, excellent quality, optimized structure and reasonable distribution, so as to better support the high-quality development of the digital economy.

developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to seize new opportunities in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. recently, the general office of the provincial party committee and the general office of the provincial government issued the "action plan for accelerating the high-quality development of the digital economy (2024-2026)", proposing that by 2026, the comprehensive strength, innovation and competitiveness of anhui's digital economy will be significantly improved, and the level of digital economic development will rank first in the country.

vigorously cultivating and gathering digital talents is of great significance to promoting the progress of digital technology and the development of the digital economy in our province. the "cultivation plan" clearly states that we must give full play to the basic supporting role of digital technology and skilled talents in the digital economy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, improve the matching degree between the scale, quality and structure of digital talents and the development needs of the digital economy industry, and promote the transformation of "anhui manufacturing" to "anhui smart manufacturing".

"in addition, from the perspective of the employment market, strengthening the training of digital talents will effectively alleviate the current structural contradictions in employment, not only improving the quality of employment for workers, but also meeting the talent needs of employers." in the view of wu chuanhua, director of the talent development division of the provincial department of human resources and social security, accelerating the construction of a digital talent team and comprehensively improving digital skills and literacy is both an urgent task and a long-term plan.

how will our province accelerate the cultivation of digital talents?

——implementing cultivation projects to empower industrial development

according to the "cultivation plan", our province will focus on digital economy industries such as digital product manufacturing, digital technology application, digital product services, digital factor-driven industries, and digital efficiency improvement industries, especially new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, quantum information, aerospace information and other key development areas of our province's digital economy, to strengthen the effective supply of urgently needed and scarce talents.

to this end, our province will implement three digital economy talent training projects. the reporter learned that some specific measures have been implemented and achieved good results.

in terms of strengthening the construction of digital professional and technical personnel, our province will focus on the needs of the core industries of the digital economy and cultivate a group of leading talents in short supply in the field of digital economy. we will open up a new track for the independent training of digital technical talents and cultivate a group of digital technical engineers every year.

at the beginning of this year, our province launched a "one test, three certificates" pilot program. in applied science and engineering colleges and technical colleges that have built modern industrial colleges, eligible schools were granted the authority to pilot independent evaluation and skill level certification for junior and middle-level engineers. by transforming the curriculum system and increasing the duration and difficulty of practical training, a group of industrial technology, engineering and technical skills talents were cultivated.

in terms of increasing efforts to cultivate digital skilled personnel, our province encourages relevant training institutions to carry out various forms of training in accordance with national occupational standards. we support technical schools to accelerate the digital transformation of their majors and the construction of digital majors, and carry out various forms of school-enterprise cooperation with leading digital technology companies to cultivate digital skilled personnel.

in terms of helping digital talents empower industrial development, our province will improve the methods for digital economy-related scientific research talents in universities and research institutes, such as computer, information and communication engineering, to start businesses and innovate in enterprises, and encourage scientific researchers to leave their jobs and start businesses. digital economy enterprises are encouraged to use key laboratories or their own r&d institutions to recruit outstanding college students from across the country, conduct digital technology training camps, and discover and cultivate digital leaders.

how to improve the digital talent evaluation mechanism?

——innovate the evaluation mechanism and build a competition system

talent evaluation is the baton for talent development. establishing a talent evaluation system oriented towards innovation, quality, effectiveness and contribution is necessary to guide the orientation of doing things and entrepreneurship with the correct evaluation orientation.

the cultivation plan clearly states that our province will gradually build a professional system for digital economy titles, adding majors such as cybersecurity engineering, industrial internet, intelligent manufacturing, big data, blockchain, integrated circuits, quantum communications and artificial intelligence. it will highlight the main position of digital enterprises in employing people, and grant leading and chain-leading enterprises the right to independently review the titles of talents. it will further connect the career development channels of high-skilled talents and professional and technical talents, and special technicians and chief technicians hired and evaluated by qualified enterprises can directly apply for senior engineers of the corresponding professions.

regarding digital skilled personnel, our province will improve the skilled personnel evaluation system around the new professions, new skills, and new technologies derived from the digital industry, support qualified enterprises to independently set digital skilled job levels based on the skill levels set by the national vocational skill standards in light of their production and operation characteristics and actual needs, independently develop and formulate digital skill evaluation standards and specifications, and independently carry out digital skilled personnel evaluation. in addition, we will explore the single recognition of overseas professional qualifications in the digital economy field and the comparative recognition of digital skills in foreign countries (territories), to provide guarantees for the flow of digital skilled personnel.

the development of digital technology and skills competitions not only provides a platform for technical and skilled personnel to learn, exchange skills, and show their talents, but also attracts and drives the whole society to learn digital technology, improve digital skills, and engage in digital careers. our province will build a digital technology and skills competition system, support departments at all levels, industry associations, leading enterprises, and vocational (technician) schools to hold various digital technology and skills competitions, and establish an award system.

at the same time, a digital economy track will be set up in the provincial postdoctoral innovation and entrepreneurship competition, and the winning projects will be awarded up to 100,000 yuan. highly skilled talents who have won provincial-level skill honors and above, and contestants who have won awards in world-class and national-level skill competitions, can be recruited through direct inspection to teach in corresponding positions in vocational colleges.

how to optimize the digital talent development ecosystem?

——build a high-quality platform and improve the incentive mechanism

a good environment will attract talents and promote the development of careers. the "cultivation plan" clearly states that our province will continue to work hard to optimize the digital talent development ecosystem.

a phoenix will surely appear when the tree is high. high-quality platforms are important carriers for gathering talents. the cultivation plan proposes that our province will accelerate the construction of digital talent carrier platforms. we will work with well-known domestic high-tech enterprises in the digital field, and domestic high-quality training institutions and colleges to build a "digital talent training base" in the yangtze river delta region, develop a number of standards and specifications, cultivate a number of digital talents, and organize a number of skill competitions to achieve full coverage of skill talent training in various digital fields. we encourage leading enterprises in the industry to expand and strengthen their main businesses and extend the industrial chain, and create a maker space that integrates incubators and accelerators.

incentive mechanisms are crucial to the growth and development of talents. a good incentive mechanism can fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of talents and build a good innovation ecosystem. the "cultivation program" clearly states that it is necessary to improve the incentive and guarantee mechanism for digital technology talents. we must firmly grasp the development opportunities of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and increase support for the transformation of digital economic achievements.

at the same time, we will improve income distribution policies oriented towards enhancing the value of digital knowledge, actively promote public institutions in the digital economy to implement incentive policies for high-level talent salary distribution, implement cash reward policies for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of scientific researchers, and provide salary distribution guidelines for digital economy practitioners, and guide enterprises to establish and improve corporate salary distribution systems that are in line with the characteristics of digital economy talents.

to optimize the talent development environment, talent services are the key. our province will optimize the digital talent service environment. we will strengthen digital human resource service support, build a platform for connecting the digital economy and human resource service supply and demand, cultivate and develop a number of digital human resource service companies, and provide basic public services of personnel files for the mobility, job hunting and employment of digital talents.

for high-level digital talents, our province will also include them in the scope of talent service guarantee, and gradually optimize and improve the service guarantee measures. in various national and provincial selection and commendation projects, we will increase the support for digital talents and create a good environment for the growth and development of digital talents.

reporter ban hui
