
forum activities | chongqing builds a "5g beidou" precision navigation benchmark so that drivers don't get lost in the jiefangbei underground ring road


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in recent years, as the scale of tunnel construction in my country continues to expand, the length and complexity of tunnels have increased, and the pain point of satellite navigation systems being unable to provide accurate positioning and navigation services in tunnels has become increasingly prominent, making navigation in tunnel scenarios more challenging. how to solve this problem?
on september 3, the special forum and corporate ecological activity of the international aerospace information industry ecological conference - "5g+beidou integrated application special forum" released the country's first "5g+beidou" underground ring road precision navigation project - chongqing jiefangbei underground ring road precision navigation project, and provided a solution.
▲on september 3, the 5g+ beidou integrated application forum was held at chongqing yuelai international convention center. photo by reporter zhang jinhui/visual chongqing
it is reported that the jiefangbei underground ring road is the first ring road project in china built underground in a prosperous central city with functions of passage, parking and civil air defense. it consists of "one ring, seven links and n connections", with a total length of 7.5 kilometers, connecting 28 underground garages with about 23,000 parking spaces, and the underground height difference is 5 meters to 60 meters. the complexity and diversity of the tunnel structure have brought many problems to navigation, such as no position signal, discontinuous signal and non-stratified positioning.
in 2017, part of the jiefangbei underground ring road was opened to traffic. for a period of time thereafter, because the navigation system failed inside, drivers who drove into the ring road could only rely on memory or road signs to find the way. if you were not paying attention, you might go the wrong way. once you missed the intersection, it would take about 40 minutes to go back.
in response to this situation, china mobile chongqing company (hereinafter referred to as chongqing mobile), together with china mobile shanghai industrial research institute and other units, developed the "5g+beidou" precision navigation system in 2021, which was first applied in the jiefangbei underground ring road, filling the technical gap of domestic underground ring roads (tunnels) without satellite navigation. the system deploys 5g base stations and indoor simulated satellites on site to deeply integrate 5g and beidou satellite navigation systems and complement each other's advantages. as a result, the continuous and stable navigation signal is ensured, and accurate identification and positioning inside and outside the tunnel, on the ground and underground are achieved. navigation stops and starts in seconds, and is accurately layered. drivers can enjoy lane-level navigation services through general navigation terminals such as mobile phones and in-vehicle navigation.
in 2023, chongqing mobile once again joined hands with china mobile shanghai industrial research institute, chongqing yuzhong urban construction investment co., ltd., nanjing northern satellite navigation testing and certification center co., ltd. and other units to conduct a pilot verification in the jiefangbei underground ring road, and promoted the application of the "5g+beidou" precision navigation service to the entire ring road, achieving full coverage of positioning signals in the first, second and third phases of the jiefangbei underground ring road. thanks to this, the problems of navigation failure and traffic congestion in the ring road have been effectively solved, and the daily vehicle traffic has increased from 2,000 to 12,000.
"the jiefangbei underground ring road precise navigation service project is a benchmark project for precise navigation jointly built by multiple parties. based on the benchmark of having achieved precise navigation of the entire ring road, in the next step, we also plan to cooperate with relevant government departments and units to apply the "5g+beidou" precise navigation service to the underground garage connected to the ring road, and realize integrated precise navigation of the entire jiefangbei area above and below the ground, indoors and outdoors." a relevant person in charge of chongqing mobile introduced.
in the future, chongqing mobile will also explore the application of the "5g+beidou" precision navigation system in many fields such as smart public transportation, waterway inspection, bridge and tunnel monitoring, to help solve the pain points in related fields.
according to the guests who attended the forum, the "5g+beidou" technology solution is currently empowering thousands of industries in my country. for example, there are application cases of "5g+beidou" in the fields of autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance, low-altitude intelligent network construction, emergency command, etc.
at the forum that day, china mobile also released the "indoor 5g+beidou tunnel scenario application white paper". the "white paper" deeply studies the challenges and solutions of tunnel scene navigation, explores how indoor beidou can overcome the problem of signal loss in tunnel environments, and the development trend of indoor beidou navigation systems.
▲on september 3, at chongqing yuelai international conference center, china mobile held a white paper release ceremony for the 5g+beidou chongqing jiefangbei underground ring road precision navigation and tunnel scenario application. photo by reporter zhang jinhui