
special evaluation previews navigation and positioning safety: the safety guarantee of smart travel


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the security of vehicle network navigation and positioning information is an important issue in the development of intelligent connected vehicles, especially in the security of global navigation satellite system (gnss) signals. forgery and interference attacks on gnss signals can seriously threaten the navigation accuracy and driving safety of vehicles.

in an actual case, qingdao investigated the first spoofed gps jamming incident in the country. the attacker sent spoofed signals, causing the base station to lose synchronization and the service to go offline, seriously affecting the use of online car-hailing drivers and passengers. in addition, xuanyuan laboratory conducted gnss spoofing tests on multiple models and found that the navigation systems of most vehicles have no direct protection against gnss signal spoofing, which shows that smart connected cars have great risks in gnss protection.

attack methods and principles

gnss attacks can be divided into two main types: signal spoofing and signal jamming.

1. signal forgery is when an attacker generates a fake satellite signal based on an arbitrary location. the attacker can use tools such as hackrf to combine ephemeris data and target location to generate a fake signal that meets gps standards and then carry out a spoofing attack.

2. signal interference is when an attacker uses radio frequency equipment to adjust to the corresponding frequency band and continuously sends radio frequency signals to interfere with the normal function of the gps receiver.

detection and defense methods

in order to deal with the forgery and interference of gnss signals, researchers have proposed a variety of detection methods, including the application of deep learning schemes in deception detection. for example, by training the model to use the characteristics of the cross ambiguity function (caf) to provide probabilistic classification, it is possible to detect whether there is a forged or jammed signal. in addition, forged or jammed signals can be identified by monitoring signal strength, iteration time, multi-channel verification, doppler frequency shift and other methods.

evaluation procedures

in order to better protect the user's travel and vehicle safety, the ivista internet intelligence and privacy security special evaluation procedure (2023 edition) tests and evaluates the vehicle's navigation and positioning security through the following two dimensions:

1. gnss signal forgery test

2. gnss signal interference test

through the above attack tests, we can find the security risks of existing models and test whether the vehicle can resist specific attacks under normal driving conditions. the specific evaluation method is shown as follows:

with the rapid development of intelligent connected vehicle technology, the security of navigation and positioning has become increasingly prominent. vehicle manufacturers and related technology providers need to strengthen research on navigation and positioning information security and develop effective detection and defense measures to ensure the accuracy of vehicle navigation systems and driving safety. ivista's special evaluation of connected intelligence and privacy security will continue to focus on consumer needs, meet consumers' expectations for automobile travel safety, shoulder social responsibilities, and escort consumers' safe travel.