
From pressure to strength, the effect of intervention training for soldiers stationed on the island


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PSET and cortisol are psychological and physiological indicators of stress, respectively, reflecting different aspects of the body's stress response. The simultaneous use of psychological and physiological indicators of stress can more comprehensively evaluate the degree and impact of stress response.
PSET, as a psychological indicator of stress, mainly reflects the impact of external events or situations on individual psychology. This impact is usually accompanied by changes in emotions, cognition, and behavior. For example, when facing work pressure, difficulties or dangers, individuals feel anxiety, tension, fear, etc.
When facing combat readiness training tasks, the psychological pressure of soldiers stationed on the island increased significantly, and emotions such as tension and anxiety increased. High stress can further lead to sleep disorders and insomnia. However, the psychological stress index of soldiers in the intervention group decreased significantly after receiving psychological training. The PSET scale mainly reflects the degree of psychological stress through individuals' evaluation of their own mental state, emotions, sleep conditions, thinking, etc. In the study, the angle targeted by the psychological training program was basically consistent with the evaluation angle of the PSET scale. The two groups of soldiers showed relatively obvious and lasting differences, which verified the effectiveness of the intervention training and the durability of the effect.
Cortisol is an objective reflection of physiological stress, which usually refers to the body's response to external stimuli, such as the body's fight or flight response when facing danger or challenges, and is mainly manifested in physiological changes in the body, such as increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and increased blood sugar. When the body has a stress response, the HPA axis is activated, and the hypothalamus releases adrenocorticotropic hormone-releasing hormone to act on the anterior pituitary gland, causing the pituitary's adrenocorticotropic hormone to be released into the blood and act on the adrenal cortex, thereby increasing the cortisol content in the body.
The physiological stress of the two groups of soldiers in the study increased to varying degrees under the background of strong stress, but the stress level of the soldiers in the intervention group was significantly lower than that of the soldiers in the control group. After leaving the strong stress environment, the physiological stress levels of the two groups of soldiers returned to the pre-stimulation level, indicating that intervention training can effectively alleviate the physiological stress of soldiers stationed on the island under the background of strong military stress.(Jin He Jiao Ziyuan intern Wang Xinhe)
Source: "A Survey on the Psychological Training Intentions of Soldiers Stationed on Island Troops and a Study on the Effects of Stress Intervention" by Xu Ying