
Nearly 1.4 trillion yuan to support real estate whitelist projects


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On the 21st, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-quality Development". The State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau released the latest statistics. At present, commercial banks have approved 5,392 real estate "white list" projects, with a financing amount of nearly 1.4 trillion yuan, which has played a positive role in promoting the completion and delivery of projects, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of buyers, and stabilizing the real estate market.
New loans issued by commercial banks in the first seven months
Personal housing loans 3.1 trillion
In January this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Financial Regulatory Bureau jointly issued a document to guide local governments to establish an urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. The urban coordination mechanism is based on cities and projects. In June, with the approval of the State Council, the Financial Regulatory Bureau and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a notice proposing a number of optimization measures to improve the efficiency and quality of the push of "white list" projects, so as to further play the role of the urban financing coordination mechanism, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects, and effectively support the work of ensuring the delivery of houses.
Liao Yuanyuan, director of the Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, introduced that with the efforts of all parties, the city coordination mechanism has accurately supported the financing of real estate projects and achieved phased results. At present, commercial banks have approved 5,392 "white list" projects, and the approved financing amount is nearly 1.4 trillion yuan. Driven by the city coordination mechanism, "white list" projects that meet the requirements have received financial support in a timely manner, which has played a positive role in promoting the completion and delivery of projects, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers, and stabilizing the real estate market.
So far, the balance of real estate development loans has increased by more than 400 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, the balance of operating property loans has increased by 19% year-on-year, and the balance of mergers and acquisitions loans has increased by 21% year-on-year. From January to July this year, commercial banks issued 3.1 trillion yuan in new personal housing loans, effectively supporting residents' rigid and improved housing needs.
Liao Yuanyuan said that at present, in order to ensure the delivery of houses, the coordination mechanisms of various cities are fully understanding the information of real estate projects under construction that have been sold but not delivered. For projects that need to obtain financing support through the "white list" but have not yet met the "white list" conditions and standards, the city coordination mechanism urges banks to put forward targeted opinions and suggestions, real estate companies to take measures to repair problematic projects as soon as possible, and city governments to strengthen coordination and promote the inclusion of projects that meet the "white list" conditions and standards.
Banks and insurance institutions
There is plenty of ammunition to resist risks
Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, said at the press conference that my country's banking industry is currently stable and improving, risks are controllable, and major operating indicators and regulatory indicators are in a healthy and reasonable range.
At the end of July, the total assets of my country's banking financial institutions were 423.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7%; the total assets of the insurance industry were 33.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.7% from the beginning of the year. Asset quality remained stable, and the non-performing loan ratio was stable and declining. Credit risk was generally controllable. At the end of July, the non-performing loan ratio of the banking industry was 1.61%, 0.08 percentage points lower than the same period last year. Efforts to dispose of non-performing assets have also been further strengthened. In the first half of this year, banks disposed of 1.4 trillion yuan of non-performing assets. Risk compensation has been stable and increased. At the end of July, the bank loan provision coverage ratio was 216.7%, and loan loss provisions were more than twice the non-performing loans.
At the same time, at the end of the first half of the year, the capital adequacy ratio of banks was 15.53%, and the comprehensive solvency and core solvency adequacy ratios of insurance companies were 195.5% and 132.4% respectively. Banks and insurance institutions have sufficient "ammunition" to resist risks. Liquidity is stable and improving. The two main liquidity indicators of banks, liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio, are in line with regulatory requirements.
Liao Yuanyuan introduced that in recent years, commercial banks have also used various methods to tap internal potential, reduce costs and increase efficiency. At present, the profitability of Chinese commercial banks is still in a reasonable range. In the first half of this year, the net profit of banks increased by 0.4% year-on-year, still achieving positive growth in net profit. During the same period, the bank's asset profit rate and capital profit rate also remained basically stable.
Strengthen supervision of major shareholders’ behavior
Focus on serving small and micro enterprises
Small and medium-sized banks and insurance institutions are an important part of my country's financial system. Xiao Yuanqi introduced that as of the end of June, there were 3,830 small and medium-sized banks (including urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives, and village banks) in the country, with assets of 11.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 28% of the total assets of the entire banking industry; the loan balance was 6.2 trillion yuan, and nearly 80% was invested in small and micro enterprises and the "three rural" areas. There are 163 small and medium-sized insurance companies with total assets of 9.7 trillion yuan, accounting for 30% of the total assets of the insurance industry.
From a national perspective, small and medium-sized financial institutions are generally operating steadily, and their operating and regulatory indicators are also in a healthy and reasonable range. For example, the capital adequacy ratio of small and medium-sized banks is 13%, and the provision coverage ratio is 155%; the solvency of insurance companies, both comprehensive solvency and core solvency, are also above the regulatory ratio.
Regarding the reform and risk reduction of small and medium-sized financial institutions, Xiao Yuanqi said that my country's small and medium-sized financial institutions are distributed in various places across the country, and we must adhere to the principle of one policy for each province, one policy for each bank, and one policy for each company, and focus on corporate governance and strengthen behavioral supervision. Focus on strengthening supervision of the behavior of major shareholders to prevent major shareholders from manipulating and overriding small and medium-sized financial institutions.
Xiao Yuanqi said that small and medium-sized financial institutions should find their own market positioning. The general principle is to take the path of differentiated and characteristic development. They should focus on their main responsibilities and businesses, and not blindly pursue large and complete businesses. They should not blindly pursue too fast speed, too large scale, and too complex businesses. They should focus on serving small and micro enterprises, serving the "three rural areas", serving rural revitalization, serving communities, and serving local areas. In addition, the regional financial layout should be optimized based on factors such as the scale of regional economic development, the total amount of finance and development trends, and changes in financial demand.