
The 2024 Pharmaceutical Industry Comprehensive Competitiveness Top 100 List was released, with Hengrui Medicine ranking first


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Recently, Zhongkang Industry Research Institute released the 2024 Pharmaceutical Industry Comprehensive Competitiveness Index, and generated the "2024 Pharmaceutical Industry Comprehensive Competitiveness Top 100 List" based on the index, with Hengrui Medicine ranking first.

The Pharmaceutical Industry Comprehensive Competitiveness Index is a comprehensive index developed by Zhongkang Industry Research Institute based on a scientific quantitative model. It comprehensively measures the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises from three dimensions: market/valuation, commercialization capability, and R&D capability. It reflects the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in an objective, comprehensive, and multi-dimensional manner.

It is worth noting that Hengrui Medicine has won wide attention and recognition at home and abroad this year with its strong R&D and innovation capabilities and stable market operation capabilities. At the same time, Hengrui Medicine has obtained approval for clinical trials of several innovative drugs in the fields of tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc. in recent days, and the progress and results of R&D and innovation are constantly emerging.

Repeatedly recognized by domestic and foreign authorities

Since the beginning of this year, Hengrui Medicine has repeatedly achieved outstanding results in many authoritative rankings at home and abroad - it has been on the TOP50 list of global pharmaceutical companies released by the US "Pharmaceutical Executive" magazine (PharmExec) for six consecutive years; it has been included in the "TOP25 Global Pharmaceutical Companies Pipeline Size" selected by the internationally renowned consulting firm Citeline for three consecutive years, and this year's ranking jumped to 8th, setting a new high in the ranking of Chinese pharmaceutical companies; it once again topped the list of "Top 100 Chinese Chemical Pharmaceutical Companies" and "Top Ten Chinese BigPharma Innovation" of the MISH Association; it has topped the "China Pharmaceutical R&D Comprehensive Strength Ranking" of the China Pharmaceutical R&D and Innovation Summit for 7 consecutive years; in the "2023 Hurun Global 500" released by the Hurun Research Institute in February, the company's ranking rose to 366th.

The reason why it continues to gain authoritative recognition is due to the scientific and technological innovation and international development strategy that Hengrui Medicine has firmly implemented over the years. In recent years, the company has invested nearly 40 billion yuan in research and development, established 14 research and development centers in Lianyungang, Shanghai, the United States and Europe, with a global research and development team of more than 5,000 people, and independently established a number of internationally leading technology platforms. Relying on a powerful R&D engine, the company has been approved for marketing of 16 innovative drugs and 4 Class 2 new drugs in China, and more than 90 independent innovative products are under clinical development, and nearly 300 clinical trials are being conducted at home and abroad. In addition to deepening its traditional advantages in the field of oncology, the company is also actively opening up new tracks, and has made extensive layouts in many fields such as metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, respiratory diseases, nervous system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, blood diseases, pain management, ophthalmology, etc., and innovative products in the field of oncology and chronic diseases continue to emerge.

Multiple innovative drug clinical trials approved

After combing through public information, it was found that over the past month, Hengrui Medicine has obtained approval for clinical trials of multiple innovative drugs, including HRS-6209, HRS-1358, HRS-8080, SHR-1819, Fulanixizumab (SHR-1314), SHR-2106 and other innovative products in the clinical stage, as well as the already-launched innovative products Darsilil Isethionate Tablets and Hetrombopag Tablets, covering multiple disease areas such as breast cancer, chronic liver disease with thrombocytopenia, psoriasis, and prurigo nodularis.

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. According to the 2024 Global Cancer Epidemiology Report, the incidence and mortality of breast cancer both rank first among female malignant tumors. The number of new cases of breast cancer and 670,000 deaths are about 2.31 million per year worldwide, ranking first in the incidence and mortality of female malignant tumors. According to recent disclosures, Hengrui's independently developed innovative drugs for the treatment of breast cancer have been approved for clinical trials, such as HRS-6209 combined with HRS-1358 or HRS-8080 or aromatase inhibitors or fulvestrant for the treatment of breast cancer, and the company's new highly selective CDK4/6 inhibitor Darsilil Isethionate Tablets combined with HRS-1358 Tablets have also been approved for clinical trials for breast cancer.

Chronic liver diseases (CLD) with thrombocytopenia is a common complication of liver disease, involving various types of liver diseases, including but not limited to chronic viral hepatitis, drug-induced hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, autoimmune liver disease, metabolic liver disease, cryptogenic liver disease and liver tumors. Recently, Hengrui Medicine's Class 1 new drug Hetrombopag Ethanolamine Tablets was approved for clinical trials in adult patients with chronic liver disease and thrombocytopenia who planned to undergo invasive procedures or surgeries. Based on the efficacy and good safety of Hetrombopag in other thrombocytopenia diseases, Hengrui Medicine plans to conduct efficacy and safety studies in patients with CLD-related thrombocytopenia to reduce the risk of bleeding and improve the quality of life of patients.

Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease that often affects the scalp, knees, elbows, hands, and feet. Recently, Hengrui Medicine's independently developed Fulancizumab Injection (SHR-1314) was approved for clinical trials for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years who are suitable for systemic treatment or phototherapy. Fulancizumab (SHR-1314) is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting human IL-17A independently developed by Hengrui Medicine. It is intended to treat autoimmune diseases related to the IL-17 pathway. It can bind to IL-17A and block its interaction with IL-17R, leading to the blockade of downstream inflammatory signaling. Based on the efficacy and safety of Fulancizumab in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults, Hengrui Medicine plans to conduct efficacy and safety studies in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Prugosis nodularis (PN) is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by paroxysmal severe itching and multiple nodular lesions. The main clinical symptoms are severe, recurrent itching, accompanied by uncontrollable scratching, which leads to excessive keratinization of the skin to form dome-shaped nodules. Recently, the SHR-1819 injection independently developed by Hengrui Medicine was approved for clinical trials for patients with prurigo nodularis. SHR-1819 injection is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody targeting human IL-4Rα independently developed by Hengrui Medicine. It can simultaneously block the signal transduction of IL-4 and IL-13 and is intended to treat type 2 inflammatory-related diseases. Currently, there is only one drug with the same target approved for marketing in the world.

On August 15, Hengrui Medicine disclosed that its innovative drug SHR-2106 was approved for clinical use for the treatment of active primary Sjögren's syndrome. It is understood that primary Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocyte proliferation and progressive exocrine gland damage, with a prevalence of about 0.3% to 0.7%, and is more common in middle-aged and elderly women. In addition, patients with Sjögren's syndrome have an increased risk of developing lymphoma. Currently, no drugs have been approved for the indication of Sjögren's syndrome, the efficacy of traditional therapies is unclear, and there are many side effects. The disease has a large unmet clinical need. SHR-2106 is a Class I new drug independently developed by Hengrui, and its indication for preventing immune rejection after organ transplantation has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for clinical use.

Being shortlisted for the industry's authoritative list many times and making continuous progress in research and development are high recognitions of Hengrui Medicine's innovation capabilities and achievements by the industry and institutions. In the future, Hengrui Medicine will continue to adhere to its mission of "technology-based, creating a healthy life for mankind" and its vision of "focusing on innovation and building a multinational pharmaceutical group", striving to develop more and better new drugs, serve a healthy China, and benefit patients around the world.