
Young people in Taizhou flock to take drone pilot license exams


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Source: China Taizhou Network-Taizhou Evening News

Outdoor drone flight practice ▶ Drone obstacle course training

Since the beginning of this year, the popularity of low-altitude economy has continued to rise. Drones deliver express, spray pesticides, and deliver large yellow croakers to Dachen Island... In recent years, the form of Taizhou's low-altitude economy has appeared in our field of vision more and more frequently.

As all sectors of society pay more and more attention to the low-altitude economy, Taizhou's drone industry has begun to flourish, and this generation of young people has begun to apply for drone pilot licenses in large numbers.


The rise of the drone training industry

Most of the students are born after 2000

The 13-year-old Jinzi is about to enter the second year of junior high school. Since the past two years, he has maintained a habit: he always squeezes out time to fly a drone, take photos and videos after studying.

"I like taking photos, and I also like using drones to take photos. The view from high altitude is wider, and you can see different views from different angles." Jin Zi also said that when he is at home, he will take photos of the countryside, and when he goes out, he can take photos of buildings and landscapes. Drone operation brings him a different experience. "After learning the drone course, I also participated in the competition, and the overall results are quite satisfactory. Now I am learning theoretical knowledge, and I will continue to study in depth in the future."

The low-altitude economy is developing rapidly in Taizhou, and has also spread to people of all ages. Qiao Yichen, a fifth-grade student, told reporters that his "first experience" with a drone was in a school club class two years ago.

"The school has a drone course every week, and operating a drone gives me a different experience." Qiao Yichen said that operating a drone tests the flexibility of the hands, overall reaction ability and other abilities. One must concentrate during the process and not be distracted, which is the same as cultural learning.

On the afternoon of August 19, the reporter came to a drone training base in Wenling, where the instructor was giving students a drone-related theoretical course. After the theoretical study, the students carried out indoor drone obstacle crossing training and outdoor flight training according to the course schedule.

Zhang Ruisheng, head of the industry department of Zhejiang Hangfang Education Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that since the off-campus training courses were launched, the students recruited are basically drone enthusiasts born after 2000. In addition, some people in society who need to use drones in their work will also come to learn drone operating skills.


Young people are keen to get a driver's license

The overall demand for certification is not small

Lin Zhengyi, who just passed the visual range pilot license test in July, operated the DJI M300 drone under the scorching sun, operating it non-stop and following the drone's flight trajectory with his eyes.

"I am 16 years old this year, which meets the age requirement, so I signed up for the exam." Lin Zhengyi said that he has had a deep interest in aviation and aerospace since he was a child. After being exposed to drones in school clubs, he found a carrier to carry his interest. "It's easy to get started with drones. After being exposed to them, I signed up for theoretical courses and learned drone operation and other courses."

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, Lin Zhengyi signed up and successfully passed the pilot license exam. For him, this is a staged success and a new starting point. "When I was learning, I felt it was difficult, but after I learned it, I looked back and felt it was quite simple. Pilot is just a starting point, and I will take the captain license exam later."

Zhang Ruisheng introduced that the company currently provides two types of drone flight licenses: within visual range (pilot license) and beyond visual range (captain license). The examination fees are based on a unified standard. The training fee for a pilot license is 8,800 yuan, and the training duration is 15 days. The fee for a captain license is 12,800 yuan, and the training duration is 20 days. The two levels are different.

Zhang Ruisheng told reporters that since the launch of drone training business last year, more than 50 people have participated in the training and obtained the corresponding licenses. Drone training is divided into theoretical and practical courses. The theoretical courses are conducted indoors. The practical flight courses are all outdoors to ensure the flight training time of students.

"Since the launch of the drone certification service last year, students have generally been enthusiastic about applying." Zhu Ying, chairman of Zhejiang Hangfang Education Technology Co., Ltd., said that Taizhou's low-altitude economy is developing rapidly, and the drone education and training industry is also developing rapidly. The overall market is still in the cultivation stage, and the potential demand for education, training and certification is huge.

Taizhou Fangsheng Trading Co., Ltd. mainly sells digital cameras and drones of multiple brands. According to Qiu Xiaogen, the company's head, the company provides customers with UTC (civil aircraft system operator certificate) and easy-fly training services, mainly relying on the DJI platform to provide certification channels for customers in need. Since the business started, more than ten UTC training courses have been held.


The industry has promising prospects

A license may be a stepping stone to enter the industry

As a new industry, more and more people are flocking to the drone training market, hoping to get a piece of the pie.

The reporter searched the keyword "Taizhou drone training" on various social platforms and found many advertisements for drone flight license training.

At present, there are many types of certificates related to drones, and the issuing authorities include the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the Civil Aviation Pilots Association of China, DJI Huifei, the Chinese Aviation Sports Association of the General Administration of Sport of China, etc.

Among them, the most valuable drone certificate is the CAAC (Civil Unmanned Aircraft Operator License) issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, which is divided into three types: pilot, captain, and instructor. AOPA, ALPA, and UOM are all certificates of qualification, which can be used for recreational flights in some cities, or can be issued when drone flight certificates are required in some specific circumstances.

It is understood that drone companies usually require candidates to hold a captain-level license when recruiting, and some units in the province will also explicitly require candidates to hold a CAAC captain license when recruiting special talents.

"A large number of students are here for diversified employment considerations." Zhang Ruisheng told reporters that since the opening of drone certification training business last year, most of the young students they recruited have applied for the captain license. Because the certification has a wider coverage, it has attracted young and middle-aged people.

"Most of the people who take the certificate exam are customers who have bought drones from us. They take the exam mainly for fun, while some also take the exam for work. Most of the applicants are middle-aged men." Qiu Xiaogen introduced that the fee for the certificate is lower than that for the license. UTC charges 2,800 yuan, while Easy Flight charges only 599 yuan.

Qiu Xiaogen said that judging from the situation in recent years, Taizhou is in a leading position in Zhejiang Province in terms of the activation rate of DJI brand drones, and the market is highly active.

"The development prospects of the low-altitude economy are promising." Taizhou industry insiders said that in the future, there will be more and more new application scenarios for drones, and the operating environment will become more and more complex. High-level drone pilots will become the hot commodity in the industry.

On May 20, our city issued the "Implementation Plan for the High-Quality Development of Taizhou's Low-Altitude Economy (2024-2028)".

According to the plan, by 2026, the scale of Taizhou's low-altitude economic industry will exceed 15 billion yuan; by 2028, the city will attract 10 landmark projects, the scale of the low-altitude economic industry will exceed 30 billion yuan, and the competitiveness of the leading industries will be further enhanced.

In the next five years, Taizhou will use Taizhou Bay New Area as an engine, coordinate with local regions with development bases, focus on drones, general aviation and commercial satellites, carry out all-round innovation, full-chain cultivation and full-process services, cultivate low-altitude manufacturing industry clusters (bases), and build a national leading low-altitude industry innovation source, a national advanced drone industry highland, and a low-altitude economic service demonstration zone integrating land and sea in the Yangtze River Delta.

Reporter Chen Jiajie, intern Lu Jiayi text/photo