
Planting the seeds of smart education in border schools - Visiting the "Love in the Border, Lighting up the Country" project schools


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At the China-Myanmar border, the Lancang River meets the steep and magnificent Hengduan Mountains, and roars down all the way. When the rushing torrent reaches a canyon with steep peaks, it has a resounding name - Nuozadu. What kind of education do the children here receive? In midsummer, the reporter went to the Central Primary School of Nuozadu Town, Lancang County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province to find out.
As the bus stopped at the school gate, the reporter was greeted by a steep slope of nearly 45 degrees. After walking up the slope for 5 minutes, a small but brand new playground appeared in front of the reporter.
"There are too many students and not enough sports venues, so we borrowed a piece of land from the village for the children to exercise." Following He Zhengmei, the principal of Nuozhadu Town Central Primary School, the reporters went out of the school's back door and walked along a narrow path, where they saw children playing with spinning tops on the open space.
However, in this school, there is a special classroom: movable tables that can be arranged at will, a smart large screen, a reading area composed of bookcases, stools, cushions, etc.... When you are in it, it is hard to imagine that this is a frontier school.
This classroom is called the Dream Center. In April this year, with the support of the "Love in the Border, Lighting up the Country" project, the Nuozadu Town Central Primary School built this special classroom.
The "Love in the Border·Light Up the National Gate" project is a public welfare project jointly initiated by the Shanghai True Love Dream Public Welfare Foundation and China Education Daily in early 2022. It supports the development of border education with the "1 (a national brand enterprise) + 1 (a leading city school) + 5 (a national gate school for the 'Love in the Border·Light Up the National Gate' project + 3-5 dream center radiating schools in surrounding counties) + X (dream education + ecological partner content)" model.
"As of the end of 2023, the project team has completed the construction of Dream Centers in 17 border schools in 20 border counties and districts in four provinces. The latest one to be built is the Dream Center of Kangma Town Central Primary School in Kangma County, Shigatse City, Tibet, which was completed on May 28 this year," said Su Yanhui, Secretary-General of Shanghai True Love Dream Charity Foundation.
At the Dream Center of Nuozhadu Town Central Primary School, the smart screens and cameras installed in the classrooms attracted the attention of reporters. It is reported that the cameras installed in the classrooms can not only record classes in real time, but also have face tracking functions, which can accurately capture the facial expressions of each student.
"With the big screen, rich audio and video teaching resources enrich the classroom." Luo Guihua, a teacher at Nuozhadu Town Central Primary School, said, "The children don't know much about the outside world. Now they can see all parts of the motherland and even the world through the big screen."
Smart devices not only broaden children's horizons, but also open a window of learning for teachers.
"The installation of live recording equipment has greatly improved the utilization rate of space, making this classroom not only a place to help children build and pursue their dreams, but also providing great convenience for cross-regional teaching and research exchanges for teachers in border areas." said Liu Qian, head of the Family Education Research Master Studio of the Lancang County Education and Sports Bureau.
It is understood that many national schools and paired schools have carried out online teaching and research activities using smart devices. From May 29 to 30, Shanghai Luochuan School and Deqin County No. 2 Primary School in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, carried out online teaching and research activities, focusing on in-depth discussions and exchanges on the two major subjects of Chinese and mathematics; on April 23, Beijing Haidian District Yuquan Primary School and Inner Mongolia Urad Rear Banner No. 2 Complete Primary School carried out online teaching and research activities on Chinese...
How to put good equipment to good use? The school takes young teachers as the main force, and encourages old teachers to learn new technologies, download resources, and prepare lessons electronically. "When I show videos and pictures in class, I see the children's sparkling eyes, and I feel that I must learn!" said Tan Jinmei, a teacher at Nuozhadu Town Central Primary School.
"We connect each project school to an excellent city school and organize remote training and local teacher training through smart devices. These national border schools will radiate to surrounding schools, thus continuously expanding the scope of influence." said Shao Zihan, a staff member of the "Love in the Border, Lighting up the National Border" project. (Reporter Liang Yujuan)