
The bloggers you follow who left the big company may be "fake"


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The most crowded self-media track in 2024 may be large companiesResigned blogger

In the first half of this year, a post on Xiaohongshu titled "I will quit if I get 100 likes" went viral. The poster complained about his three-hour commute to work and the three-hour useless meetings, which made him want to quit.

Netizens were eager to see the excitement, so the post gained popularity. The poster eventually quit his job, and the post received nearly 300,000 likes, 28,000 comments, and 3,000 favorites.

Since then, a new trend has emerged on Xiaohongshu - bloggers who quit their jobs. The topic "I quit my job" has been viewed by over 450 million people.

△Xiaohongshu topic #我退职了 has been viewed 450 million times

More and more people are flocking here. A big company ID card with various texts such as "985 bachelor's and master's degree, annual salary of 400,000, I quit without a plan", "XX last day, tell everything I know", "Resignation confession: I am disenchanted by big companies", etc. can attract huge traffic.

However, when the number of resigned bloggers is "mass-produced", are these so-called resigned bloggers really resigned bloggers?

A career that begins with leaving a job

A resigned blogger is a career that begins with “resignation”.

Baidu Encyclopedia marks former bloggers as jobs, explaining that "former employees, including those from large Internet companies, choose self-media bloggers as their re-employment positions."

The above-mentioned Internet giants include Alibaba, Tencent, ByteDance, Pinduoduo, Baidu, Meituan, and new energy companies "NIO, Xiaopeng and Li Auto".

A close look at these former bloggers reveals that they all have a fixed content paradigm:

The first step is to announce your resignation from the big company, shouting "I don't want to make it anymore", and that you will quit if you get a certain number of likes on "I"; the second step is to officially announce your resignation: "My last day at xx" and attach a photo of your work badge and the building; the third step is to make a list of your plans after resigning, stating that "after quitting, I found that life is really a wilderness."

△The fixed paradigm of bloggers leaving the company

But what is the reason for a large number of bloggers leaving major companies?

Internet industry analyst Zhang Shule told Xiaoxiang Morning News' Chili Finance reporter that the number of employees in large Internet companies is huge and the turnover is also very high, so it is not surprising that a large number of bloggers leave.

On the one hand, because many young people still have the myth of big companies in their hearts, they rely on the experiences of bloggers who have resigned from big companies to gain work experience, or "demystify" them. On the other hand, the slogans of the resigned bloggers, such as "I don't want to be curled anymore" and "I want to get rid of the working class feeling", just resonate with everyone's workplace emotions.

As a result, traffic poured in.

"Resigned blogger" has become a business

The title of a big company brings a certain bonus to the account. But later"Resigned bloggers" will soon face transformationTo keep traffic hotOne reality is, what problems can bloggers who resign from big companies solve? Some netizens joked, can they teach people how to resign?

Chili Finance reporter noticed that after this group of "former big factory employees" announced their "resignation" on social platforms and gained traffic, they began to gradually transform and differentiate:

One type began to record their personal growth, share their beautiful life status, and shoot vlogs to promote products; the other type entered more specific fields, such as travel, store exploration, fashion, music, etc., but more bloggers attracted fans by sharing their professional experiences in large companies.

△Image source @Friendly group of bloggers who left big companies

An observer who is a blogger who has left a large company said that the difficulty of getting started in vertical work experience sharing is exactly what bloggers who have just left a large company are good at.

This is also the most advantageous aspect of former employees, who can directly provide "dry goods" in the workplace based on their past work experience. For example, they can share their experience of joining the company, how to write a resume, interview skills, salary negotiation, etc.; how newbies in the workplace can fight monsters and level up, and how to create "workplace survival guides" and "big company survival rules"; or even how to package "resignation speech" and how to maximize compensation.

Of course, these "dry goods" may eventually be extended to selling courses. Obviously, the resigned bloggers have begun to use their experience to monetize, which has become a business on the Internet.

He said he would resign from the big company, but after returning he is still using his old employer to his advantage, trying to take full advantage of the big company.

Profitable track breeds chaos

The popularity of the track for resigned bloggers has attracted more and more former employees of large companies to join in. Precisely because the track is profitable, some chaos is also breeding.

Some of the bloggers who have resigned from large companies that you follow may not have "genuinely" resigned from the companies, but may just be a group of people who have encountered setbacks in the workplace.

An employee of a large company told Chili Financial reporter that he has also noticed the popularity of the resignation track, but some bloggers have embellished their personal profiles and are actually only basic employees, not important management positions. Some even define resignation as the end of the internship period.

There are also some bloggers who have resigned and shouted "I don't want to roll anymore", but in fact they were laid off and they resigned to start their own business to temporarily get through this window period.

In other words, the so-called resignation from a large company may just be a carefully crafted "personality". Not only is it difficult to tell whether the "personality" is true or false, but the "inside story" of the large company that it exposes and the workplace anxiety that it sells are also impossible to verify.

In addition, with a work badge and the words "I quit", the entry threshold is actually not high. Even if you are not an employee of a large company, you can "become" a member of a large company.

An observer of a former blogger mentioned in an interview with the media that the content production of this type of "fake former bloggers" is rather crude. They are only issued a work permit card, no workstation photo, and no front desk photo. Soon after, they begin to "smuggle private goods" in advertisements.

The magic plot presented by creating a persona and beautifying the resume is that a group of "big company people" or basic employees of big companies who are not resigned from big companies are teaching you how to get by in the workplace. In this case, do you still dare to pay for the so-called "dry goods" of big companies by the resigned bloggers?

"The platform should conduct ecological control on false personalities that cannot be self-proven, including reorganizing the certification system and personal profiles." Zhang Shule told the Lajiao Financial reporter that, especially the large number of so-called "masters" of success, business management "masters", and workplace "masters", this kind of ecology will not only create anxiety, but also bring many social risks and some consumer rights protection issues.

Xiaoxiang Morning News Chili Financial Reporter Luo Yaqi Chen Shixian Intern Li Zixin

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