
Hot, hot, hot! Is your air conditioner on wrong? Just keep cool, don't get "air conditioning disease"


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The weather has been hot recently, and meteorological stations in various places have issued orange high temperature warnings. The air is filled with the smell of heat waves, and air conditioners have become an indispensable "necessity" in daily life. Although people often say "air conditioners give us life in summer", air conditioners should be used moderately to avoid "air conditioner disease".


What is the air-condition disease?

Air conditioning disease, also known as air conditioning syndrome, refers to diseases related to air conditioning and caused by air conditioning. The reason for its occurrence is that long-term exposure to air conditioning may affect the body's ability to adapt to temperature changes. At the same time, if the air conditioning system is not cleaned and maintained regularly, it may become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, which can easily cause infection. Due to different personal constitutions and adaptability to the environment, the symptoms vary from person to person, generally manifested as sore limbs, headaches, dizziness, skin allergies and other symptoms.


Air conditioning may "blow" out these diseases

Digestive tract diseases: If the indoor temperature of the air-conditioned room is too low, it can cause constriction of blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and weakened gastrointestinal motility, resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Cardiovascular diseases: The temperature drop caused by improper use of air conditioning may cause human blood vessels to contract in a cold environment, increasing the burden on the heart. Patients with hypertension and heart disease are prone to cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris.

Skin diseases: Being in an air-conditioned environment for a long time and the dry indoor air may cause the skin to lose moisture, leading to dry skin, desquamation and even allergies.

Gynecological diseases: A cold environment with the air conditioner set too low can cause discomfort in women during their menstrual period, such as dysmenorrhea, dark menstrual blood, blood clots, fear of cold, etc.

Locomotor system diseases: People wear less in summer, and the direct cold air from the air conditioner will stimulate the blood vessels on the surface of the body to contract sharply, resulting in poor blood flow, affecting the muscles and joints, and causing waist, back, and joint pain, joint stiffness, muscle soreness, etc.

Dry Eyes: If you stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time, the cold air will cause tears to evaporate too quickly, resulting in a decrease in tears.

Discomfort caused by improper use of air conditioning, such as mild dry skin or headache, may be relieved by adjusting the indoor temperature or humidity and leaving the air-conditioned environment. If you have persistent fever, cough, diarrhea, especially with chest tightness or chest pain, you must pay attention and seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Who is more likely to suffer from air-conditioning disease?

femaleWomen are more sensitive to cold stimulation, and women tend to wear short tops and short skirts in summer. When they are in an air-conditioned environment, women are more likely to experience adverse reactions such as dizziness and headaches, and their menstrual volume and menstrual cycle are affected.

Elderly and childrenThe elderly have weak immune systems and often have multiple chronic diseases; children's immune systems are not yet mature. Both groups cannot effectively eliminate bacteria, viruses, molds, etc.PathogensTheir bodies cannot cope well with the changes in temperature caused by air conditioning, so they are prone to symptoms such as colds and fever.

People who work in air-conditioned environment for a long timeSuch people, such as office workers and drivers, are more likely to suffer from air-conditioning disease. Due to the nature of their work, they are in an overly cold and dry air-conditioned environment for a long time. On the one hand, the cold wind stimulates blood vessel contraction, and on the other hand, the air quality in the closed environment is poor, which increases the risk of air-conditioning disease.


Summer air conditioning disease needs to pay attention to these points

When the weather is hot, not turning on the air conditioner for various reasons can easily lead to health problems such as heat stroke. In fact, as long as the air conditioner is used correctly, the "killing potential" of the air conditioner can be avoided.

Clean the air conditioner regularly. This can reduce dust accumulation and germs, improve indoor air quality, and enhance cooling effects. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the air conditioner before use every year, and clean the filter once a month during use. After cleaning and disinfection, the doors and windows should be opened for about half an hour, and the ventilation function should be used until the remaining disinfectant evaporates before putting it into use.

Reasonably adjust the air conditioning temperature and usage timeIn summer, the air conditioning temperature can be set at 26-28℃, not too low to avoid large temperature differences between indoor and outdoor. At the same time, it is not advisable to stay in the air-conditioned room for too long. If you stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, you should pay attention to keeping warm locally. Women can bring shawls and other items as spare.

Pay attention to ventilation in air-conditioned roomsWhen the air conditioner is on, open the window every 2-3 hours to ensure that the indoor and outdoor air circulate and the indoor air is fresh; go outside for fresh air regularly; newly renovated rooms should be ventilated more frequently.

Avoid direct air conditioning. Do not sit directly under the air conditioner exhaust vent to prevent the body from cooling down too quickly and the skin from drying out. Do not use the air conditioner directly because of sweating. It is best to change wet clothes and wipe off sweat before entering the air-conditioned room.

Strengthen your immunity. Develop good living habits, eat scientifically and regularly, reduce staying up late, and do appropriate physical exercise on a daily basis to enhance the body's immunity.

Shanghai Tianyou Hospital News Center

edit:Yang   Yang

picture      Photo: Photo Network, China National Meteorological Observatory

Review      nuclear:sweat   green

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