
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Implement employment support measures for industries such as smart manufacturing and domestic services


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The State Council Information Office held a regular policy briefing on the afternoon of August 2. Shang Jianhua, Director of the Department of Migrant Workers of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, introduced that the next step will be to focus on four aspects of work in accordance with the requirements of the Five-Year Action Plan for Deeply Implementing the People-oriented New Urbanization Strategy:

First, we will focus on expanding employment channels. We will implement policies such as job retention refunds and special loans for job retention and expansion, implement employment support measures for industries such as smart manufacturing and domestic services, and stabilize and expand the employment capacity of migrant workers. We will improve the labor cooperation mechanism, promote the establishment of regional labor cooperation alliances, hold labor cooperation and labor brand development conferences, and promote the expansion of the scale and quality of migrant workers' outbound employment.

Secondly, we will focus on optimizing employment services. We will improve the public employment service system, launch a national public employment service platform, and promote public employment services at the grassroots level, so that migrant workers can obtain high-quality employment services that are tangible, understandable, and accessible. We will continue to do a good job in caring for migrant workers and other service actions such as "Spring Warmth for Migrant Workers", and make migrant workers the focus of a series of public employment service activities such as 100-day and 10 million recruitments, and focus on providing policies, services, and jobs.

In addition, efforts should be made to strengthen skills training. Actively survey the knowledge and skills foundation, job-seeking intentions and skills improvement needs of migrant workers, and organize employment skills training, job skills improvement training and entrepreneurship training in a classified manner. Strengthen information docking and job matching, carry out enterprise order, targeted and project-based training with employment as the orientation, deeply implement the manufacturing skills foundation project, and promote migrant workers to achieve skilled employment.

In addition, efforts should be made to safeguard the rights and interests of workers. Improve the social security system for migrant workers and other personnel, improve the transfer and continuation policy of social security relations, and expand the social insurance coverage of migrant workers. Implement policies to safeguard the labor rights and interests of workers in new employment forms, steadily and orderly expand the scope of the pilot implementation of occupational injury protection for employees in new employment forms, and effectively safeguard the labor security rights and interests of migrant workers.