
Preview of "Safe Escape from the 21st Century": Abstract, crazy, explosive... new and old-fashioned, mixed reviews


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Recently, the movie "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", directed by Li Yang and starring Zhang Ruoyun and Zhong Chuxi, was pre-screened and will be released on August 2.

As of 14:00 on July 31, the film had been screened for 14 days, and the total box office for previews and pre-sales was 35.768 million.

The Phoenix Cinema Manager Index predicts that the final box office of the film will be 145 million yuan, the screening ratio is expected to be 22.5%, and the overall score is 7 points. The cinema manager believes that the film has received mostly positive reviews from previews, and the film has a tendency to go viral, especially on short video platforms such as Douyin, but some people also say that it is a niche film and may be suitable for literary and artistic movie fans.

The cinema manager Yueying is optimistic about Zhang Ruoyun's ability to drive the box office: "Zhang Ruoyun rarely acts in movies, but he is still very popular with the audience. He should attract many fans and audiences who like him to the theaters." The cinema manager Xu believes that the film is benchmarked against the previous "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" and has a certain upper limit on the box office.

Judging from the first wave of audience feedback, the film’s reputation is currently polarized, with mixed reviews.

As an art film, it is not easy to arouse such a large-scale online discussion. Many viewers turned into "tap water" and commented that "watching this movie is like eating electronic bacteria." Such comments are rare and attracted many new viewers.

Some people also said that they could not get the point of the film. Although it seemed novel, it was not avant-garde or pioneering enough. There was still room for improvement in many aspects such as plot logic and gender stereotypes.


"Cyber ​​mushrooms", "electronic hallucinations", is this movie really that crazy?

What is so novel about this movie that many netizens have hailed as novel?

"Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" tells the story of three teenagers in 1999 who, because of inhaling unknown chemicals in a mysterious oil barrel, gained the ability to travel to their own selves 20 years later with just a sneeze. Faced with a shocking conspiracy to destroy the world, they have nothing but clear stupidity and single-digit combat power, but they go to fight against the villains who intend to destroy the world.

This movie, which combines many elements such as youth, adventure, and science fiction, has made innovations in many aspects such as plot, audio-visual, and editing.

Judging from the comments made by the audience on various platforms, the overall impression of the movie is novel, magical, abstract, and really imaginative. After watching the movie, it seems that the comments of "eating cyber mushrooms" and "eating electronic mushrooms" are endless.

As for the plot, many viewers also praised it, saying that the plot was imaginative, the thinking was unconventional, and the brain was open, and they "didn't know the limit of the director's imagination."

The plot is compact and full of twists and turns, which makes people exclaim that it is wonderful and enjoyable to watch.

In terms of visual effects and musical aesthetics, some viewers believe that they are in line with the overall style of the film, "like a colorful kaleidoscope" and are very well produced.

Some viewers who like the film said: I don’t think this film is crazy, and “Shen Jin” is just “middle school” at most. Although the pace is fast, the plot is logically smooth and the core is very stable. It is a rare good movie.

As more and more positive reviews came out, many viewers came to watch the film out of curiosity. However, as more people watched the film, more different voices appeared, and the differences of opinion became greater and greater.

Some viewers did not approve of the film, saying they were "scammed by climax-style reviews," adding that the story was not strong and the film was not very watchable.

From the perspective of content, the film deviates from the normal logical scope, and its expression focuses too much on self-expression, with form outweighing content.

The humor of the lines cannot offset the vagueness of the theme and the thinness of the characters. Every character in the film is like a "tool man", without a beginning or an end, and the characterization of the protagonist and supporting characters is all a mess.

As for the editing style of the film, some viewers thought that it had a bit of an "Internet generation" feel, more like an hour and a half of "mashup", piecing together some beautiful shots and seemingly meaningful lines. It can be said that it has created a new film genre: mashup.

So after watching it, it was evaluated as "a store in a fake ancient town that specializes in selling snacks and gadgets from the 1990s." It was too fancy and too out of place. I didn't know what it was trying to express, nor did I know what to receive.

In response to the two views, some viewers said that "Safe Escape from the 21st Century" is a very rare "radio wave" movie. If it matches the "brain waves", you can enjoy it and feel very addicted; if it doesn't match, then some viewers will feel very awkward and confused, and even think it is a pile of colorful garbage...

This review can indeed explain both positive and negative reviews. In addition to the quality of the film itself, whether one can "get" the director's point will also affect the public's perception.

In short, the audience has mixed opinions on the novel "crazy feeling" shown in the film. This is a movie that depends on the audience's personal opinion.


Fairytale appearance, profound core, was it the right choice to choose Zhang Ruoyun?

Audiences also have different opinions on the theme of the film.

"Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" has the shadow of a science fiction youth adventure story, and its novel narrative makes some viewers feel that the story is a bit childish and "suitable for high school students."

In the film's promotion, the film has come up with the slogan "Let's become better adults together", which is a condensed version of the film's theme and also the point the director wants to express profoundly.

Many viewers said that although the film is abstract and novel, its core is not childish. Under the appearance of comedy, there is a tragic core, which not only makes people think deeply, but also resonates with the audience.

It was this core that attracted Zhang Ruoyun to take on this script. Li Yang was flattered by Zhang Ruoyun's performance in the film. He said that he never thought he could invite someone of such status to play the leading role. It was Zhang Ruoyun who personally accepted the invitation to this script.

Li Yang said: "Zhang Ruoyun understood my story. There is another person who also likes such eccentric things." He also joked, "He won't want to pursue me."

Because of Zhang Ruoyun, he even changed the name of the protagonist to one that he thought was more beautiful and more explosive.

Regarding Zhang Ruoyun's performance in the film, the audience said that Zhang Ruoyun "mixed the self-righteous childishness and self-righteous maturity very well." It is difficult for a smart person to play a fool, but he grasped that energy well, and the clear stupidity did not look out of place at all.

It is undeniable that Zhang Ruoyun's performance in the film is definitely a huge plus for the film, and the fact that the film currently focuses its main publicity on him is also inseparable from the popularity that Zhang Ruoyun has accumulated over the years.

Looking back at Zhang Ruoyun’s acting career in recent years, fans feel that he has always been an actor with ambition, ideas and talent.

In recent years, "Joy of Life", "Snow Swordsman" and "Dragon Boy" have helped him gain a firm foothold and carve out a unique "male frequency track" that does not emphasize appearance and figure, nor does it rely on CP hype.

Many well-known writers and editors such as Qin Ming, Ma Boyong, Mao Ni, etc., all favor him.

Therefore, many audiences come for Zhang Ruoyun because they trust him and believe that he has his own way of taking on roles, especially after he has had more say in the past two years.

Of course, some fans also said that Zhang Ruoyun has taken on many "unconventional" roles in recent years, like Fan Xian in "Joy of Life", Xu Fengnian in "Snow Sword", Shuai Jiamo in "The Silk Case of Ming Dynasty Under the Microscope", and even Lei Ming in "The Young Dragon". They are unrestrained and unruly, and many characters are a little "middle school", or even "lonely, misunderstood madman."

This route can be said to be a mixed blessing.

Those who like him are willing to enter the character's inner world and carefully try to find resonance, while those who don't like him think that his screen image is a bit homogeneous and his own acting skills are easily constrained, which makes them lose interest.

Zhang Ruoyun takes this movie very seriously. He recognizes the passion, literary and immature nature of the movie. The resonance between the director and the leading actor in their minds, and the actors' deep understanding of the script, can all make the movie's performance outstanding.

But even though Zhang Ruoyun's name and popularity can attract some fans and audiences, if the final effect of the movie is not up to standard, it will be difficult for the leading actor to carry the entire banner alone. If the movie wants to achieve an overall breakthrough, it also needs to break through the defects and barriers of its own expression.


Male stagnation? Falling behind? How can avant-garde cinema move forward?

Regarding the obvious shortcomings of the film, many viewers said that this is a very "masculine" film, and the female characters in the film are very thin and have a strong sense of tool. In the shaping of many plots and lines, the film will make people with awakened female consciousness feel uncomfortable.

Some netizens joked that watching this kind of movie is like "there is a table of delicious food on the table, but you stay in the kitchen, listening to men bragging at the table", and then hear them proudly say "women don't sit at the table".

The lack of gender awareness is a common problem in many current films, and it is also a common problem in films of the type such as "Safe Escape from the 21st Century" in recent decades. The invisibility of powerful and wonderful female characters in the text is a manifestation of the creative team's lack of awareness of the objectification of women, which not only causes discomfort to the audience, but also causes the narrowness of the film's expression.

In addition, the audience has different opinions on whether this novel film is trendy or conservative.

The film seems to be telling a science fiction story about falling on an alien planet, but the core of the story takes place in 1999. The core story is primitive and simple.

Some viewers felt that the story of this movie was actually a bit old-fashioned, like movies from the past decade or so, without any more subtle "hiding one's shortcomings", and all the themes were expressed in the dumbest way. The gender consciousness was like "the backward YY of the otaku era", and the lines were too shallow and old-fashioned, with a kind of greasy feeling of the old "Don't bully the poor young man".

Some viewers also said that the film was not groundbreaking or avant-garde in terms of the much-touted aspects such as "showmanship" and "magic gold", and its breakthroughs in comedy and humor were also lackluster.

When the film came out, many viewers compared it with the well-received film "Space Exploration Editorial Department" from two years ago.

Some viewers think that this film has obvious shortcomings in comparison. Under the dazzling editing and pictures, there are too many emotions and feelings, the theme of the story is not clearly expressed, and the story is not told clearly.

In comparison, there are still big differences between the two.

"Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" has a structure, romance, and absurdity, while "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" is novel, abstract, and profound. From the perspective of film type and film expression, it is difficult to say which of the two films is more popular. It can only be said that both films have their own loyal fans, and there are also audiences who cannot "get" the mystery of them at all.

In conclusion, "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" is indeed a new film that cannot be classified as a similar film in recent years in some aspects. It has some references in terms of film editing and images, and has some merits in terms of the integrity of the plot and core expression, but of course it also has significant shortcomings.

If this type of film wants to reach a wider audience and become another possibility for Chinese films, it still needs to overcome many of its own limitations and require a longer period of improvement and polishing.