
Tang Wei's new film is awesome, but I can't praise it


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The cast of Tang Wei's new film "Dreamland" is quite impressive.

In addition to Tang Wei, there were also Gong Yoo, Bae Suzy, Park Bo Gum, Jung Yu Mi, Choi Woo Shik, and even Paw Hee Ching.

The cast is impressive, but once you’ve seen the film you’ll know that the setting of the movie is even more impressive.

It was so awesome that I paused the video, praised it profusely, and calmed down before continuing to watch.

"Dreamland" is a science fiction film, and the setting is hidden in the title, "Dreamland".

What the film shows is that in the future there will be a company that creates a "dream" world for deceased humans.

Although the physical body dies, people will live on in the virtual world with their consciousness.

The rare thing is not this, but that the virtual world can communicate with the real world.

In other words, even if our loved ones pass away, we can still contact them at any time through video.

This is how it is applied in Dreamland.

The grandmother and her granddaughter communicate with their deceased daughter through dreams, and the daughter still has her mother by her side during her growth.

The girlfriend was in a "long-distance relationship" with her comatose boyfriend through her dreams, pretending that her boyfriend was just on a business trip.

The grandmother continued to love and care for her grandson through dreams, and relieved the pain in her heart.

Before you die, you can decide what kind of life you want to live in your dreams.

For example, Tang Wei’s character has always dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, and she realized her dream of archaeology in her dream.

Even if you are not satisfied with the life in your dreams, you can improve it through communication with the living people.

For example, if a grandson feels that he lacks a car, he will ask his living grandmother to top up some money so that he can buy him one.

The most shocking thing about this film is that everything it presents is not a castle in the air, but is completely possible to achieve.

AI-generated video + autonomous dialogue can be realized right now. If you want, you can pick up your phone and talk to Napoleon right now.

It's nothing more than a problem of insufficient intelligence, but it's only a matter of time.

What’s scary is that “Dreamland” even explains how to monetize it.

You have to pay to maintain the service.

By charging money, you can allow the people in your dreams to live a better life.

However, this also raises a question: are the people in the dream still the original people?

Is the money I spend going to my loved ones and friends, or am I being played around by the capitalists?

For example, in the film, the deceased grandson wants a car and a piano in his dream. Is it the real grandson who wants it, or is it that the AI ​​wants to make money and get living people to top up?

From an ethical point of view, the people in dreams should not be the original people, but only the products of artificial intelligence. This is also the fastest way to achieve this with current technology.

This has sparked new discussions.

Since it is a fake person, will the artificial intelligence fake person in the dream develop autonomous consciousness as it continues to evolve?

Tang Wei's story line has something of this meaning.

At first, in the dream, when she learned that her daughter was sick, she wanted to get to her daughter as soon as possible.

But no matter where she drove, she would always be stopped. It was as if she was trapped at the archaeological site forever.

Just like the scene in "The Truman Show", she finally escaped to the border and realized that this world was different.

The last time she video-called her daughter, she realized her identity and told her daughter directly that her mother was dead.

The film has three main lines, this is one of them, and the other three lines are different discussion directions.

The dramatic conflict in the storyline between Bae Suzy and Park Bo Gum is stronger.

The character played by Park Bo Gum became a vegetable due to an accident, and his girlfriend made a figure to accompany him in his dream.

One day, a medical miracle happened and the real boyfriend woke up. However, due to a head injury, his temperament changed drastically, and he was completely different from his previous image of a sunny boy.

The real boyfriend is silly and stupid, while the virtual boyfriend is very caring.

The role of a stewardess played by Bae Suzy is caught in a dilemma and her life is a mess.

This line has the largest room for development, and each character can be explored in depth.

Like a flight attendant.

On the one hand, the virtual boyfriend provides her with sufficient emotional value, while on the other hand, the real boyfriend keeps getting into trouble, causing her negative emotions.

False happiness and real pain.

Before her boyfriend woke up, her life was orderly and happy. After waking up, things became a mess.

Being happy on one side and suffering on the other seems like an easy choice.

But the key is that her love for her boyfriend is real and strong, otherwise she wouldn't have waited for him so long.

She also clearly knows that her virtual boyfriend is just virtual. When she is upset, she can stop contacting him and hang up when she wants. When facing her real boyfriend, she is very cautious in her words and actions.

The flight attendant's struggle and hesitation are very interesting to watch.

Another example is a virtual boyfriend.

Does he know he is virtual?

What was going on in his mind when he communicated with his real boyfriend through the screen?

Just like in the movie "Moon", the moment when Sam Rockwell found out that he was a clone, the climax of the movie was reached. When he called his family, he found out that the daughter and wife he imagined were just other people's memories from more than ten years ago. He thought his family was always concerned about him, but in fact no one in the world knew him at all.

A huge loneliness and sadness swept over the clones and also impacted all the audience in front of the screen.

The virtual boyfriend in "Dreamland" is actually in the same situation.

Unfortunately, the film did not expand on this.

This is the biggest shortcoming of the whole film. There is more than just this story, including the line between Tang Wei and Gong Yoo, and the line between the grandmother and the grandson.

They are all just superficial presentations without any strong and in-depth exploration.

If it was an ordinary popcorn commercial film, it would be fine to just watch the fighting and the love stories.

The key point is that the setting of the film raises it to an extremely high level.

About life, death and separation, about ethics and regrets.

But the final effect made the film become like a large-scale commercial.

If a product similar to "Dreamland" really appears in the future, this movie will undoubtedly be the best advertisement.

The biggest feature of advertising is that it only presents things. The same is true for "Dreamland".

To be honest, there is no problem at all with the actors' performances, lighting and photography, as well as the pace of the story.

But the final point is really empty and sloppy.

Until the end credits came on, it felt like, huh? That's it?

What is the significance of Gong Yoo's character? He is a real man, and he cares so much about a virtual woman. There should be a follow-up, right?

What was it about her real boyfriend that suddenly struck the girl and made her figure everything out?

In other words, not only does "Dreams" lack in-depth discussion in a philosophical sense, but even the basic story progression is incomplete, as if everyone is rushing to punch out and leave work.

The film is 113 minutes long. If it could have been extended by another half an hour, or if some choices and refinements could have been made to the story line, it would definitely have the potential to become a work of Korean science fiction film history.

Alternatively, it might be possible to simply film it into a TV series and polish it carefully.

All in all, the dissatisfaction with "Dreams" is not the anger of watching a bad movie, but more of a regret that a good thing has been ruined.

It should have been better.

Business/Ale (WeChat: pachongsw1)
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I hope you will click on "Watch" and share it with more people.