
Buying a 3-bedroom apartment for 33,000 yuan? There are many houses in Hebi, Henan Province, which are less than 50,000 yuan. The real estate agent said that someone bought 20 houses for renovation and resale.


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Recently, the reporter noticed that the trading platform showed that there were many houses in Hebi City, Henan Province with a total price of less than 50,000 yuan, many of which were regular buildings with 70-year property rights and property certificates. Most of these houses have two bedrooms and one living room, and some have three bedrooms and one living room, with an area of ​​50 to 95 square meters.

On July 23, Fu Yan (pseudonym), a real estate agent in Shancheng District, Hebi City, told a reporter from China Times that someone bought more than 20 cheap houses in Shancheng District, Hebi City at one time, renovated them and then sold them at a higher price, making about 5,000 yuan per house. Fu Yan believes that this is not "earning the difference", but just "hard-earned money".

Most of them are formal buildings with property certificates

Hebi City is located in the northern part of Henan Province. It is named after the legend that "cranes live on the cliffs of Nanshan Mountain". It currently has five administrative districts, namely Jun County, Qi County, Qibin District, Shancheng District and Heshan District, and three functional areas, namely Hebi National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Municipal Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone and Baoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. It is one of the 14 cities in the core development area of ​​the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration. It takes 30 minutes to reach Zhengzhou by high-speed rail from Hebi City, and two and a half hours to reach Beijing, Wuhan, Xi'an and Xuzhou.

A reporter from the China Times noticed that a large number of super low-priced properties appeared on real estate trading platforms in Hebi City, Henan Province. Many properties were marked with 70-year property rights and property certificates, with total prices ranging from 30,000 to 80,000 yuan, and some were listed at just over 20,000 yuan. A real estate agent in Hebi City told reporters that there were a large number of similar properties.

Taking Chaoyang Community in Shancheng District as an example, there is a 70-square-meter three-bedroom, one-living-room apartment for sale with a 70-year property right and a price tag of 33,000 yuan.

The reporter noticed that these houses are relatively old, and many of them were completed between 1990 and 2010.

These properties with single-digit housing prices are mainly distributed in Shancheng District. The trading platform shows that there are currently properties available in Tanghe Garden on Tanghe Street and the Hebi Cotton Mill Staff Quarters on Yangyi Road priced at 25,000 yuan, and there are properties available in Hedian Community on BMW Avenue priced at 27,000 yuan.

It should be noted that according to local sales, some houses are very cheap because they do not have property certificates. Some of these houses are resettlement houses, and whether they can get property certificates in the future is also questionable. But it is also worth mentioning that houses without property certificates are rare, and most low-priced houses are regular buildings with 70-year property rights and property certificates.

In June this year, a real estate agent in Shancheng District, Hebi City, posted an advertisement on WeChat Moments: a house on the fourth floor in the middle section of Shancheng Road, with a certificate available for transfer, for only 34,000 yuan. In July, she posted another message on WeChat Moments: a second-floor retirement house in Shancheng District with dual gas, with a certificate for 28,000 yuan.

The reporter noticed that many communities in Shancheng District of Hebi City, including Weilaiyuan, 794 Family Compound, Xinyuan District 3, Xinyuan District 10, Yangguangjiayuan West District, Fusheng Community, Radio Research Family Compound, Normal School Family Building, etc., have houses listed for sale. Most of the houses are two bedrooms and one living room, and the asking price is less than 50,000 yuan.

According to the agent Shao Hua, these cheap houses are also very popular and have been sold well recently. She said that there are already buyers from Jiangsu, Hebei and other places. On July 22, the agent who was still recommending a three-bedroom, one-living room house in Chaoyang Community for 33,000 yuan to our reporter said the next day that the house had been sold.

Fu Yan (pseudonym), an agent, said that someone bought more than 20 old, cheap houses in Shancheng District, Hebi City at one time, renovated them and then sold them at a higher price, making about 5,000 yuan per house. Fu Yan believes that this is not "making a profit from the price difference", but just hard-earned money.

On July 23, the market trading platform Jiwu showed that the current price of new houses in Hebi City is 5,633 yuan/square meter, while the price of second-hand houses is even higher, at 6,769 yuan/square meter. Specifically in Shancheng District of Hebi City, the price of new houses is 4,500 yuan/square meter and the price of second-hand houses is 1,690 yuan/square meter.

The price of new houses in Shancheng District remained the same as last year, while the price of second-hand houses decreased by 1.66% and increased by 0.1% month-on-month from the previous month.

The old town is no longer attractive?

Thirty or forty thousand yuan is not enough to buy a Hermès bag for a rich man, but in Hebi City, Henan Province, you can buy a house and build a stable home. Why are the houses here so cheap?

On July 22, a resident of Hebi City told our reporter, "Hebi City's urban development is shifting towards the new urban area. The original coal mining and other industries in the old urban area are in a downturn. The education, work and living areas are being established in the new urban area, so the old urban area is no longer attractive."

Local agent Shao Hua (pseudonym) disagrees with the name "old city area". She said that many local residents call it the "mountain city area" rather than the so-called "old city area". Moreover, the mountain city area has convenient transportation and a constant flow of vehicles on the streets. It is not deserted but rather lively.

Public information mentioned that Shancheng District is located in the northwest of the main urban area of ​​Hebi City, with a total area of ​​197 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 1 town, 7 sub-district offices, 38 administrative villages, 62 community committees, and a permanent population of 156,000. Before 1999, it was the seat of the Hebi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and served as the city's political, economic, and cultural center for 40 years.

The official website of the Shancheng District Government of Hebi City states: "Rich mineral resources are an important foundation for 'building a city and a district because of coal'. Key provincial and municipal enterprises such as Hebi Coal Group, Fenghe Power Generation, and Tongli Cement are all located in our district. It is still the most important industrial base in the city and an important coal, coal chemical, electricity, cement, and ceramic industry base in the province."

Who says the old city is not good? Agent Fu Yan was not convinced. She took a video of Chunlei Road in Shancheng District and sent it to the reporter. From the video, there are many cars and electric vehicles parked on both sides of the street. It seems that the streets in the old city do not seem to be very old. There are restaurants and other business stores on both sides of the street. There is no significant difference from the streets in many fourth- and fifth-tier cities. In the video, Fu Yan pointed to the front and said, "There is a hospital over there, and there is a school over there!"

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Bei Editor-in-chief: Zhang Yuning