
media: "plainclothes officers showing their id cards" should not be limited to "improper law enforcement"


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recently, a ride-hailing driver in hefei, anhui, was blocked from taking orders because he refused to show his driver's license to plainclothes transport management personnel, which attracted public attention. the surveillance video in the car showed that the passenger in the back seat showed his license and asked to check the driver's id. the driver thought that two people were required to be qualified to enforce the law, not to mention that he was in plain clothes, so he refused his request. before getting off the car, the passenger said: "let the platform check you." on september 22, the driver's account on the ride-hailing platform was blocked, and the customer service said "it was a work order from the government to request the account to be blocked."

according to the provisions of the highway law of the people's republic of china, highway supervisors and inspectors shall wear badges and hold certificates when performing their duties. although in some special cases, law enforcement can be carried out in plain clothes, it is generally necessary to show law enforcement certificates, and when administrative agencies conduct investigations or inspections, there must be no less than two law enforcement officers. in this way, the people's refusal is reasonable and there is no problem of non-cooperation with law enforcement. fortunately, the hefei municipal transportation bureau quickly handled and reported the incident on september 24, pointing out that the staff member had engaged in improper law enforcement, gave a warning, and transferred him from his post. the matter seems to have been properly resolved at this point. but if you think about it carefully, there are still some problems that cannot be avoided.

first, why was the account blocked for "not cooperating with law enforcement", but the driver was able to unblock it after communicating with the transport management staff for half an hour? the driver in question clearly stated that he had both a transport license and a driver's license, and i believe that the relevant information can be found in the transport management department. without communication and understanding, the account was blocked and unblocked at will. is law enforcement a joke? second, did the driver break the law? is it because he refused the "improper law enforcement behavior" of the staff that he broke the law? how far is this "improper law enforcement" from "breaking the law"?

before the notification, on september 23, staff from the hefei municipal transportation comprehensive law enforcement detachment said that the woman in the video was not a law enforcement officer of the detachment, but a staff member of the competent unit, the hefei municipal transportation bureau. according to regulations, the woman did not have the power to enforce the law, and it was unclear why she claimed to enforce the law. staff without the power to enforce the law arbitrarily, at the very least, is "excessive justice", and at the highest, there is the possibility of "enforcement to make money". if the driver happens not to have two certificates, what awaits him is "the iron fist of justice" or "private bribes"? if this matter is not paid attention to, will the driver not be treated fairly? how should the driver's losses during the period of account ban be compensated? this is not a consequence that can be explained by a simple "misunderstanding" or "improper". this incident should cause the relevant management departments to seriously reflect on whether there are rules to follow in the law enforcement procedures, whether the law enforcement officers act in accordance with the rules, and whether there are still some individuals who "enforce the law to make money".

law enforcement officers, whether they are police officers, traffic police or urban management officers, represent the image of the party and the government in the minds of the people. the results of law enforcement that are arbitrary and easily changed will affect the people's confidence in the rule of law. when we call on the people to abide by the law and cooperate with law enforcement, we must also require law enforcement officers to be rigorous in procedures and act in accordance with the law. only a fair, transparent and clean society can make people feel safe and happy. (tang poetry)