
after half a lifetime of wandering, he still feels young when he returns! the 64th grade alumni of jinzhong returned to their alma mater to reminisce about their friendship


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on september 22, more than 100 alumni of nanjing jinling middle school, class of 1964, returned to their alma mater in their seventies. teachers and students gathered together in a joyful atmosphere to commemorate and celebrate the 60th anniversary of their relationship with jinling middle school.
secretary's speech:
the reunion is short, but the thoughts and blessings will be forever
"after more than half a century away from their alma mater, the 1964 alumni of jinling middle school returned to their alma mater, gathered together, looked back on the past, and talked about their good friendship. here, on behalf of all the teachers and students of jinling middle school, i would like to extend a warm welcome to all the alumni who have returned home! i would like to express my heartfelt congratulations and the warmest greetings to the alumni who meet again after 60 years!" sun xiaohong, secretary of the party committee of jinling middle school, said in his speech, "dear alumni of the 1964 class, after decades of ups and downs in life, it is really wonderful that you have returned home after leaving the beautiful campus for more than half a century! we can vaguely see you 60 years ago, with bright eyes, smart and studious. today's reunion sees you who have been separated for more than half a century and are still young after returning! the gathering is short, but the thoughts and blessings will be forever! in the days to come, let us walk hand in hand and work hard for the better tomorrow of our alma mater!"
the reporter learned that secretary sun xiaohong's junior high school teacher, ms. guo xiaofang, was also an alumnus of the class of 1964 and was unable to come to the scene today. on behalf of ms. guo xiaofang, secretary sun expressed her most heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to her teacher, ms. wang hanhua, the oldest teacher present today. secretary sun xiaohong spent her three years of junior high school and three years of high school in jinzhong. sitting in the front row today were her junior high school geography teacher ms. xie peiyu, her senior high school physics teacher yue yanning, and ms. yu xuchu from the film critic club.
alumni representative speech:
when we met when we were young, we were full of vigor. when we got together when we were old, we were filled with thoughts.
"a good school must have a group of excellent teachers. 'teachers come first, and small things can lead to great achievements.' here, we want to express our deep respect to the 30 teachers who have taught us! today, twelve of them came to us despite their advanced age and took the trouble to gather with us, which made us feel very cordial. once you are a teacher, you will benefit for life. you will always be our mentors. thank you!" at the scene, zhu shizhen spoke on behalf of the students, "'don't sigh about the few springs and autumns in life, and quietly appreciate the passing of time.' since entering jinzhong in 1964, we have gone through sixty years, a sixty-year cycle. today we are here to celebrate the sixty-year anniversary of our 64th grade admission to the school, and to express the feelings of the campus, the feelings of teachers and students, and the feelings of classmates. we wish our beloved teachers good health and longevity, and a happy old age! i wish the students good health and smile often! when we met when we were young, we were full of vigor and vitality, and when we gathered when we were over 70, our thoughts were like a tide. i sincerely wish our jinzhong to keep making progress, be brave in innovation, cultivate morality and create brilliance again! always be the hero of the south!"
alumnus zhang nanjun donated a 1930 map of nanjing marked with jinling middle school that he had collected for more than 40 years to his alma mater. lu changgen, currently a special-grade art teacher in jiangsu province and a member of the chinese artists association, entrusted his classmates to donate his paintings to his alma mater, wishing it a flourishing and fruitful future.
a classmate in the united states sent a video greeting:
keep your youthful heart and be proud of being a jinzhong alumnus forever
"sixty years is only a moment in the long river of history, but it is the majority of our lives. the experience of sixty years has made us understand and see a simple reality, that is: in this world, there is only one group that always wants to see the best of us and always cares about our progress, except for our parents, and that is our alma mater and teachers!" zhao renhong, who is far away in the united states, sent a video message: "water always has a source, and trees always have roots. alma mater is an important part of the foundation for the growth of each of our classmates. how much influence does our alma mater have on us? how important is our alma mater in our hearts? why can our alma mater attract a group of us, many of whom are families, or even several generations of a family, to its door? my understanding is: it is the level of the alma mater! it is the reputation of the alma mater! it is the reputation of the alma mater! my brother, sister and i are all alumni of jinzhong, and we are proud to be a member of jinzhong alumni all our lives."
zhao renhong said: "in addition to our alma mater and teachers, what is worth remembering is the friendship with classmates. there is a popular online saying now, 'may you travel for half your life and still be a young man when you return.' sixty years have changed the appearance of my classmates, and also made me go from having black hair to having white hair now. but i still believe that i and many of my classmates have more or less retained some of our youthful hearts. the upright and progressive beliefs established from our alma mater, the spirit and habits of hard work and diligence learned, have all benefited us for a lifetime."
listen to the teacher's teachings again:
keep your own brilliance and cheer for others' brilliance
"as a teacher, i always keep in mind mr. tao xingzhi's teaching: 'teach people to seek truth in thousands of ways, and learn to be a real person in thousands of ways.' to be a real person, you must speak human words and tell the truth. the following is also my sincere words." yu xuchu spoke as a teacher representative. he said, "a foreign physicist, facing a photo of the earth taken from outer space, said: 'this is our earth. in the entire universe, it is just a point of light and a speck of dust.' the huge earth is just a speck of dust, so each individual life can be ignored. 60 years is just a blink of an eye. when we are in our seventies and eighties, it is good to have family, friendship, spiritual fulfillment, and live freely. no one is perfect, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. don't compare, there is no point in comparison. keep your own brilliance and cheer for the brilliance of others. everyone will be glorious and happy. as a person, we don't seek perfection, but we must have a clear conscience. let us all have a good body and a good mood, and smile at the clear sky of love together."
yu xuchu presented his book "teaching and thinking" to students in each class, and class representatives from each class came to the stage to receive it in turn.
correspondent gu jian, zeng yali, yangtze evening news/ziniu news reporter wang ying
photography by zhu siqi
proofread by li haihui