
national development and reform commission holds september press conference


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on the afternoon of september 19, the national development and reform commission held a press conference in september. jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission, attended the press conference to introduce the approval of investment projects and the recent issuance of policy documents, and answered questions from reporters on macroeconomic policies, regular communication and exchange mechanisms with private enterprises, credit-based loans, promotion of private investment, green and low-carbon transformation, attraction and utilization of foreign investment, implementation of the big food concept, new urbanization, supply and price stability of important livelihood commodities, and china-africa joint construction of the "belt and road" and other issues.

situation release

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:hello everyone! i am jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission. welcome to the september press conference of the national development and reform commission. i will first report on two aspects and then answer your questions.

the first aspect is the approval status of investment projects.from january to august, the national development and reform commission approved 83 fixed asset investment projects with a total investment of 673.1 billion yuan, of which 53 were approved and 30 were approved, mainly concentrated in high-tech, energy, transportation and other industries.

the second aspect is the situation of policy documents issued recently.the first item is to report to the cpc central committee and the state council for issuance and implementation of the “opinions on accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.”the "opinions" focus on five major areas, including spatial pattern, industrial structure, energy transformation, transportation, and urban and rural construction, and make arrangements for accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development from three major aspects, including comprehensive conservation, green consumption, and scientific and technological the next step, our commission will strengthen overall coordination and systematic promotion, and work with relevant parties to push forward all work.the second item is that the national development and reform commission issued and implemented the "three-year action plan for building a first-class business environment in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region".the action plan is aimed at solving problems such as unbalanced industrial development and public service supply in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region, and the blocked cross-regional flow of production factors. it proposes 19 policy measures in six areas to promote the creation of new advantages for regional coordinated development through a first-class market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business the next step, our commission will focus on key areas, key links, and key regions to accelerate the creation of a first-class business environment in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region.third, the national development and reform commission jointly with relevant departments issued and implemented the "notice on establishing a working mechanism to promote funding and factors for private investment."the "notice" clearly states that it is necessary to establish a work mechanism to promote the guarantee of funds and factors for private investment with key projects as the focus and policies as the support. it also proposes policy measures such as establishing a regular promotion mechanism for projects in key areas and increasing support for financing and factors for private investment the next step, the national development and reform commission will work with relevant parties to continue to improve policies such as project investment, financing, and factor support, and continuously improve the effectiveness of promoting private investment.

the above is what i have reported to you. now we will move on to the question and answer session. please inform us of the media you represent before asking questions.

answering reporters' questions

xinhua news agency reporterrecent economic data show that domestic demand is weak. will the national development and reform commission adopt more powerful support policies to stabilize the economy? what policies can we expect? the july political bureau meeting proposed to expand domestic demand with a focus on boosting consumption. what new measures does the national development and reform commission have in boosting consumption?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:recently, the national bureau of statistics released economic data for august. overall, the current economic operation is generally stable, and high-quality development is being steadily promoted. for example, agricultural production remained stable, and the added value of equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing increased by 6.4% and 8.6% year-on-year respectively; summer tourism was popular, and consumption such as old-for-new home appliances grew rapidly. during the just-concluded mid-autumn festival holiday, consumption such as cultural tourism also showed a hot scene, the construction of key projects was accelerated, and foreign trade exports grew rapidly.

at the same time, the adverse effects of changes in the external environment have increased, there are pains in the transition from old to new drivers, and the economic operation is still facing many difficulties and challenges. however, it is also important to see that as macroeconomic policies continue to be effective and reform measures continue to be implemented, positive factors and favorable conditions in economic operation are also accumulating. we have the conditions, ability and confidence to achieve the goals and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year. we will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, implement the deployment requirements of the meeting of the political bureau of the central committee held at the end of july, and accelerate the implementation of various policies, focusing on five aspects.

first, accelerate the implementation of key reform tasks.adhere to and implement the "two unshakable" principles, formulate a guide catalogue for optimizing the layout and restructuring of the state-owned economy, formulate a law to promote the private economy, and promote the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies. promote the construction of a unified national market, improve the system and rules of the factor market, improve the integrated circulation rules and standards, and smooth the circulation of the national economy. improve the basic system of the market economy, protect the property rights of various ownership economies equally and permanently according to law, improve the market access system, and optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. adhere to promoting reform through opening up, enhance the ability to open up in expanding international cooperation, and build a new system of open economy at a higher level.

the second is to increase the intensity of macro-control.macroeconomic policies will be strengthened moderately and more precise, and counter-cyclical adjustments will be strengthened. we will accelerate the full implementation of the determined policy measures, coordinate the "hard investment" of project construction and the "soft construction" of policies, planning, mechanisms, etc., promote the construction of government investment projects such as "double heavy" as soon as possible and form physical workload; promote the implementation of policy measures to support the "two new" as soon as possible, and ensure that the real money benefits reach enterprises and people directly. at the same time, we will strengthen policy pre-research and reserve, and launch a batch of incremental policy measures that are highly operational, effective, and accessible to the people and enterprises.

the third is to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand in depth.we will accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, improve the mechanism for promoting investment implementation, and improve the long-term mechanism for expanding consumption. in terms of investment, the focus is to give full play to the guiding and driving role of government investment in social investment, improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects, continue to promote high-quality projects to private capital, actively and steadily implement the new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital, promote the regular issuance of infrastructure reits, and further stimulate the vitality of private investment. regarding the consumption issue you just mentioned, we will work with various departments and localities to implement the employment priority policy in depth, increase residents' income through multiple channels, and continuously improve residents' consumption capacity; make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds to increase support for the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, further promote the quality and expansion of cultural tourism, education, medical care, elderly care, childcare, housekeeping and other service consumption, actively create new consumption scenarios, and cultivate new growth points for consumption.

fourth, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions, and promote the gathering of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity. grasp the transformation and development of key industries and optimize and upgrade them, accelerate the transformation and quality improvement of traditional industries and the elimination of backward and inefficient production capacity, continue to promote the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries and the forward-looking layout of future industries, and promote the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern services, the real economy and the digital economy. at the same time, continue to deepen the pilot reform of the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, improve the market-oriented allocation system of resource and environmental factors, and allow various advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly and be efficiently allocated to the development of new quality productivity.

fifth, we will increase efforts to ensure and improve people’s livelihood.we will deepen reforms in public services such as those for the elderly and children, and build a tight and solid social security network. we will plan ahead to ensure energy supply during the peak winter season, and continue to support local post-disaster emergency recovery and disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building. we will do a solid job in ensuring the supply and price stability of key livelihood commodities.

cctv news reporterin recent years, in order to promote the development and growth of the private economy, the national development and reform commission has established and improved a regular communication mechanism with private enterprises. could you please introduce the relevant practices, progress and results? what specific measures have promoted the resolution of corporate problems?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:in june last year, the national development and reform commission established a regular communication mechanism with private enterprises. over the past year, we have continuously improved the mechanism, broadened channels, and innovated ways to listen to the real ideas of enterprises, and effectively promoted the resolution of the problems reflected and the demands raised by enterprises. first, we built communication channels. we have established seven regular communication channels, including research seminars, on-site meetings, special training, paper letters, online petitions, official website columns, and telephone complaints. the main responsible comrades of the commission presided over and held nine seminars, and other leaders of the commission and various departments and bureaus conducted more than 170 research seminars. five on-site meetings to promote the development of the private economy were held around different themes, playing an important role in enhancing communication and exchanges. second, we expanded the coverage. so far, more than 600 enterprises have participated in communication and exchanges through various channels. from the perspective of industry, they cover different industries of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries; from the perspective of scale, they take into account different scales of large, medium and small; from the perspective of region, they cover different regions in the east, middle and west, which has laid a solid foundation for us to better understand the general situation from point to surface and solve common problems. third, we gathered the joint efforts of all parties. we have promoted the establishment of an inter-ministerial joint conference system consisting of 43 departments and units to promote the development and growth of the private economy, established and improved a regular communication and problem-solving mechanism between the development and reform departments at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels and private enterprises, and led zhejiang, fujian, shandong and other places to strengthen exchanges with private enterprises through platforms such as private enterprise tea and coffee parties, government-enterprise breakfast, lunch and dinner parties, and friendly and clean development and reform reception rooms, forming a joint force of departmental coordination and top-down linkage.

establishing a regular communication mechanism is ultimately about helping private enterprises solve practical problems. we adhere to the principle of "compliance with laws and regulations, enthusiasm and thoughtfulness, and focus on effectiveness" and establish a closed-loop working mechanism of "problem collection-handling-feedback-tracking and performance evaluation". as of the end of august this year, a total of 1,031 problems and demands from private enterprises were received, including 348 policy suggestions, 229 infringement disputes, 206 arrears, 118 factor support, and 130 legal and litigation-related items. so far, 56% of the matters have been completed and further tracked and evaluated, which has promoted the resolution of some practical problems. for example, in response to a certain enterprise's suggestion that there is no domestic production standard for infant liquid formula milk and that it is hoped that it will be introduced as soon as possible, our commission quickly promoted relevant departments to organize the revision of relevant food safety laws and regulations, and formulate relevant production license review rules to effectively promote the development of the industry. for another example, in response to a certain enterprise's request to further strengthen the disclosure of public data, we learned about the enterprise's data demand list as soon as possible. for data related to the national development and reform commission, we quickly loaded it onto the portal website for all parties to query; for data related to other departments, we are asking them to strengthen the release of data information one by one. for another example, we proposed to a certain enterprise to increase its support for its digital transformation. after the proposal was completed, we continued to track and inquire about the effectiveness, invited the enterprise to come for exchanges again, and visited the enterprise on site to understand the implementation of the relevant work, and to test the effectiveness of solving the problem by the satisfaction of the enterprise.

the fifth plenary meeting of the state council held last month made arrangements for optimizing the regular communication mechanism between the government and enterprises. in the next step, the national development and reform commission will earnestly implement it, accelerate the construction of a comprehensive service platform for the development of the private economy, open a problem collection and transfer feedback system, and improve the efficiency of solving problems and demands; at the same time, strengthen the use of the results of the communication mechanism with private enterprises, identify the bottlenecks and difficulties that restrict the high-quality development of the private economy, and accelerate the promotion of legislation, implementation of reform measures, policy introduction, planning and other work, and strive to make private enterprises feel and gain.

shanghai securities news reporterin june this year, the national development and reform commission issued the "notice on further improving the service quality and efficiency of the financing credit service platform and deepening the "credit easy loan" work". what progress has been made in the "credit easy loan" work? how to promote this work in the next step?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:the party central committee and the state council attach great importance to the financing of private small, medium and micro enterprises. the national development and reform commission has conscientiously implemented it and submitted two implementation plans to the state council office for issuance in 2021 and 2024 respectively. "credit easy loan" is a policy tool to solve the financing problems of enterprises, especially private small, medium and micro enterprises, and promote the realization of "the better the credit, the easier it is to get loans". in recent years, related work has achieved positive results. in june this year, our commission and the financial supervision bureau jointly issued a notice to improve the national integrated platform network, enhance the financing convenience level of small, medium and micro enterprises, and promote the transformation of "credit easy loan" from "expansion" to "quality improvement". there are three specific progress.

first, the level of credit information collection and sharing has been greatly improved.the collection and sharing of credit information is the key to promoting financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises. the national development and reform commission has requested that 74 items of enterprise-related credit information, such as enterprise registration, tax payment, social security, housing provident fund, water, electricity and gas fees, be included in the collection and sharing scope in the form of a list, effectively alleviating the problem of information asymmetry between banks and enterprises and laying a solid foundation for banking institutions to carry out credit business.

second, the infrastructure network has basically been formed.we have established and continuously improved a national financing and credit service platform, accelerated the merger and integration of local financing and credit service platforms with duplicate functions and inefficient operations, and promoted the formation of a national integrated platform network, which has played an important role in credit information query, financing demand matching, direct access to preferential policies for enterprises, and financing credit enhancement services.

third, the ability to serve corporate financing has been significantly enhanced.the national financing credit service platform has established a "total-to-total" dedicated line connection with 21 national financial institutions to achieve data sharing. it has guided local financing credit service platforms to jointly develop "credit easy loan" special products with relevant banking institutions to provide precise financial services for specific fields. as of the end of july, banking institutions across the country have cumulatively issued 28.8 trillion yuan in loans through the national integrated platform network, of which 22.7 trillion yuan were issued to private enterprises, accounting for 79.1%.

next, the national development and reform commission will continue to improve the level of "credit easy loan" work and provide more convenient and efficient financial services for private small and medium-sized enterprises, with a focus on "three strengthenings".

first, strengthen platform optimization and integration.accelerate the integration of financing credit service platforms. in principle, a province should only retain one provincial platform, and no more than one platform should be established at the municipal and county levels, ensuring that the integration task is completed before the end of the year. promote the integration of all retained local platforms into the national integrated financing credit service platform network management. promote local areas to rely on local platforms to gather financial policies that benefit the people and enterprises, strive to achieve online processing, and promote the direct and quick enjoyment of various policies.

the second is to strengthen information collection and sharing.we will further expand the scope of credit information collection and sharing, and promote timely and high-quality sharing of 17 categories and 37 items of credit information, including information on key personnel, various qualification information, and import and export information. we will increase the intensity of “overall to overall” sharing at the national level and strengthen collaborative governance of data quality. we will conduct quality and efficiency evaluation of credit information sharing in a timely manner to ensure that this work is effective.

the third is to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with financial institutions.only through in-depth cooperation between financial institutions and financing credit service platforms can the value of data be transformed into financing advantages. we will further deepen the pragmatic cooperation between local platforms and banking institutions in information sharing, system docking, data governance, joint modeling, etc., and truly transform credit information into a means of credit enhancement for enterprises. at the same time, we will develop special "credit easy loan" products for characteristic industries, provide credit support for chain-leading enterprises and upstream and downstream trading parties, and activate the vitality of the entire industrial chain.

daily economic news reporterrecently, the state council's executive meeting proposed to deploy the implementation of the big food concept. how should we respond to this deployment in detail to push the implementation of the big food concept to a new level?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:establishing a big food concept and building a diversified food supply system are important measures to ensure national food security and improve people's well-being. the national development and reform commission has conscientiously implemented general secretary xi jinping's important exposition on establishing a big food concept, adhered to the bottom line of ensuring food security, developed food sources in multiple ways, and achieved positive results in implementing the big food concept. first, the grain production capacity continues to improve. in 2023, the total grain output will reach 1.39 trillion jin, which has remained stable at more than 1.3 trillion jin for 9 consecutive years; the per capita grain possession will reach 493 kilograms, significantly higher than the 400 kilograms food security line. second, the food supply is more abundant and diversified. in 2023, the output of forest food will exceed 200 million tons, becoming the third largest agricultural product after grain and vegetables; the output of aquatic products will reach 71.16 million tons, ranking first in the world; the output of pork, beef, mutton and poultry will reach 96.41 million tons, an increase of 17.3% over the output in 2012. third, the level of food safety continues to improve. at present, my country has issued more than 1,600 national food safety standards, and food pollution and harmful factor monitoring has covered 99% of counties and cities. fourth, agricultural science and technology support has been significantly enhanced. in 2023, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress will reach 63.2%, an increase of 8.7 percentage points over the level in 2012; the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop planting, cultivation and harvesting will exceed 73%, an increase of more than 16 percentage points over the level in 2012.

in the next step, the national development and reform commission will earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements of the cpc central committee and the state council, actively explore and utilize the advantages of big food resources, vigorously and orderly promote the development of the big food industry, and provide a good policy environment for implementing the big food concept.

the first is to optimize the top-level design.promote the implementation of relevant guiding opinions, clarify the strategic ideas, key tasks and guarantee measures for the implementation of the big food concept. speed ​​up the optimization of relevant management mechanisms and promote relevant departments to solve the problem of "one-size-fits-all" management policies such as environmental protection and land.

the second is to develop according to local conditions.eating is not just about consuming food. meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, fish, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, etc. are all delicacies. we will work with relevant departments to study and establish a statistical monitoring indicator and work system for big food, launch a survey of big food resources and industries, and develop various food resources based on local conditions, so that grain is used where grain is needed, economic resources are used where economic resources are needed, animal husbandry is used where animal husbandry is needed, fishing is used where fishing is needed, and forestry is used where forestry is needed.

the third is to strengthen scientific and technological support.the fundamental solution to the food problem lies in science and technology. we will increase policy support, optimize key directions for agricultural science and technology research, promote the integration of production, learning and research, accelerate breakthroughs in core technologies such as seed breeding and seedling cultivation, and mechanical equipment development, and actively support the development of large food-related industries and the construction of key projects.

fourth, strengthen the connection between supply and demand.firmly establish market concepts, strengthen demand orientation, develop and produce marketable agricultural products, achieve coordinated development of production, supply and marketing, and enhance the comprehensive benefits of food development.

fifth, strengthen the promotion of organizing on-site meetings and other means, we will promote the experiences and practices of various regions, play a demonstration and leading role, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of practicing the big food concept across the country.

china news service reporterwe have noticed that the national development and reform commission has established a platform for promoting projects to private capital. the spokesperson just mentioned that it will continue to promote high-quality projects to private capital. could you please introduce the recent situation of promoting projects to private capital? how will the national development and reform commission further stimulate the vitality of private investment?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:in order to continuously expand the development space of private enterprises and mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment, in september 2023, the national development and reform commission established a national platform for promoting projects to private capital, actively promoted high-quality projects in the fields of infrastructure and other fields sorted out and submitted by various places, and continued to attract private capital. as of august 31 this year, a total of 1,963 projects have attracted private capital to participate. in particular, in terms of infrastructure construction, on the basis of regular promotion, we have recently organized relevant parties to focus on eight major areas with great potential for private investment and high enthusiasm for private enterprises to participate, including transportation, water conservancy, energy, environmental protection, agriculture, social undertakings, new infrastructure, and warehousing and logistics, and screened out 400 key projects for promotion to private capital, involving a total investment of 815.9 billion yuan. after the launch of this batch of projects, they have received widespread attention from private enterprises. from what we have learned, many projects have been contacted by one or more enterprises. we also welcome more private enterprises to actively participate in these projects in light of their own development needs.

it should be emphasized that promoting projects to private capital is only one part of the work of promoting private investment. in response to the difficulties and bottlenecks facing the current development of private investment, the national development and reform commission will implement policies and measures to promote private investment, continue to promote the resolution of bottlenecks that affect the high-quality development of private investment, and do everything possible to stimulate the vitality and endogenous driving force of private investment.

the first is to build and use the platform view of the difficulties faced by private investment in obtaining information, we will rely on the national platform for promoting projects to private investment, bring out more high-quality projects to attract private capital participation, and strengthen investment and financing cooperation through investment promotion conferences and on-site meetings. we will make good use of the national database of key private investment projects and coordinate with relevant parties to solve the problems that hinder the implementation of key projects.

the second is to innovate mechanisms and models.actively and steadily implement the new government and social capital cooperation (ppp) mechanism, formulate and implement a list of new franchise projects (including renovation and expansion) that support the participation of private enterprises, and comprehensively promote the regular issuance of real estate investment trust (reits) projects in the infrastructure field.

the third is to strengthen factor my statement, i mentioned the establishment of a working mechanism to promote the guarantee of funds and factors for private investment. i also responded to the question about "credit easy loan" just now. we will rely on these mechanisms and make good use of tools such as "credit easy loan" to strengthen financing support for private investment projects and support for factors such as land and sea use, and environmental impact assessment, and help private enterprises solve problems encountered in the process of project promotion.

in addition, the five nuclear power projects recently approved by the state council executive meeting have each offered 10% of their shares to attract private capital participation, which fully demonstrates the determination to support the sustainable and healthy development of private enterprises. in the next step, we will continue to actively create conditions, remove barriers to entry, and adhere to the principles of fairness, openness and justice on the premise of fully respecting the investment intentions of enterprises, so as to attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major projects such as nuclear power and railways.

southern metropolis daily reporterrecently, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of commerce issued the "special administrative measures for foreign investment access (negative list) (2024 edition)". what are the main areas of this "slimming down"? in terms of further boosting the use of foreign capital and attracting foreign capital, what other measures will the national development and reform commission take in the near future?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:china attaches great importance to attracting and utilizing foreign investment. the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee emphasized the need to improve the high-level opening-up system and mechanism and reasonably reduce the negative list for foreign investment access. from a global perspective, china has always been an important investment destination for multinational corporations. the annual scale of foreign investment has remained the largest among developing countries for more than 30 consecutive years, and the areas open to foreign investment are also continuously expanding. in recent years, china has revised the negative list for foreign investment access many times and introduced a series of major opening-up measures in the fields of manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and finance. the restrictive measures on the national negative list for foreign investment access have been reduced from 93 in the 2017 version to 31 in the 2021 version, providing broad space for the development of foreign-funded enterprises.

compared with the previous version, i.e. the 2021 version, the recently released 2024 version of the national negative list for foreign investment access has deleted the remaining two restrictive measures in the manufacturing sector, one is "publication printing must be controlled by the chinese side", and the other is "investment in the application of processing technologies such as steaming, frying, roasting, and calcining of chinese herbal medicines and the production of confidential prescription products of chinese patent medicines is prohibited". so far, the restrictive measures on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector have been completely cancelled, which fully demonstrates china's positive willingness to expand mutual benefit and win-win results and its clear attitude of supporting economic globalization. in the next step, the national development and reform commission will work with relevant departments and localities to implement the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management system, implement the 2024 version of the national negative list for foreign investment access, and ensure that new opening measures are implemented in a timely manner; for areas outside the negative list, we will give foreign-invested enterprises national treatment in accordance with the principle of consistency between domestic and foreign investment in accordance with the law.

i would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that opening up is china's basic national policy. china's door to opening up will not only not be closed, but will only open wider and wider. the national development and reform commission will intensify its efforts to improve the institutional mechanisms for high-level opening up, improve the construction of the policy and rules system, and promote the high-quality development of foreign investment.

in terms of policy,we will implement the action plan to attract and utilize foreign investment with greater efforts, accelerate the implementation of the 2024 version of the national negative list for foreign investment access, solve the problems of foreign investment in china in a targeted manner, and further improve the level of foreign investment liberalization and facilitation. at the same time, we will study the expansion of the national catalogue of industries that encourage foreign investment.

in terms of services,make good use of the direct contact mechanism for foreign-invested enterprises, optimize the service guarantee for foreign-invested enterprises, respond to concerns, solve demands, and provide services in a timely manner. give full play to the role of the special working group for major foreign-invested projects, coordinate and solve the problems of land use, sea use, environmental impact assessment, energy consumption, etc. at the national level involved in the implementation of the projects, and promote the accelerated implementation of the first seven batches of major foreign-invested projects. at the same time, a new batch of landmark major foreign-invested projects with traction and driving effects will be launched in due course to further consolidate the basic plate of foreign investment. at present, the scope of application of the 144-hour transit visa exemption policy has been increased to 37 ports, and the policy of facilitating the exchanges of tourists from various countries, especially international businessmen, has been implemented effectively. we welcome new and old friends from all countries to come to china to take a look, find investment opportunities, and share china's development opportunities.

hong kong economic herald reporterwe have noticed that since the beginning of this year, the national development and reform commission has intensively introduced policy measures to achieve the dual carbon goals, which have received high attention from all parties. could you introduce the relevant situation and what measures will be introduced in the next step to promote green and low-carbon transformation?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:since the beginning of this year, the national development and reform commission has conscientiously fulfilled its coordination responsibilities for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and has worked with various regions and relevant departments to steadily promote green and low-carbon development, mainly carrying out three aspects of work.

first, coordinate the deployment to accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social the end of july, the cpc central committee and the state council issued the opinions on accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, which made systematic planning and comprehensive deployment for the green transformation for the first time, clarified the overall requirements, main goals, and implementation paths, and coordinated the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and accelerated the formation of a production and lifestyle that conserves resources and protects the environment. at the same time, we support relevant local governments to take the lead in trial implementation, and have jointly issued relevant documents on green development in beijing's sub-center, sino-singapore tianjin eco-city, xiong'an new area, inner mongolia and other places since this year.

the second is to accelerate the consolidation of the foundation for carbon peak and carbon neutrality.submit for publication a work plan to accelerate the establishment of a dual-control system for carbon emissions, establish and improve relevant policy frameworks such as local carbon assessment, industry carbon control, corporate carbon management, project carbon evaluation, and product carbon footprint. issue a work plan to improve the standard measurement system, and publish 55 key standards such as product energy efficiency. promote the construction of the first batch of 35 national carbon peak pilot cities and parks.

the third is to step up efforts to implement a new round of energy-saving and carbon-reduction actions.apply for issuing the 2024-2025 energy conservation and carbon reduction action plan, implement special actions for energy conservation and carbon reduction in six industries, including steel, oil refining, synthetic ammonia, cement, electrolytic aluminum, and data centers, promote the low-carbon transformation of coal-fired power plants, carry out energy efficiency diagnosis of key energy-consuming units, and promote the transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction work in key industries from "construction drawings" to "real pictures."

in the next step, the national development and reform commission will adhere to the guidance of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism, and focus on promoting work from four aspects. first, formulate a list of key tasks for the "opinions on accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development", consolidate departmental responsibilities, further refine policy measures, and support green and low-carbon development with greater efforts. second, establish a new mechanism for the comprehensive transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, formulate and issue a work plan to improve the carbon emission statistical accounting system, promote the establishment of a carbon emission budget management system at the provincial and municipal levels, and study and formulate a comprehensive evaluation and assessment method for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. third, accelerate the research and development, demonstration, promotion and application of green and low-carbon advanced technologies, revise and publish the green technology promotion catalog, and start the application and selection of the second batch of green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects. fourth, deepen the construction of national ecological civilization pilot zones, national carbon peak pilots, and pilot projects for the realization of ecological product value mechanisms, and support local innovation in green and low-carbon development models.

economic information daily reporterwe have noticed that the national development and reform commission recently held a mobilization meeting for the implementation of the five-year action plan for the new urbanization strategy. how will the implementation of the various tasks in the action plan be promoted in the next step?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:urbanization is the only way to modernization. deeply implementing the people-oriented new urbanization strategy is an important measure to implement the decisions and arrangements of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee. recently, the national development and reform commission, together with relevant departments, organized a mobilization and deployment meeting to make arrangements for the implementation of the "five-year action plan for deeply implementing the people-oriented new urbanization strategy" issued by the state council. in the next five years, the key to promoting the people-oriented new urbanization is to implement the "action plan" and implement the four major actions of a new round of urbanization of agricultural migrant population, improving the urbanization level of potential areas, cultivating modern metropolitan areas, and improving urban renewal and security resilience, so as to provide strong support for promoting the stable, healthy and sustainable development of my country's economy and promoting chinese-style modernization. in the next step, we will focus on promoting the implementation of the "action plan" from three aspects.

first, improve the implementation promotion accordance with the general requirements of central guidance, provincial overall responsibility, and city and county implementation, we will coordinate and promote the implementation of tasks. the national development and reform commission will give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint conference on urbanization and urban-rural integration development, and work with relevant departments to formulate annual key tasks for new urbanization, promote the implementation of tasks in a step-by-step manner, and cooperate with relevant departments to study and propose specific policy measures such as household registration system reform, provision of basic public services in permanent places, compulsory education for migrant children, and accelerated construction of affordable housing. at the same time, we will promote provincial governments to fulfill their main responsibilities and improve the working mechanism for promoting new urbanization.

the second is to strengthen policy support and guarantee.the national development and reform commission will work with relevant departments to speed up the improvement and implementation of fiscal, financial, and land policies to support new urbanization, coordinate the use of central budget investment, ultra-long-term special government bonds, and local government special bonds, and increase support for key new urbanization construction projects such as compulsory education schools, ordinary high schools, public hospitals, affordable rental housing, renovation of old communities, urban gas pipeline renovation, and waterproof and drainage facilities. at the same time, it will guide local governments to formulate implementation plans for the implementation of the action plan in their provinces based on their actual conditions, and promote cities and counties to refine policy measures and project lists according to local conditions.

the third is to strengthen business training and guidance.the national development and reform commission will work with relevant departments to carry out urbanization business training at the provincial, municipal and county levels to guide local governments to accurately grasp the deployment requirements, key tasks and policy measures of the action plan, and better promote the implementation of various policies and measures.

study strong nation reporterthe mid-autumn festival has just passed and the national day is approaching. during the "two festivals", what considerations does the national development and reform commission have in maintaining the stability of prices of consumer goods for residents, especially in ensuring the supply and price stability of important people's livelihood commodities?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:mid-autumn festival and national day have always been the traditional peak seasons for the consumption of important livelihood commodities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables. recently, our commission has made arrangements in advance with relevant parties to guide local governments to focus on key links such as production, supply, storage and marketing, and to take practical and effective measures to ensure sufficient supply and reasonable prices of important livelihood commodities during the "two festivals".for example,in response to the problem of vegetable supply being affected by high temperatures and heavy rainfall in some areas in the early stage, we have organized the main producing areas and early disaster-stricken areas to take measures such as replanting fast-growing leafy vegetables, accelerating the drainage and dredging of vegetable fields, and promoting the recovery of vegetable production.another example:in order to further smooth the supply and marketing connection between the production and sales areas of important people's livelihood commodities, we have taken measures in the circulation link to facilitate the logistics and transportation of fresh products such as meat, eggs and vegetables, and guide key wholesale markets and backbone distribution companies to strengthen the organization and transportation of goods.for example,considering that residents and catering companies may prepare goods in bulk during the two festivals, we have guided supermarkets in key areas such as large and medium-sized cities and popular tourist destinations to prepare sufficient supplies in advance, and launched affordable sales according to the mechanism, increased the release of affordable vegetables and other commodities, and strengthened market inspections to ensure a stable market order. during the just-concluded mid-autumn festival, the supply of important livelihood commodities was sufficient and the prices were stable.

at present, the growth of autumn grains is generally normal across the country, and favorable conditions are in place for a bumper harvest; the production capacity of live pigs, poultry, and eggs is sufficient, and the market supply is guaranteed; the area of ​​vegetables in the field is at a high level, and the prices are generally stable. the prices of cucumbers and rapeseed, which rose sharply in august, have recently fallen. based on the comprehensive analysis of various aspects, there is a solid foundation for ensuring supply and stabilizing prices during the national day golden week. the national development and reform commission will strengthen market and price monitoring and analysis, and will continue to closely monitor production, supply, storage, circulation, sales and other links together with relevant departments, and do its best to ensure the supply and price stability of important livelihood commodities in all periods, especially in key periods.

china daily reporterduring the china-africa cooperation forum summit, what new cooperation plans for jointly building the belt and road initiative were signed between china and african countries? what role will the national development and reform commission play in further promoting mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between china and africa in infrastructure, trade and investment, cooperation in new areas, and improvement of people's livelihood?

kim hyun-dong

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jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission:what you are mainly concerned about is the work related to the joint construction of the "belt and road" between china and africa. during this year's forum on china-africa cooperation summit, the national development and reform commission and relevant departments of african countries signed a total of 23 cooperation documents, involving the joint construction of the "belt and road", exchanges in the field of economic development, industrial investment, green and low-carbon, digital economy and other fields. among them, 9 cooperation plans for the joint construction of the "belt and road" were signed with 8 african countries and the african union commission; together with the 9 signed previously, the number of china-africa cooperation plans for the joint construction of the "belt and road" has reached 18. in the next step, the national development and reform commission will thoroughly implement the six propositions and ten partnership actions proposed by president xi jinping for china and africa to jointly promote modernization, further consolidate the basis for cooperation with relevant parties, expand the scope of cooperation, and push the cooperation in the joint construction of the "belt and road" to a deeper level. the focus is on "three deepenings".

first, deepen strategic docking.we will implement the 18 signed cooperation plans for the belt and road initiative, and continue to deepen the precise connection between the belt and road initiative and the development strategies of various countries, the african union's agenda 2063, and the united nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development. we will jointly hold exchanges on governance experience, share economic development experience, and achieve common development. we will accelerate the establishment of a coordination mechanism for china-africa cooperation on the belt and road initiative, and promptly coordinate and resolve difficulties and problems in cooperation.

the second is to deepen connectivity.strengthen the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure, jointly build and operate existing major landmark projects, plan and promote new cooperation projects, and build a high-level three-dimensional interconnection network. deepen the "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, and study and strengthen the docking of rules and standards in the fields of trade, investment, green, digital, agriculture, etc. consolidate the "heart connectivity" of the chinese and african peoples, focus on the fields of culture, tourism, education, sports, traditional chinese medicine, etc., and jointly promote the construction of "small and beautiful" livelihood projects.

the third is to deepen cooperation in new areas.continue to strengthen digital infrastructure construction and deepen cooperation in the fields of digital economy, artificial intelligence, etc. jointly implement green development actions and advocate green and low-carbon concepts. build a closer innovative partnership and implement the "belt and road" science and technology innovation action plan in depth. continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of health and support africa in improving its disease prevention and control capabilities and public health level.

photography: fu yu, miao lu
