
a brigade of the 81st group army focused on problem-oriented and in-depth research on training and preparation for war


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after many twists and turns, 36 deep-seated issues on deepening combat effectiveness construction finally "surfaced" like underwater reefs.
looking back at the process of these problems coming to light, the officers and soldiers of a brigade of the 81st group army were deeply moved: the process of digging, screening, analyzing and solving problems is not only a process of deepening the study and understanding of the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee such as "highlighting problem orientation", but also a microcosm of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the plenary session and taking the initiative to take responsibility.
the incident originated from the half-year military training summary organized by the brigade. the brigade leaders specifically emphasized that it is necessary to sort out and summarize the training results and experience in the first half of the year, and to focus on finding problems and shortcomings. unexpectedly, in the summaries of many battalions and companies, the achievements were emphasized, but the problems were downplayed.
in order to find out the reasons, the leaders of the brigade went to various battalions and companies for investigation. they learned that some battalion and company cadres were worried that they had made a lot of achievements in training and preparation in the first half of the year, and if they talked too much about the problems, it might dampen the enthusiasm of the officers and soldiers; some were not aware of the problems, and were afraid that talking too much about the problems would affect the image of the unit and personal growth and progress; some were not comprehensive in their abilities and qualities, and did not have a clear understanding of the problems in their units and did not have a good grasp of them...
only by knowing the shortcomings can we make progress. after identifying the crux of the problem, the brigade headquarters did not simply ask the battalions and companies to re-report, but first organized officers and soldiers to seriously study the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee on "highlighting problem orientation" and guided everyone to deeply understand that the process of promoting and achieving development is the process of discovering and solving problems. one of the important reasons for the historic achievements in reforming and strengthening the army since the 18th cpc national congress is that it has always highlighted the problem orientation, aimed at problems, chased problems, faced problems, and focused on problems, achieving steady development in solving one prominent contradiction and problem after another.
"comprehensively deepening national defense and military reform is closely related to every officer and soldier." the brigade's party committee made its attitude clear: being on the front line of training and preparation for war, everyone discovers the shortcomings in combat effectiveness construction the earliest and feels them the most deeply. we must strengthen our awareness of problems, take the initiative to find problems, analyze causes, and actively seek good strategies and take practical measures.
"finding the right problems is a sign of ability and achievement!" the brigade set a clear direction, and each battalion and company unloaded their "burdens" and searched through boxes and cabinets to find problems. soon, dozens of problems were placed on the desks of the brigade leaders.
after analyzing them in detail, they found that most of these problems were "familiar faces." for example, last year many battalions and companies found the problem of "more training on frequently tested subjects and less training on uncommon subjects," and this year many units reported it again; a company found the problem of "new-type combat forces emphasizing technology over tactics and excessively pursuing meters, seconds and rings," and several brother companies also reported it...
some problems are the same as in previous years, and some are similar to those of other units. is this true? or have we not conducted in-depth research and reflection? the brigade headquarters found that the problem awareness of all battalions and companies has generally increased, but it is not easy to identify the problems. some units reported some common problems based on previous problems.
"not being able to identify the problem accurately is a big problem in itself. this reflects that we have no idea how to deeply improve the quality and effectiveness of training, and we are at a loss as to how to play our role in tasks such as 'deepening the reform of the joint combat system.'" the brigade organized concentrated lectures and guidance for cadres from all battalions and companies, ranging from the capability requirements to win future information-based and intelligent wars to the urgent need for the transformation of our military training... it not only allows everyone to identify the gaps and deficiencies, but also allows everyone to see the direction and standards of their efforts.
clear up the fog of thought and clarify vague understandings. the brigade once again asked officers and soldiers to identify problems based on reality. before long, dozens of problems such as "poor operability of emergency plans during exercise supervision" were dug out.
after summarizing the problems, the brigade found that there were more superficial problems and fewer deep-seated problems; more specific problems and fewer overall problems; more explicit problems and fewer hidden problems. "it is not okay to leave the problems floating on the surface and lingering at a low level. we must re-analyze and report them!" the brigade party committee was determined.
many officers and soldiers were puzzled by the repeated "rework": all the problems that should be found have been found, so is it necessary to do this in one summary?
facing these voices, the brigade's party committee has a clear position: to adhere to the problem-oriented approach, we must first identify the problems accurately, deeply, truly and realistically. whether the problems are accurately identified can show whether commanders at all levels have mastered the requirements of the combat system for the training of their units, whether they are clear about the training shortcomings of their units in the system, and whether they can provide support for tasks such as "deepening the reform of the joint combat system".
in order to help everyone identify the problems, the leaders of the brigade analyzed the problems layer by layer to help the officers and soldiers understand the core of "prominent problem orientation": problems exist objectively, but they are not simply and intuitively revealed on the surface of things. only by accurately analyzing the situation, grasping the general trend, combining reality and turning the knife to oneself can we find the source of the problem.
gradually, some hidden deep-seated problems "surfaced": the daily war research and planning were not thorough and detailed, there was a lack of joint thinking, and there was insufficient anticipation of the battlefield environment...
as the problems were dug deeper, the officers and soldiers of the brigade had a deeper understanding of the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee: reform was driven by problems and deepened by solving them. the task of continuously deepening the reform of national defense and the military is arduous, and the time is short for achieving the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army. both require highlighting the problem orientation and actively using reform and innovation methods to solve new situations and new problems.
the brigade leaders clearly pointed out: "no deep-seated problem exists in isolation. we must look beyond the local situation to see the overall situation, beyond the tactical level to see the campaign and even strategic requirements."
a brainstorming session to investigate and identify overall problems was launched again. soon, 36 deep-seated problems regarding combat effectiveness construction were unearthed. many officers and soldiers said that from the perspective of the overall situation and system, their vision was broadened, and many problems that they originally felt "had nothing to do with them" were found out.
"only by integrating problem-orientation into the development of the troops can we dare to face up to contradictions and problems in our thoughts and solve them in action." in the process of repeatedly finding problems, the thinking of officers and soldiers has also quietly changed.
what the brigade leaders did not expect was that in just one month, many battalions and companies had sorted out practical measures and methods.
"some of these 36 problems involve complex combat training systems. a few days ago, we were worried that grassroots battalions and companies would have no idea where to start." the brigade leader said happily that he did not expect everyone to make a breakthrough so quickly.
"in the past, we had no idea where to start, mainly because we did not have a deep understanding of the objective laws governing the development of things." the words of the instructor of the second battalion of the brigade expressed the aspirations of many officers and soldiers. "if we deeply understand the core essence of chairman xi's important expositions on comprehensively deepening reform, the problems will be solved and we will have a stronger motivation to devote ourselves to reform."
during a joint training exercise, the helicopter was affected by the "enemy" electromagnetic interference and the environment and was unable to quickly capture the target. in addition, the target characteristics and terrain information provided by the ground guide were not timely and accurate enough, resulting in the ultimate failure of the mission.
"the problem seems to be in the ability to search for targets and guide strikes, but in reality it is due to insufficient coordinated training among units and a lack of joint thinking." after identifying the root cause of the problem, the brigade immediately organized the helicopter battalion and the drone company to formulate a joint training plan and conduct mutual learning and training: helicopter pilots served as privates in the drone company, and learned and trained; the drone company officers and soldiers went to the helicopter battalion to learn the process of launching missiles from a helicopter and boarded a helicopter to experience the pilot's perspective...
from "no idea where to start" to "a lot of ideas", the brigade's study and implementation of the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee has brought remarkable results. officers and soldiers said that only by asking questions can one fight well, and only by asking questions can one win. there are many deep-seated contradictions and problems in promoting the cause of strengthening the army, which cannot be avoided or circumvented. only by rushing to the problems and focusing on solving them can the vitality of reform continue to burst out in the practice of strengthening the army. (liu jianwei, song zixun, di bowen)
source: china military network