
post-00s employment preference is for competitive salaries, with and huawei ranking in the first tier


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the autumn recruitment is coming again. which companies' offers are the "post-00s" fascinated by? what are the "plus points" of the companies that they value most when looking for a job?
recently, china news network launched a "survey on job-seeking intentions of post-00s". let's take a look at the differences in job hunting for "post-00s" and where their "dream destination" is.
competitive salary remains the focus
it is reported that the number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210,000 year-on-year.
what do college graduates value when choosing a job? the survey results show that salary and benefits are still the key factors that graduates consider when choosing a job. among the expected monthly salary, the salary range of 5,000 to 10,000 yuan ranks first.
expected monthly salary of the post-2000s
in addition, graduates also value the realization of personal values, job development potential and promotion opportunities, and job market demand and stability. this means that the post-00s also consider personal growth as an important factor in their career choices.
factors that post-2000s value when choosing jobs
among the institutions where graduates intend to work, central/state-owned enterprises, government agencies/institutions, and private/private enterprises account for a relatively high proportion.
according to the survey results, since large companies such as and huawei provide a large number of jobs for fresh graduates, with relatively high salaries and relatively fast salary increases, they have become the first tier favored by the "post-00s" in the private/private enterprise classification.
among them, has attracted the attention of many respondents due to its large recruitment scale and continuous salary increases in recent years.
starting from august this year, launched the largest campus recruitment in history worldwide, offering more than 18,000 positions to college students. among them, 12,000 graduates of the class of 2025 will be recruited, and the salaries of campus recruits will be significantly increased.
on september 13, announced that it would once again raise salaries: starting from october 1, 2024, retail group and its functional system will use two years to achieve 20% salary increase, and other departments will also start salary increase plans one after another. according to the analysis, has promoted six rounds of employee salary increase in the past three years, leading the industry.
more consideration for a sense of belonging and dignity
faced with a complex macro-environment, in addition to competitive salaries, graduates also hope to obtain stable and comprehensive protection in terms of social security, medical care, housing, working environment, etc. when looking for jobs.
the survey shows that when choosing a job, a sense of belonging and dignity in work becomes the factor that graduates consider most.
factors that post-2000s people consider when choosing a job (multiple choices)
how can we make employees feel more belonging and secure? according to the survey results, it is mainly reflected in decent income, comfortable work, living environment and complete welfare protection.
taking all the above factors into consideration, large companies' autumn recruitment presents certain advantages - in addition to providing competitive salaries, they also have corresponding "five insurances and one fund", year-end bonuses, as well as paid leave, housing provision/subsidies and other welfare benefits, which make them attractive to the "post-00s".
what benefits do the post-2000s value more when looking for jobs? (multiple choices)
taking housing as an example, many graduates who want to work in first-tier cities such as beijing and shanghai are more concerned about the accommodation-related guarantees provided by companies. xiao wu, who was interviewed, admitted that for newcomers working in first-tier cities, accommodation is a considerable expense, so job seekers will also focus on the welfare guarantees provided by companies in this regard.
companies that post-2000s hope to join
at present, many large companies are increasing their investment in related areas. for example, bytedance will provide subsidies for renting nearby houses, huawei's apartment project in shanghai is about to be completed and delivered, and gree electric appliances promises employees "one room per person".
xiao wu said that he is currently interested in the jd youth city project. jd has promised to provide nearly 4,000 employee apartments with complete home appliances and furniture for young employees, including campus recruits, and is currently under construction. the first phase of the jd youth city project has been capped.
from "escaping from big companies" to "returning to big companies", the shift in hot topics on social networks also reflects the change in the attractiveness of big companies to the "post-00s".
to embrace a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, science and technology companies need to establish a talent training model that is compatible with the needs of scientific and technological innovation, and provide the "post-00s" with a bigger stage, richer economic returns and more complete welfare guarantees. this is a key to attracting young talents.
pursuing promotion to management positions
when graduates first enter the workplace, they often have expectations for their future careers, among which career advancement is considered an important yardstick for measuring personal value realization and career development achievements.
the survey results show that among the expectations of the post-2000s for career development, promotion to management positions accounts for the highest proportion. in addition, the transparency and fairness of the promotion channel have a great impact on employment choices.
expectations of the post-2000s generation for their career development paths
in this situation, companies that can provide clear career development paths and fair promotion opportunities are more likely to stand out. in recent years, some companies have also begun to establish a cross-level promotion and promotion system for outstanding campus recruits. began to implement the big boss assessment and incentive mechanism in early 2019, and will initiate cross-level promotions for outstanding young people from 2023.
it is understood that has also boldly promoted young people whose abilities have reached more than 70% of the target management position competency requirements, and advocated that 80% of management positions be cultivated internally. currently, more than 10% of the group management team are campus recruits who grew up within
in order to help campus recruits quickly adapt to the workplace, has created a "three-year growth plan" for campus recruits starting in 2024, hoping to help them complete their workplace identity transformation. in april this year, group's global training base was officially opened to provide a learning and growth platform for young people.
it is worth mentioning that according to the survey results, the proportion of graduates who encounter academic qualifications and major restrictions in job hunting remains high. non-university graduates, especially liberal arts graduates, are in urgent need of operations and administrative positions.
do the post-2000s encounter educational qualifications restrictions when seeking jobs?
judging from the autumn recruitment information released by companies, some large companies, especially those integrating digital and real world, have stepped up recruitment efforts for procurement and logistics positions that will enhance user experience. this has objectively alleviated issues related to academic qualifications and major restrictions.
among's 12,000 positions for fresh graduates of 2025, 4,000 are in procurement and sales. according to reports, all " procurement and sales" recruited through campus recruitment will receive a 20-month annual salary structure, with a year-end bonus of 8 times the monthly salary.
in recent years, the total youth population in my country has been growing steadily, and the number of college graduates has continued to increase, so the task of promoting employment remains arduous. the expansion of recruitment in procurement, sales, logistics and other positions in large factories, the "dream place" for college graduates, will provide a good employment environment for the "post-00s" and will further promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.
(source: china news network)