
shaanxi teenagers visit museums to experience ancient mid-autumn festival


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xi'an, september 17 (xinhua) -- "according to the ancient chinese calendar, there are four seasons in a year, each with three months, called the first month, the middle month, and the last month. because the second month of autumn is called the middle autumn, and because the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is in the middle of august, it is called 'mid-autumn festival'..." in order to promote the excellent traditional chinese culture and enhance students' understanding and recognition of traditional festivals, the xiyue temple museum in huayin, shaanxi province, recently held a cultural study activity for the mid-autumn festival. by listening to the social education teachers telling classic legends such as chang'e flying to the moon and wu gang cutting down the cassia tree, the children participating in the activity seemed to travel through time and space and appreciate the beauty of the bright moon with the ancients.
the picture shows children showing their guzheng talents. photo courtesy of xiyue temple museum
"do you think the hanfu we are wearing today is beautiful? do you know what hanfu is?" in the hanfu and hanli experience session, the social education teacher introduced the basic characteristics, evolution of forms and cultural connotations of hanfu to the children, and also personally demonstrated the basic etiquette knowledge of hanfu. in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, everyone not only learned about hanfu culture, but also experienced the charm of traditional etiquette.
the atmosphere at the guzheng playing event was lively, and the melodious guzheng music echoed in the museum, attracting many tourists to watch. while the children were performing the guzheng, the guzheng art teacher also brought wonderful guzheng performances to the children. in addition to imparting guzheng playing skills and experience, the teacher also shared the cultural connotation and historical heritage of guzheng art.
the picture shows children experiencing archery. photo courtesy of xiyue temple museum
at the event, archery and pot throwing were also being studied. through the explanation of the etiquette and basic technical movements such as the overall posture, standing posture, bow holding posture and bow drawing, the children not only exercised their hand-eye and limb coordination abilities, but also felt the traditional culture and the fun of the ancients.
this mid-autumn festival cultural study and research activity not only provides a platform for young people to understand, experience and inherit china's excellent traditional culture, but also inspires their love and pride in traditional culture. in the future, xiyue temple museum will continue to hold more study and research activities with educational significance and cultural connotations, so that traditional culture can be revitalized among the younger generation. (end)