
alipay, mybank and linggongguanjia cooperate to provide 200 million yuan of special funds to ensure that blue-collar flexible employment can receive "instant salary settlement"


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in order to ensure that blue-collar youth and other groups receive daily wages for flexible employment, reduce the capital turnover pressure of employers in paying wages, and continuously improve the chaos in the flexible work market such as arrears and wage withholding, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry, on the morning of september 14, alipay, together with ant financial services group and flexible workers butler, reached a strategic cooperation to support digital employment.
on the morning of september 14, mybank and related financial institutions launched a financing service solution for the flexible employment industry, providing a total credit of 200 million yuan for the payment of flexible employment salaries to linggong guanjia recruiters and merchants.
in this cooperation, mybank and related financial institutions have launched a financing service solution for the flexible employment industry, providing a total of 200 million credit lines for the flexible employment salary payment of the flexible employment recruiters and merchants. alipay employment has also launched a "daily settlement zone" to provide traffic support to ensure that more flexible workers can "get their salary settled in seconds". industry insiders commented that this is a landmark event that integrates financial technology and human resource management to promote flexible employment of blue-collar workers, and has a benchmark significance for industrial upgrading.
at present, the job-seeking demand of blue-collar youth is very strong. according to the statistical data of the "2023 china blue-collar employment research report" released by the china new employment form research center, there are as many as 400 million blue-collar workers among the 747 million employed population in china, among which the number of flexible employment is estimated to be 200 to 300 million.
as the leading full-process digital flexible employment management platform in china, linggong guanjia has been focusing on providing enterprises with better flexible employment recruitment management services. based on the pain points of flexible workers, it has realized the "instant salary settlement" of flexible employment for the first time in the industry, which has greatly improved the stability of employees to 80% and attracted a large number of workers to flexible employment. once the "instant salary settlement" was launched, it was welcomed by enterprises and practitioners. however, this requires enterprises to deposit a sum of money in linggong guanjia first, resulting in a limited number of enterprises that can provide daily salary positions.
as a pioneer in digital services, alipay also has many technical capabilities and resource advantages in helping blue-collar youth and other groups find flexible employment. by creating a "platform of platforms" model, the "alipay employment" channel was launched, and more than 80 million jobs have been aggregated, of which nearly 60% are blue-collar jobs. at present, it has served more than 10 million people born in the 2000s and 1990s, looking for blue-collar jobs and other jobs.
alipay employment has reached a strategic cooperation with mybank and linggong butler to help blue-collar youth find flexible digital employment.
recently, alipay employment has also launched a "daily salary zone" specifically for blue-collar youth employment, providing job seekers with one-stop employment services. with its product and technical capabilities, alipay employment has successfully linked more than 300 employment service providers. the addition of linggong butler will help further enrich the daily salary positions on the alipay employment channel, and significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of job matching.
at the signing ceremony, zhang guibin, general manager of alipay digital employment, said that alipay will continue to build a "platform of platforms" based on its own resource advantages, and through online employment aggregation channels, open technologies and products, and other capabilities, work with industry ecosystem partners to continuously promote the digital development of the employment industry and facilitate the improvement of the efficiency of matching people and jobs.