
who is the deskmate? in a high school in hangzhou, all 48 seats in the class are decided by computer "drawing lots"


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zhu lizhen, reporter of chao news client
how to arrange seats is probably what many teachers and parents are struggling with since the start of the school year. some parents are worried that their children are tall and will always sit in the last row; some parents want to ask the teacher to let their children sit in the first row because their children have poor eyesight, but they are afraid of embarrassing the teacher and leaving a bad impression.
at hangzhou changhe senior high school, the grade 1 (14) class used a simple, fast and exciting method: just click the mouse and the seating chart comes out freshly.
that’s right, the problem of seating arrangement was solved by drawing lots using a computer.
"it solves the problem once and for all and reduces a lot of troubles." the head teacher, mr. yang chunlin, said that this small program was developed by students who have already graduated. it has been used for more than ten years and has undergone several revisions. the students are satisfied and the head teacher's happiness index has also increased a lot.
computer scrolling class names
click the mouse to rank randomly
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0..." a deafening countdown sounded in the classroom, followed by a burst of cheers from the students. in less than a second, the first grade (14) class of hangzhou changhe senior high school had settled an important matter at the beginning of the school year - the students were concerned about where they would sit and who their new deskmate would be. as the mouse was frozen, the seating chart was revealed on the big screen in the classroom, and everything was settled.
it was exciting to use the computer to draw lots to arrange seats. yang chunlin said:
"in fact, it has been used for more than ten years, and has undergone several revisions in the meantime." teacher yang also enthusiastically sent the mini program to the reporter for him to experience it.
the reporter found that the operation was quite simple. the interface simulated the layout of a classroom, with the "lectern" in the front row and the names of 48 students randomly scrolling in squares, which represented seats. before that, teacher yang had already entered the names of all the students in the class. when the names were scrolling, the operator only needed to click the "lectern" button with the mouse, and the picture would freeze and a seating chart would appear.
teacher yang admitted that the seats were assigned by drawing lots, and initially they were assigned by hand using small pieces of paper. "this also exposed a problem, as some students took the seats they had drawn and swapped them with each other, which violated the original intention of randomly arranging seats."
teacher yang came up with a "patch" to list a roster and draw lots on the spot to register. a student suggested that although the manual drawing method is good, it wastes a class period of time. it would be better to develop a small program to draw lots using a computer. "the first version of the small program was designed. the name display was static, and the mouse randomly arranged the seats the first time."
over the years, the mini program has been upgraded many times. graduates shen yichen, hu hanlin and wang shujie have all participated in the design and improvement of the mini program. the final display has changed from static to dynamic, and the form is slightly different, "but the basic principle is the same."
speaking of which, yesterday was the first time that the students of grade 1 (14) drew lots on a computer to arrange seats after the start of the new semester. the seating arrangements during this period of school were drawn by teacher yang in august.
"it actually took three draws yesterday before i was successful." teacher yang explained that the versions drawn in the first two times were the same as the last time for one of the new classmates, so they had to cancel the draw and re-draw, so that students can sit with different people as much as possible.
the mini program opens the interface and simulates the classroom layout
the lottery seating system has been in place for more than ten years
the plan is constantly refined and updated
parents have always been very concerned about how to arrange seats, and students have their own ideas. the problem is finally summarized by the class teacher.
for example, some parents, taking advantage of their children's nearsightedness, hope to move their children to sit in the front; some parents will ask the teacher if they can be arranged in the "golden position" in the middle second or third row; and parents of tall children are quite dissatisfied with their children always sitting in the last row.
after choosing the perfect seat, some parents even choose their children's deskmate. not only should they have good academic performance, but they should also have a good personality and be able to motivate their children to study hard.
there are forty or fifty students in a class. if several parents make these "personalized" seating requests, it would probably be enough to drive the class teacher crazy.
after teacher yang filmed the video of drawing lots on the computer, the comments below were very representative.
"a 155cm girl sits behind a 185cm boy? i suggest that the program should also include the height parameter of each student. in the same column, the height of the back row cannot be greater than that of the front row."
"just because you are tall, you should give up your seat?"
"why should big guys sit in the back?"
obviously, when it comes to seating, it’s hard to satisfy everyone.
"it is indeed a headache for teachers, and there are many things that hinder them." the difficulty in adjusting seats is a problem that teacher yang can relate to. when she was in school, she was small and only sat in the first row. "i got a lot of chalk dust, but the key is that i never had the opportunity to try other seats."
seeing the short students in the first row, teacher yang seemed to see herself in the past; and the tall students sat in the back according to convention, which was actually unfair. "it is not easy for teachers to pay attention to them. some boys are less self-conscious and have the opportunity to do small actions, which may eventually affect their grades."
more than 10 years ago, when teacher yang told the students about the original intention and idea of ​​randomly drawing lots to arrange seats, the class of more than 40 students voted, and only four or five students disagreed. "they had the courage to stick to their own views, which is good, but class affairs still have to obey the majority, and finally it was implemented."
in a blink of an eye, teacher yang has been using this method to arrange class seats for more than ten years. in the process, he has encountered some minor problems that require the experience and wisdom of the class teacher to resolve.
for example, after drawing lots yesterday, a student came to teacher yang and complained that the first seat in the first group was a bit reflective. although the two students had already negotiated to swap seats privately, teacher yang still opposed it. "i definitely disagree. unless there is no other choice, you should not make adjustments privately. the basic principle is randomness and you must stick to it." teacher yang also made an exception. it was when he met a student with congenital myopia. he had high myopia of more than 1,000 degrees and could not see the blackboard clearly even if he sat in the first row. "we locked the first row seat for this student in advance, which also reflects the friendship and human care of our class."
image source: cfp
draw lots once a month
maximizing the “circle of friends” after three years
is it feasible to let a computer arrange seating arrangements?
"we have spent three years like this. there are surprises every month and it feels great." under teacher yang's video, a graduate left a message, which also represented the voices of many classmates.
teacher yang has been promoting the mini program for so many years, and many of his colleagues have come to learn from him, some have succeeded and some have failed. yesterday, he posted the video he shot on the spot to his video account, and some netizens came to ask him for help on the mini program.
"the principle is actually very simple, and the mini-program is not difficult to make. i asked students to do it. nowadays, students are very good at using computers." in teacher yang's opinion, the difficulty of random lottery for seats lies not in the program and principle, but in how to promote and implement it. "it requires the class teacher to have a certain leadership ability, at least to explain the reason clearly to parents and classmates, so as to gain their understanding and support. in the final analysis, it is a test of the class teacher's skills."
behind a seat, there is actually a condensed philosophy of life - life is full of randomness and uncertainty. "many parents and students think that the three or four rows in the middle are golden seats and they are reluctant to leave, but life is short and plants and trees are ephemeral. it is good to experience different lives. only by changing around can you expand your circle of friends."
since the implementation of the seat drawing method, teacher yang has given up the subjective factors.
"this computer program is purely random, but the lots will be drawn again once a month, and columns one, three, two, and four will be swapped after two weeks." regarding the concern of parents and netizens about short students not being able to see the blackboard clearly when sitting at the back, teacher yang explained that now the desks and chairs can be adjusted in height, and short students can solve the problem of seeing the blackboard clearly by adjusting their sitting posture and desks and chairs. the main idea is that if they have difficulties, they can solve it themselves.
yesterday, teacher yang also posted the scene of drawing lots on the spot to the parents’ group.
"parents are also very happy to see this. this is actually in line with the new curriculum standards. it allows students to contact more groups. after three years, it is possible to sit at the same table or in front or behind the whole class, expanding the circle of friends of each student." teacher yang can also say a lot of benefits of doing this, such as solving the seating problem of those less likable students and avoiding harm to them; for example, if a student draws a deskmate he doesn't like, a person can get along with someone he doesn't like for a month, isn't this a kind of growth? another point, teacher yang told the parents as a joke - in the process of drawing lots every month, you may sit at the same table with different opposite sexes. although early love is not advocated, it may also be helpful to choose a spouse in the future to get in touch with and understand a large number of opposite sexes with different personalities and types in this way.
every benefit listed by teacher yang touched the hearts of parents.
"please indicate the source when reprinting"