
legal daily: promote the delayed retirement reform steadily and orderly on the track of the rule of law


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□ this newspaper's commentator

on september 13, the 11th session of the standing committee of the 14th national people's congress adopted the decision on the implementation of the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age (hereinafter referred to as the "decision"), which approved the "measures of the state council on the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures"). this is the first adjustment of the statutory retirement age for employees in more than 70 years since it was determined in the 1950s.

retirement is an important livelihood issue that concerns everyone and their families, and is also a major social issue related to the development and utilization of national human resources. my country's current statutory retirement age was determined in the 1950s based on the average life expectancy, working conditions, and employment methods at the time. at present, my country's average life expectancy has increased from 42 years old in the early days of the founding of new china to 78.6 years old now. the average education level of my country's labor force is increasing, the scale of high-quality labor force continues to expand, and the time for labor to enter the labor market is constantly delayed... these new changes need to be adapted through the reform of the statutory retirement age.

adjusting the statutory retirement age in line with the times and improving and perfecting the statutory retirement age system that is compatible with my country's economic and social development are of objective necessity and practical urgency. they will be conducive to improving the efficiency of human resource development and utilization in my country and increasing the effective supply of labor force in the whole society. they are the inevitable choice to adapt to the new normal of population development and are related to supporting chinese-style modernization with high-quality population development.

since the 18th cpc national congress, the cpc central committee with comrade xi jinping as its core has attached great importance to the work of delaying the statutory retirement age and has made a series of important arrangements. the report of the 20th cpc national congress called for the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age; the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee clearly proposed to promote the reform of the gradual delay in the statutory retirement age in a steady and orderly manner in accordance with the principles of voluntariness and flexibility. the formulation and promulgation of the "decision" and "measures" are major measures to implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee. in the process of formulation, we fully listened to opinions from all sides, comprehensively considered factors such as my country's life expectancy, health level, population structure, national education level, and labor supply, conducted multiple special demonstrations and repeated discussions and revisions, and carried out democracy and brainstorming throughout the whole process. it is another vivid practice of scientific and democratic legislation.

the decision clarifies the principle of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age, and emphasizes "adhering to the principle of small-step adjustment, flexible implementation, classified promotion, and overall consideration". in this way, gradually extending the retirement age can minimize the impact of retirement policy adjustments on society and relevant personnel. this is a common practice in many countries in raising the statutory retirement age. the measures embody the principles of voluntariness and flexibility. the retirement age has been expanded from a rigid node to a flexible range, increasing the space for free choice. the voluntariness principle respects individual labor capacity, labor status and willingness, and fully considers individual differences and diversified needs; the flexibility principle provides people with more choices. in other words, whether you want to retire early so that you can enjoy the happiness of your grandchildren and family, or you are willing to continue to shine and make a difference, you can have a retirement arrangement that suits you. in addition, the measures also provide for the protection of the rights and interests of groups such as flexible employment groups and new business practitioners, older workers, and workers over the statutory retirement age.

laws alone cannot work. especially in a country like my country with a huge economy and population, promoting the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age is a complex and systematic project, and there is a lot of work to be done. we must strengthen the precise publicity of the reform policy, let all sectors of society deeply understand the great significance and important role of the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age, accurately understand its content and spirit, build social consensus, and unify thoughts and understandings; we must further implement the employment priority strategy, promote high-quality full employment, improve the employment security system driven by entrepreneurship, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in accordance with the law; we must improve the elderly care service system and the incentive mechanism for pension insurance, vigorously develop a universal childcare service system, and provide a good policy environment and institutional guarantee for the smooth implementation of the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age.