
jiangxi township institutional reform sample: establishment of the people's livelihood service office to integrate the relevant functions of 16 departments


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the situation of this round of township institution reform in jiangxi has been gradually disclosed.

among them, the "summary of institutional reform work in 2024" recently released by gaoping town, suichuan county, ji'an city introduced that according to the spirit of the document and the actual work of gaoping town, the "post-to-post assignment" and "division of labor but not separation of families" were implemented, and overall arrangements and scientific deployment were made. currently, there are 5 internal institutions in the town, namely "five offices":

the first is the party and government office, which is responsible for the party and administrative affairs of the town; the second is the party building office, which is responsible for guiding the establishment, abolition, adjustment, and daily party member management of the town’s party organizations; the third is the economic development office, which is responsible for the preparation of the town’s fiscal budget and final accounts, coordinating the management of various revenues and expenditures within the town, strengthening financial resource construction, and assisting in tax collection and management; the fourth is the people’s livelihood service office, which is mainly responsible for the formulation and implementation of people’s livelihood service plans and other work closely related to people’s livelihood development; the fifth is the social governance office, which is mainly responsible for the town’s comprehensive political and legal management, petition and stability maintenance, judicial mediation, joint security defense, grassroots governance, anti-evil and anti-evil, rule of law construction, community correction, legal aid, urban management, emergency management, production safety, ecological environmental protection, food and drug safety, etc.

the town has two subordinate institutions: one is the convenience service center, which is mainly responsible for the coordination of government affairs disclosure and optimization of the business environment, and centrally accepts and handles administrative licensing (approval) services, public services, convenience services and other matters closely related to the masses and enterprises; the other is the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team, which exercises administrative punishment power in the name of gaoping town people's government, and is mainly responsible for administrative punishment and related administrative enforcement and supervision and inspection powers within the jurisdiction, and assists the relevant law enforcement departments at the higher level in carrying out law enforcement work. the "5+2" organization currently has 13 leadership positions, with a streamlining ratio of 27%. the staff establishment has achieved the goal of no administrative overstaffing and a surplus in the cause.

"through the reform, the functions of various departments in our town have been more reasonably configured, the organization has been more standardized, and the establishment and personnel have been further streamlined. our town has been further strengthened in the development of economy, public services, social management and other functions, and has achieved remarkable results." gaoping town concluded that the local government adheres to the reform idea of ​​"one department shall coordinate one type of matter in principle, and one department shall be responsible for one matter in principle". at the township level, 5 internal institutions and 2 subordinate institutions have been established and reorganized. more than 20 long-standing issues such as overlapping departmental responsibilities and unsmooth relationships have been resolved.

for example, the newly established people's livelihood service office integrates the relevant functions of 16 departments, including agriculture and rural areas (rural revitalization), forestry, water conservancy, education and sports, science and technology, culture, radio, television, tourism, health, civil affairs (urban poverty alleviation), human resources and social security, social relief and assistance, double support and preferential treatment, aging, five guarantees and minimum living allowances, veterans affairs, medical insurance, and funeral management. it has promoted the formation of a people's livelihood management system with unified command, quick response, and coordination between upper and lower levels, breaking the fragmented division of labor pattern of departmental division, scattered resources, and duplicate construction that has existed in people's livelihood services for a long time.

this institutional reform has readjusted the functional deployment of 15 industry stations, from the original 12 departments to the current "5+2" institutions, and streamlined 5 internal institutions. for example, the economic development office, which was merged from the original economic management station and finance office, is managed by the director of the economic development office, and the other office staff actively cooperate and work together to complete various government financial budgets, revenue and expenditure management and other economic businesses within the functional scope of the town, further promoting the comprehensive transformation of internal institutions and strengthening the centralized management level of internal institutions over the work under their jurisdiction.

in longtan town, gao'an city, there are five internal institutions after adjustment, namely: party and government office, party building office, economic development office, people's livelihood service office, and safe and legal office.

according to the "implementation plan for the institutional reform of longtan town", the party and government office (party building office) will be renamed as the party and government office, and its responsibilities will be adjusted to undertake the daily work of the town party committee and government agencies, be responsible for the comprehensive coordination of agencies, policy research, government supervision, and be responsible for secretarial, confidential, confidential, information, conference affairs, logistics support, etc. the new party building office will be mainly responsible for party building, organization, publicity, discipline inspection, united front, armed forces, mass organizations, etc.; responsible for cadres, talents, personnel, institutional establishment and veteran cadres.

longtan town renamed the finance and economics office as the economic development office, and adjusted its responsibilities to be responsible for the formulation of economic development plans and the guidance and management of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries; responsible for investment promotion, public asset and collective asset management, science and technology popularization, statistics and other work; coordinating other work related to economic development; responsible for finance, tax assistance, auditing and village account management; responsible for implementing the principles and policies of rural revitalization; responsible for supervision and management to reduce the burden on farmers; responsible for the transfer of rural collective land; guiding farmers' professional cooperatives; responsible for agriculture, agricultural machinery technology promotion, crop disease and pest monitoring and prevention; responsible for water conservancy construction planning in the jurisdiction; responsible for animal epidemic prevention and quarantine, immigrant resettlement, river chief system, forestry and other work.

the local government renamed the social affairs office as the people's livelihood service office, and adjusted its responsibilities to include natural resources, planning, ecological environment protection and other work within the scope of its duties; guiding and promoting the comprehensive management of public services, and organizing and implementing various public services closely related to people's lives; responsible for human resources and social security, civil affairs, medical insurance, education, sports, culture, tourism, health and hygiene, and protection of the rights and interests of people with disabilities; and responsible for related services for veterans.

longtan town also renamed the social governance office (emergency management office) as the safe and legal office, and adjusted its responsibilities to be responsible for comprehensive social security management, safe construction, legal construction, petition and stability maintenance, etc., strengthen grid-based social governance services, guide and coordinate civil dispute mediation and community correction work, manage and coordinate the comprehensive governance work platform; be responsible for production safety and emergency management, and be responsible for the formulation and implementation of response plans for various natural disasters and sudden and mass incidents.

as the responsibilities for agricultural and rural work have been transferred to the economic development office, the agricultural and rural work office has been abolished.

in addition, songhu township, linchuan district, fuzhou city, redefined the adjustment of the internal institutions of the township government as the party and government office, party building office, economic development office, people's livelihood service office, and peace and law office. the local government has established and improved the personnel optimization and dynamic adjustment mechanism in combination with the organization setting and job management, implemented the fixed tasks, fixed jobs, fixed responsibilities, and fixed personnel, and included all employees in the job management, implemented "one person multiple jobs" or "one job multiple people", ensured the balanced match between personnel strength and job tasks, and promoted the transformation from identity management to job management.