
the people's congresses of beijing, tianjin and hebei carried out coordinated supervision of the protection, inheritance and utilization of the grand canal culture in beijing


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from september 9 to 11, the people's congresses of beijing, tianjin and hebei carried out coordinated supervision of the protection, inheritance and utilization of the grand canal culture in beijing. this year marks the 10th anniversary of the coordinated development of beijing, tianjin and hebei, as well as the 10th anniversary of the successful application of the grand canal for world heritage status. the people's congresses of beijing, tianjin and hebei chose the law enforcement inspection of the inheritance, protection and utilization of the grand canal culture as a coordinated supervision project of the three people's congresses. this is also the first project since the establishment of the coordinated supervision mechanism of beijing, tianjin and hebei.
it is reported that this law enforcement inspection and investigation mainly inspected the cultural relics of the grand canal, the water quality of the grand canal, the ecological environment construction of the grand canal, the integration of culture and tourism, etc. liu yufang, member of the standing committee of the beijing municipal people's congress, chairman of the education, science, culture and health committee of the beijing municipal people's congress, and deputy secretary-general of the standing committee of the beijing municipal people's congress, who participated in the coordinated supervision, introduced that this inspection showed that beijing has achieved phased results in the protection and construction of the grand canal culture in recent years, such as the construction of the changping baifuquan grand canal source site park, majiawan wetland park, grand canal forest park, grand canal museum, etc., all of which are the inheritance and protection of the grand canal culture.
the collaborative supervision and research team conducted on-site research and inspection at the three temples and one pagoda in tongzhou on september 10. photo provided by the standing committee of the municipal people's congress
coordinated supervision and research teamarrivethree temples and one pagodawanning bridgefield research
after listening to the report of the responsible person of beijing development and reform commission on the overall implementation of the "decision" in beijing, the coordinated supervision and investigation team went to tongzhou beiguan flood diversion hub (daguang tower), lu county ancient city ruins, tongzhou three temples and one pagoda, xihai wetland park, wanning bridge, yuhe ancient channel ruins, nanxincang, beijing grand canal museum and other places to conduct field investigations.
the reporter learned that in recent years, beijing has fully utilized the radiation and driving role of the grand canal along the route, expanded the leisure and tourism space along the route, and cultivated the grand canal tourism boutique. in february this year, beijing (tongzhou) grand canal cultural tourism scenic area was awarded the national 5a scenic area, which is the only 5a scenic area in eastern beijing. the grand canal cultural tourism scenic area covers an area of ​​7.23 square kilometers, of which the water area is 2.56 square kilometers and the river section is 12.1 kilometers long. it organically integrates the cultural and tourism resources such as the "three temples and one pagoda" along the north canal, the canal park, the xihaizi park, and the grand canal forest park, highlighting the ecological and cultural value of the grand canal.
the ruins of lu county ancient city are one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in china in 2016. it is reported that the ancient city of lu county was the seat of lu county under yuyang county during the han dynasty, namely lu city. this is the earliest ancient city known in tongzhou district. more than 70 artifacts with pottery inscriptions from the warring states period and the western han dynasty have been excavated in the ruins of lu county ancient city, making it the site with the most pottery inscriptions unearthed in beijing.
"at the ruins of the ancient city of lu county, we saw archaeological excavation, display and sharing at the same time, allowing the people to feel the style of the thousand-year-old canal and the precious cultural heritage left to us by our ancestors." liang yinghua, a member of the national people's congress and deputy director of the standing committee of the cangzhou municipal people's congress, who participated in the coordinated supervision, said.
wanning bridge, also known as houmen bridge and di'an bridge, is a bridge located outside di'anmen in beijing, near shichahai, and on the central axis of beijing. wanning bridge has a history of 739 years and is known as the "first bridge on the central axis". it is the only bridge from the yuan dynasty that is still serving social transportation in beijing.
it is reported that in order to cooperate with the application of the central axis for world heritage status, the wanning bridge will be completely renovated in 2023. the renovation adopts ancient techniques to restore the historical style of the ancient bridge. peach blossom paste is used to consolidate and seal the damaged stones, and putty hemp knife is used to treat the gaps between the stones, which restores the historical style of the ancient bridge to the greatest extent.
the collaborative supervision and research team also visited the beijing grand canal museum, which is known as the "canal boat" embedded in the city's forest. positioned as a smart comprehensive museum, it integrates collection and preservation, open exhibition, scientific research, social education, cultural protection and restoration, etc. it is a patriotism education base based in the city's sub-center and radiating to the beijing-tianjin-hebei region, an important position for enhancing cultural soft power, and a vivid window for displaying urban development, bringing cultural influence and emotional resonance to visitors.
"this year marks the 10th anniversary of the coordinated development of beijing, tianjin and hebei, and also the 10th anniversary of the successful application of the grand canal for world heritage status. the people's congresses of beijing, tianjin and hebei have selected the law enforcement inspection of the cultural heritage, protection and utilization of the grand canal as a collaborative supervision project of the people's congresses of the three places. this is also the first project since the establishment of the coordinated supervision mechanism of beijing, tianjin and hebei." liu yufang said that the standing committees of the people's congresses of the three places attached great importance to this project, jointly studied the supervision work plan, and jointly determined the supervision content.
after the coordinated supervision in beijing is completed, the people's congresses of the three places will go to tianjin and hebei to carry out coordinated supervision.
focus on
what was discovered after the collaborative supervision on-site inspection?
according to the municipal people's congress, through this inspection, it was found that beijing insisted on large-scale protection rather than large-scale development, and promoted high-quality protection and creative transformation of cultural heritage. the baifu spring site was vacated, and the historical landscape of "nine dragons washing jade" was restored at the source of the grand canal. at the same time, the grand canal source site park was planned and built. at present, the first phase of the park has been completed and opened, and it has been integrated with the changping riverside forest park to form a large-scale canal cultural display area.
"i have always been paying close attention to the coordination of beijing, tianjin and hebei, and i am responsible for education, science, culture, health and sports in the standing committee of the cangzhou municipal people's congress. this time i participated in the coordinated supervision activity, and my overall feeling was that beijing paid attention to planning guidance and insisted on coordinated promotion in the process of building the grand canal cultural belt and ecological belt, and achieved very good results." liang yinghua said that the first aspect that impressed him very much was the excavation and protection of the grand canal cultural heritage. beijing insisted on large-scale protection and absolutely not large-scale development. although many projects have been implemented, the original appearance of the grand canal cultural relics has been preserved.
in terms of ecological construction, water quality monitoring has been carried out on key sections of the grand canal since 2017. the water quality along the grand canal has continued to improve, and the main rivers have consistently met or exceeded the requirements of water functional areas. there are basically no class v and class v-minus river sections along the entire line.
at the same time, through measures such as the management of the grand canal water system, the improvement of the surrounding environment, the transformation of shantytowns, and the protection of landscape, the environment around the grand canal has been effectively improved, and a number of waterfront leisure spaces have been formed. it is reported that the shichahai xihai wetland park has been completed and opened. this is the only urban wetland in the core area. the guo shoujing memorial hall on the north side of the park has been reopened. the number of visitors exceeded 100,000 in the first year of its opening, becoming a "traffic star" in the field of small and micro museums in beijing.
"i am a grassroots people's congress representative of tianjin. i feel i have gained a lot from participating in this collaborative supervision activity." gong keming, a tianjin people's congress representative and secretary of the party committee of yangliuqing town, xiqing district, who participated in the collaborative supervision, told reporters that through these two days of investigation, he saw that beijing has achieved many tangible results in protecting the grand canal.
gong keming said: "the most outstanding aspect is protection and development and utilization. we visited the beiguan flood diversion hub, the ruins of the ancient city of lu county, three temples and one tower, etc., and they are indeed remarkable in terms of planning concept and construction. they have truly achieved scientific development and utilization, which is also the most effective protection of historical and cultural heritage."
in addition, relying on the historical and cultural advantages of the provinces and cities along the grand canal, the three regions of beijing, tianjin and hebei have expanded the breadth and depth of cooperation in cultural heritage, ecological co-governance, and cultural tourism development. new progress has been made in strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation, coordinating ecological environment governance, and jointly developing cultural tourism projects. it is reported that the three regions of beijing, tianjin and hebei have established a collaborative consultation mechanism to unify the construction standards of waterways along the route and promote the navigation of 62 kilometers of cruise ships along the entire north canal (beijing-hebei section). at present, they are planning to develop north canal water tourism products with wuqing and langfang, and will launch more grand canal cultural tourism products in the future.
at the same time, some problems were also found during the inspection, such as insufficient excavation of cultural connotations, just like people come to jishuitan but do not know that it is the end point of the grand canal in the yuan dynasty, and the integration of culture and tourism in the three places needs to be further strengthened. "we will also supervise and support the government to improve related work through inspections, build the grand canal cultural belt well, and better benefit the people in the three places." liu yufang introduced.
the first coordinated supervision project after the establishment of the coordinated supervision mechanism of the beijing-tianjin-hebei people's congress
on december 8, 2023, the first joint meeting of the coordinated supervision of the beijing-tianjin-hebei people's congress was held in shijiazhuang, and it was decided that the three people's congresses would carry out coordinated supervision on the protection and inheritance of the grand canal culture in 2024, jointly identify problems and promote solutions. this also became the first coordinated supervision project after the establishment of the coordinated supervision mechanism of the beijing-tianjin-hebei people's congress.
according to the beijing municipal people's congress standing committee, 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the coordinated development of beijing, tianjin and hebei being elevated to a national strategy, and the 10th anniversary of the successful application of the grand canal for world heritage status. the three local people's congresses have carried out coordinated law enforcement inspections around the grand canal, which is an important measure for the three local people's congresses to continue to implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech and the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee, integrate legislative work and supervisory work, and promote the protection, inheritance and utilization of the grand canal culture through legal means.
on april 24, 2024, the beijing municipal people's congress standing committee held the first plenary meeting of the law enforcement inspection team of the "decision on the coordinated promotion of the protection, inheritance and utilization of the grand canal culture in beijing, tianjin and hebei" to launch the coordinated supervision work. from april to june, beijing carried out local law enforcement inspections. the law enforcement inspection team of the municipal people's congress standing committee is divided into four special groups: cultural heritage protection and inheritance, river system management, ecological environment protection, and cultural and tourism integrated development, and carried out local law enforcement inspections at the same time.
through inspection, we learned that after more than six years of continuous efforts from 2017 to the present, the development pattern of the grand canal has been basically established, and a coordinated promotion of the protection, inheritance and utilization of cultural resources along the grand canal has been basically formed. a number of landmark projects have been completed, including the grand canal source ruins park, the wanshou temple's evacuation, protection and repair, the baliqiao evacuation and protection, the beijing (tongzhou) grand canal cultural tourism scenic area's 5a-level creation, the north canal (beijing-hebei section) full cruise ship navigation, and the three major cultural facilities in the city's sub-center. the protection, inheritance and utilization of the grand canal's culture is entering a new stage from construction-oriented to a greater focus on the excavation of cultural connotations.
"this law enforcement inspection and investigation mainly focuses on the cultural relics of the grand canal, the water quality of the grand canal, the ecological environment construction of the grand canal, the integration of culture and tourism, etc. beijing has achieved phased results in the protection and construction of the grand canal culture in recent years. for example, the construction of the changping baifuquan grand canal source ruins park, majiawan wetland park, grand canal forest park, grand canal museum, etc., are all inheritance and protection of the grand canal culture." liu yufang said.
beijing news reporter wu wei
edited by zhang qian, proofread by zhang yanjun