
why not give primary school students air conditioning?


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just a few days into school, parents started to worry.

because they found out that their child's first lesson of the new semester wasfighting the heat

since many primary schools do not have air conditioning, orair conditioner installed but not allowed to be turned on, the children were sweating profusely and had no intention of studying.

dizziness, vomiting, heat stroke, prickly heat, nosebleeds...all kinds of bugs emerge one after another.

in order to use the air conditioning in the teacher's office, some children would rather make mistakes and be "taken" to the office by the class teacher to stand in punishment.

the teachers are also suffering.

when they go to the classroom for class, it's like stepping into a steamer.

we can only teach and preach in the baptism of sweat and heat waves.

in order to cool down the classroom, parents came up with an idea: purchase ice cubes and air-conditioning fans on their own and transport them to the school.

while they were communicating with the school to seek approval, they were also calling nearby ice factories for ice.

the demand is so strong that the price of ice has risen faster than the nasdaq.

however, the parents worked hard for several days, but the children did not get to enjoy the coolness for long.

because the school quickly issued a notice to suspend classes due to high temperatures, the little beasts who had just returned to the cage had to restart the home learning mode.

this school is so lonely.

seeing this, netizens were very moved.

many people did not expect that "it's 2024, and schools in the city have not yet achieved air-conditioning freedom."

suddenly there is one more reason not to have a baby.

why don’t primary school students have air conditioning?

each party expressed its own difficulties:

the first is the issue of electricity.

air conditioning itself is not expensive, and students can pay for electricity themselves.most reasonable parents are willing to pay this money.

but with hundreds of air conditioners operating at the same time, the school’s electrical circuits may not be able to cope with the situation.

the wiring in some primary schools is old, and installing air conditioners requires capacity expansion, wiring and station construction.

this huge project is beyond the ability of the school and teachers to complete, and they are helpless.

secondly, some teachers are worried that installing air conditioners will bring new conflicts to class management.for example:

children running in and out affect the cooling effect of the air conditioner and waste electricity;

if students sitting in the wind catch a cold, their parents will come to the school to cause trouble;


finally, there is a more abstract reason.

there are some people in society who think that children should not be too pampered and that installing air conditioners is not conducive to cultivating their spirit of hard work and endurance.

"most of the 80s and 90s spent their primary school years relying on electric fans. why can't the 00s exercise themselves?"

(unfortunately, every time someone brings this up, they get hit back.)

in 2020, a city education bureau responded to citizens’ questions and also mentioned:

“severe cold and heat are a kind of training for primary and secondary school students.”

in order to cultivate their adaptability, we will not install air conditioners in the classrooms for the time being.

fortunately, this was the reply more than ten years ago. at that time, the weather was not as hot as it is now, and some places were financially tight and unable to renovate the infrastructure around schools.

in a situation where even a good cook cannot cook without rice, all we can do is call on everyone to endure hardships and be patient.

but today, the climate is becoming more extreme, and hot days are becoming more and more persistent;

every household has an air conditioner, and the expansion of electric meters at the grassroots level is progressing at full speed every year;

if we bring up the "hardship theory" again at this time, most parents will definitely not buy it.

the reason is simple:

"hard work" and "enduring hardship" are two different things.

the hard-working pua that challenges the limits of human health is abuse disguised as "for your own good."

the flowers of the motherland can obviously hone their will in other areas, so why do they have to pick out hot days to train their heat tolerance?

is it for the purpose of doing a better job of carrying bricks in the future?

furthermore, as society progresses, people’s learning and living conditions should also improve.

isn’t it so that the younger generations can thrive in a happy environment that the older generations work hard to build the country?

it seems unreasonable and unjustifiable to ask future generations to repeat the sufferings of their predecessors.

you know, children should certainly learn to improve themselves and overcome adversity on the road to growth.

but adults should also understand“no matter how poor you are, you must not be poor in education; no matter how hard it is, you must not make your children suffer”that’s the truth.

therefore, an old news in yancheng has been circulated like crazy by major parent groups in the past two days:

in this report, at least we can see the sincerity in solving the problem, rather than the difficult-to-evaluate theory of hardship education.

i don’t know if enduring hardships can necessarily lead to becoming a superior person.

but i have discovered that there are really many people in life who like to persuade others to suffer - even if there is no suffering, they would still find some suffering to suffer.

in their eyes,it is a good thing for children to suffer, and it is a noble character for the elderly to suffer.

in education, we always want to use excessive suffering to train the next generation;

i have an air conditioner installed at home, but i just can't turn it on. i want the flowers of my country to burst into life in the water-deficient environment.

when they see dozens of kids crammed into one dormitory, they applaud;

when i see the uncle next door eating leftovers and hoarding junk in the stairwell despite having a five-digit pension, i can't help but applaud.

ask you to learn from their hard-working and simple style...

(news file photo: some elderly people like to store junk in the stairwell)

in fact, i don’t understand what the point of suffering is.

will it make our bodies fail faster? will it make us lose our pensions sooner?

today, our society is inevitably moving towards aging.

this situation makes two things particularly urgent:

first, we need to take good care of the large number of elderly people.

therefore, you will see that all places are promoting "aging-friendly renovation".

install elevators for the old village, purchase living aids for the nursing home, build a canteen for the elderly in the community, etc.

the second is to nurture the precious next generation.

therefore, primary and secondary schools in many places are working hard to optimize the teaching environment and provide a more scientific and high-quality cultivation space for the flowers of the motherland.

on campus, the long toilets that need to be flushed regularly are gone, and all children can enjoy a clean and hygienic toilet environment;

nutritious meals are becoming more and more abundant, and some primary schools can even choose ab meals;

the classroom is also well equipped.

there are not only multimedia equipment, but also folding chairs that can be used for sleeping.

as for air conditioning, it has been fully popularized in public primary and secondary schools in wanning, hainan, yangzhou and changzhou, jiangsu and other places.

a document issued by shanghai two years ago also required schools to install air conditioners for children.

everything is being optimized.

although there are still shortcomings, all aspects are working towards a bright future.

this is what everyone wants to see.

the meaning of development is to reduce the number of people who have to endure hardships.

the ancient saying "hardship makes a man perfect" is for you to hone yourself, not to be too demanding of others.

it’s a pity that there are always people who don’t understand these simple truths.