
new task for delivery boys: "100 yuan to help find a clean restaurant" is popular on douyin, and many places also encourage this


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delivery guys are familiar with the operating model of the catering industry and understand the real situation of businesses. they can also provide feedback to relevant departments on food safety issues discovered in daily work, and can play a more direct supervisory role in food safety in the catering industry.

"i'll give you 100 yuan to take me to a cleaner restaurant nearby."

this is the opening line of a type of video that has been popular on tiktok recently, in which bloggers from all over the country randomly find a food delivery rider, pay him, and then ask the rider to take him to a nearby, cleaner restaurant.

since takeout is closely related to health, such videos usually have a lot of traffic. at present, the douyin topic "clean restaurant food search" has received 18,000 engagements and 460 million views.

▲homepage of douyin related bloggers

in the video, some riders lead the blogger to find a treasure shop, while some riders think for a long time and finally say that they can't think of a clean shop. after rejecting the blogger's invitation, one rider said, "the shops nearby are basically not good. there is a shop over there that is so dirty that i don't even want to pick up the takeaway." this type of video is also highly discussed. on the one hand, the riders would rather refuse the red envelopes than recommend the takeaway and are praised by netizens for being "conscientious", on the other hand, many users are worried about the health problems caused by dirty takeaways, "the local ip is about to fall down when they see this video."

as staff who understand the food delivery industry and have contact with multiple businesses on the front line, food delivery riders have their own advantages in food safety supervision. in addition to using riders to find clean shops like the blogger mentioned above, more and more regulatory agencies are also asking riders to act as supervisors of food safety.

on september 10, the shenyang municipal market supervision administration launched the "snap shot" campaign for food delivery riders, encouraging food delivery riders to immediately use their mobile phones to shoot and report any food safety hazards or violations found during the delivery process. each food delivery rider will have a separate points account, and the food delivery riders will participate in the event to provide risk issues. after confirmation by the local regulatory authorities, 1 point will be automatically accumulated. riders who participate in the event and accumulate more points will receive job promotions, honorary awards, and corresponding rights and interests protection. in assessment items such as attendance rate and customer ratings, the rider's activity points will also be used as a bonus item to encourage them to participate more actively in food safety supervision. for bad reviews or delivery delays caused by objective factors, the agent will exempt the rider from liability based on the rider's activity points, effectively reducing the burden on the rider.

the activity takes into account the impact of supervising food safety on the work of riders. including supervision work as a bonus item in the rider assessment is also an important step to get riders actively involved in supervision.

some regulatory agencies have achieved certain results by hiring riders as voluntary food safety supervisors.

the laixi municipal market supervision bureau of qingdao city reported in august that since may, a total of 340 catering units have been inspected, 18 of which have been ordered to correct their mistakes, and 3 cases have been filed. during this period, 150 batches of special sampling inspections of online takeout were carried out. the special sampling inspections cover different types of catering units on the network, focusing on restaurants with large online ordering sales and more negative reviews, and sampling inspections of edible agricultural products, catering foods, and grain processing products as the main sampling varieties. the laixi municipal market supervision bureau has hired 20 food delivery riders with high political awareness and strong business capabilities as voluntary food safety supervisors, and promptly reported illegal and irregular behaviors such as dirty and messy kitchen hygiene of takeout merchants, failure to use "food safety seals", and incomplete license and certificate publicity, giving full play to the "probe" role of food safety supervision of food delivery riders, and injecting new strength into the social co-governance of food safety.

previously, market supervision and management bureaus in many places have conducted training for riders to enable them to learn more relevant knowledge and participate in supervision.

in september, the market supervision and administration bureau of ruoqiang county, xinjiang held a symposium on food safety knowledge for delivery riders. the staff established an information exchange liaison group with all delivery riders, mobilizing them to effectively play the role of "food safety sentinels" and "snap shots" to provide feedback on businesses with poor kitchen hygiene conditions, providing support for social governance of food safety.

in march this year, the market supervision bureau of he county, anhui province, launched a food safety publicity campaign for local riders, introducing laws and regulations such as the "regulations on supervision and administration of food safety in online catering services" and the "regulations on the implementation of food safety in anhui province", how to distinguish the quality of food from product appearance and food labels, and how to correctly choose and eat food. the takeaway riders said that through this publicity campaign, they have a more comprehensive understanding of food safety, will pay more attention to food safety issues, play their role as social supervisors, and supervise online catering service units.

in october last year, the market supervision bureau of songpan county, sichuan province appointed 12 local food delivery riders as food safety supervisors. through systematic training, the riders can conduct on-site supervision of food pickup, delivery, catering hygiene, license disclosure, health status of employees, food processing and production, cleaning and disinfection in their daily operations, correct violations that do not comply with the "food safety operation specifications for catering services" and promptly report any violations to the market supervision department.

the songpan county market supervision and administration bureau stated that delivery boys have their own unique advantages. they are familiar with the operating model of the catering industry and understand the real situation of businesses. they can also provide feedback to relevant departments on food safety issues found in their daily work, and can play a more direct supervisory role in food safety in the catering industry.

the safety of takeout food has always been a concern of the public. not long ago, cctv exposed "ghost takeout". some takeout shops were opened next to waste recycling stations, and the sanitary conditions were worrying.

chen liteng, a digital life e-commerce analyst at the e-commerce research center of the china internet network information center, told china business news that in terms of supervision of takeaway hygiene, in addition to strictly reviewing the qualification certificates and hygiene conditions of merchants before they enter the platform, regulatory authorities should regularly conduct hygiene inspections of food courts or stalls, and urge rectification of problems. the inspection results can also be made public to the public to increase the merchants' attention to hygiene issues. consumers are also encouraged to participate in supervision to jointly maintain food safety and a sanitary environment.