
aion's sales have declined for seven consecutive months, but it's unfair to criticize it.


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in august, gac aion's monthly sales fell again. perhaps, this will cause the industry to discuss or question aion's sales. however, i think it is unnecessary. for car companies, it is common for sales to rise and fall in the short term.

haobo ht

the latest official data from gac group shows that in august 2024, gac aion's monthly sales were 31,772 units. compared with the same period last year, sales fell by 29.44%, almost 30%.

it should be said that reasonable doubts or analyses are understandable. after all, data from the china passenger car association shows that the domestic new energy passenger car market sold 1.027 million vehicles during the same period, a year-on-year increase of 43.2%.

from this perspective, in august 2024, gac aion's sales clearly showed a certain downward trend against the trend.

moreover, it is worth noting that since february this year, gac aion's monthly sales have begun to show a year-on-year downward trend.

august production and sales report

official data from gac group shows that from february to july 2024, the monthly sales of gac aion were 10,006 units, 27,856 units, 21,350 units, 30,420 units, 25,692 units and 28,287 units, respectively, with year-on-year decreases of 66.74%, 30.4%, 47.94%, 32.21%, 42.92% and 37.17%, respectively.

this means that from february to august this year, gac aion's monthly sales have declined for seven consecutive months.

under such circumstances, it is not difficult to understand why gac aion's sales decline has attracted attention. after all, we have repeatedly emphasized in previous articles that among the many new energy vehicle brands launched by traditional domestic automakers, aion is undoubtedly one of the best.


in the domestic auto market, aion has always received a lot of attention. however, i think that the sales situation of a car company should be viewed more comprehensively to be fair.

it goes without saying that the data released by gac group shows that as of august this year, gac aion's sales have declined for seven consecutive months. however, if we carefully analyze aion's sales performance, i think aion's current development is still good and worth looking forward to. it can be said that there is "joy in sorrow".

first, in terms of sales volume, aion's average monthly sales volume exceeds 37,000 units, approaching 40,000 units. looking at the new forces in domestic car manufacturing, this sales volume is a height that many new brands can hardly reach.


data released by gac group showed that from january to august 2024, gac group's cumulative sales in the domestic auto market were 29,930 units.

although sales fell by nearly 40% compared with the same period last year, aion's average monthly retail sales from january to august still reached about 37,423 units.

judging from the sales volume alone, among the new domestic car-making forces and new energy vehicle brands launched by traditional car companies, how many brands can achieve this sales level?


i think that judging from the sales volume, aion is still a mainstream new energy vehicle brand among the current domestic new energy vehicle brands.

second, in july and august, the year-on-year decline in aion's sales volume continued to narrow, and the month-on-month sales volume showed an upward trend, which means that its market performance showed an improving trend.

official data released by gac group showed that in june 2024, gac aion's monthly sales were 25,692 units, a year-on-year decrease of 42.92%.

haobo ht

in july and august, gac aion's monthly sales were 28,287 units and 31,772 units, respectively, year-on-year decreases of 37.17% and 29.44%, respectively.

it is not difficult to see that after entering the second half of 2024, judging from the market performance in july and august, aion's market situation has shown signs of improvement.

as the tao te ching says, a strong wind will not last all morning, a heavy rain will not last all day; things will not always develop smoothly, and it is inevitable to experience ups and downs.


as a new energy vehicle brand launched by gac group, aion's sales have been rising steadily since its launch, showing a trend of rapid development.

today, compared with the same period last year, its sales performance is indeed relatively poor, but i think this is also a normal "adjustment period" or "pain period" and there is no need to worry.

it’s just that aion’s previous performance was too outstanding, which caused its current temporary “decline” in the market and attracted so much attention.


if we look at it objectively, isn't aion's monthly sales of more than 37,000 units still very impressive? therefore, i think it is somewhat unfair to criticize the aion brand because of a temporary decline in sales.

here, we hope that after adjustments, aion will once again deliver a more perfect answer in the domestic auto market. it is still worth looking forward to.