
the prototype of "ready player one" has emerged! the vision pro version of the mr interactive movie "the legend of spring grass: blue and white" by weiling times has been officially released


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put on the head-mounted display device and enter the "oasis" world in a second without leaving your home. here you can enjoy exciting racing competitions, amazing surfing competitions, various wonderful creatures, and adventurous life everywhere... "ready player one" directed by spielberg has opened a door to the future virtual world for everyone, and also provided a concrete sample for countless technology practitioners who are determined to build the metaverse world. now, some people have begun to hand in their papers.

on september 9, u-rendering, the industry's leading real-time cloud rendering solution provider, officially released the pilot film of the mr interactive movie "the legend of spring grass: blue and white".this is the world's first fully virtual storyline-oriented interactive audio-visual work produced based on vision pro.not only has it reached the top level of vision pro in terms of narrative and art, its technical capabilities of combining cloud streaming and spatial computing have also achieved industry-leading results. the "oasis" in "ready player one" is accelerating.

three years of hard work to bravely enter the "no man's land" of xr content production

the release of vision pro provides a key entry point for humans to "enter" the virtual world of the metaverse. as early as 2021, weiling times foresaw the arrival of the xr era and made early arrangements for the exploration of interactive content production. in 2022 and 2023, it released two works, "the legend of chuncao", which pioneered the production of cloud-native virtual games."the legend of chuncao: blue and white" is a new upgrade and extension of the "chuncao ip" of weiling times in the vision pro era.

vision pro's groundbreaking design in spatial computing has created a new product form and interaction mode for users. but on the other hand, the device's own rendering computing power cannot support immersive interaction with film-level image quality. currently, applications on vision pro are mainly static images and cartoon animation styles, lacking ultra-realistic image quality content that can truly take advantage of the vision pro screen and bring immersion.

the experience accumulated by weiling times' previous "half step ahead" layout in "the legend of chuncao" eventually became the confidence to lead the industry.without any reference, exploring in the "no man's land" became the creative tone of "the legend of spring grass: blue and white".in terms of presentation effects, weiling times organically combines vision pro's local spatial computing capabilities, pre-rendering, and its own advantageous cloud streaming technology, giving full play to the advantages of each link to create xr-based holographic streaming technology.with the support of holographic cloud streaming technology, movie-level real-time interactive content can break through the local performance limitations of the device and maximize the visual effects of vision pro.

at the same time, the production team of "the legend of chuncao" continued to optimize the integration of film and game production pipelines, using a more cinematic lens language for narrative.finally, a new interactive movie format combining film and games was developed, "the legend of chuncao: blue and white"., presenting an effect comparable to the real world. the prototype of "ready player one" has already taken shape.

taking audio-visual as a breakthrough, exploring the ultimate immersion of future virtual content

as interactive audio-visual content truly designed for vision pro, "the legend of spring grass: blue and white" uses audio-visual effects as a breakthrough point, and through key breakthroughs in film and television picture quality, it realistically presents various thrilling scenes.

"chūn-chou: blue and white" continues the plot of the prequel, telling the story of the heroine chun-chou entering the enemy headquarters and fighting wits and courage with the enemy. the production team pays great attention to aesthetic and visual expression, and strives to the extreme in the design and performance of each frame. for example, the oncoming waves, the spaceships close at hand, and the giant ships that you climb with your bare hands, the all-round angles are as immersive as the experience of disney's "soaring over the horizon", and the unique first-person perspective also makes players nervous and exciting to follow the development of the story, and they can't stop.

in the future, the production team of "the legend of chuncao" will also carry out more cutting-edge technical research and implementation around experience features such as hand-eye interaction, integrate the industrialized process of film and television content production with game development, add more interactive designs, and allow players to achieve all-round interaction and enjoy and experience the strong sense of immersion from the virtual world.

guo jianjun, founder and ceo of weiling times, said:the launch of "the legend of spring grass: blue and white" is an exploration of content form and format. it not only represents the evolution of audio-visual products in the mr (mixed reality) era, but also marks that content production has entered a new era of high integration and high the future, we will aim to truly realize the 'oasis' in ready player one, promote the upgrade of cultural and creative content from 2d to immersive 3d, integrate the gaming industry and the film and television industry from technology to art, create a new paradigm for future content, and empower content creators who are brave enough to innovate in this field with the accumulated tools and huge computing power. "

diversified layout and comprehensive sprint to accelerate commercialization exploration

the release of "the legend of chuncao: blue and white" is a concentrated aggregation of capabilities in weiling times' business layout. as a capability layout for building the future virtual world, weiling times is based on its core self-developed real-time cloud rendering technology.we will fully implement business scenarios such as cloud gaming, metaverse and digital humans, aigc, gpu servers, and ultimately form an advantageous technical methodology to feed back cutting-edge exploration.

as the core business of weiling times, cloud gaming has used its leading cloud gaming solutions to help game manufacturers complete the online operation of cloud series games such as "cloud·genshin impact", "cloud·fantasy westward journey", and "cloud·crystal core", and has also provided high-quality solutions for application scenarios in industry, education, design, entertainment and other fields.

at the same time, the metaverse business will focus on ip value growth as a key development route in 2024. the domestic virtual singer ip luo tianyi made a stunning appearance at bilibili world 2024, and weiling times provided core technical support for the live performance of the virtual idol group star hunter girls (lx-48) of the metaverse. as a practical implementation of the co-construction of the mr content ecosystem, weiling times has joined hands with its partner, thailand's t&b global media group, to jointly build the metaverse project translucia, using its self-developed aigc and content production capabilities to jointly create a benchmark project for the asian virtual world.

with the advent of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation marked by digital technology and digital economy, the development of new productivity has spawned many achievements. in the future, weiling times will continue to explore the construction of the future virtual world, promote the development of the content industry in the xr era and accelerate the arrival of the future digital world.
