
high-quality "two-way travel"! how will china-africa cooperation develop in the future? what new opportunities will it bring?


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china is the world's second largest economy, and africa is the youngest continent with the fastest population growth. the world is paying close attention to what kind of sparks will be created by the cooperation between the two sides. at present, in the process of china-africa modernization, the overall positioning of china-africa relations has been upgraded to a new era of all-weather china-africa community with a shared future. in the spirit of "china-africa friendly cooperation", the two sides will achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in cooperation and contribute to global peace and development.

the forum on china-africa cooperation has been in existence for nearly a quarter of a century since its establishment in will china-africa cooperation develop in the next step? what new prospects will it bring to africa? and what new opportunities will it bring to chinese products, enterprises, scientific research institutions, etc.?"newsweek" focuses on: china-africa cooperation for high-quality development.

a plant of artemisia annua

bringing the people of china and africa closer together

this week, the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation opened, and china-africa relations ushered in another milestone moment. china-africa friendship has a long history, and cooperation in the field of health is an important witness. since the 1960s, chinese medical teams have been saving lives and healing the wounded in africa. by the end of 2023, 25,000 medical team members sent by china have brought health and hope to 230 million patients in africa.since the establishment of the forum on china-africa cooperation in 2000, cooperation in the health sector has been further enhanced, and this summit proposed the health partnership action.

since the end of august, the harvest of artemisia annua in rong'an county, guangxi has started. this drought-resistant and barren-resistant plant is not only a powerful weapon against malaria, but also an important source of income for grower tan suzhen.

in qin suzhen's memory, malaria is not unfamiliar. malaria used to be prevalent in china. it was not until the discovery of artemisinin that the level of malaria prevention and control was significantly improved. in 2021, china just obtained the malaria-free certification from the world health organization. however, according to who statistics, more than 200 million people are still infected with malaria every year in the world, of which more than 90% of cases occur in africa.on one side is china, which has rich experience in malaria prevention and control, and on the other side is africa, which is plagued by malaria. a plant of artemisia annua closely connects the people of the two places.

although qin suzhen has never been to africa, she has been growing artemisia annua for seven years and knows that the artemisia annua she grows can become a life-saving drug for malaria patients. last year, china's independently developed second-generation artesunate for injection passed the who's drug pre-certification and has been registered and marketed in 22 countries.

malaria is a vector-borne infectious disease that causes recurrent intermittent chills and high fever after infection. controlling it requires not only medication but also a good public health system. in 2015, zhou xiaonong's team set foot on the land of tanzania with china's experience in prevention and control. he selected a community with a malaria incidence rate of more than 30% and prepared to implement china's 137 strategy for malaria prevention and control.

zhou xiaonong, director of the institute of parasitic diseases prevention and control, chinese center for disease control and prevention:the "137" prevention and control strategy means that information can be transmitted from the grassroots to our country within one day. all cases must be diagnosed within three days, and the epidemic points must be dealt with within seven days. this method is very effective in china, but in tanzania, africa, it usually takes them half a year to count the numbers at the grassroots level. therefore, it is basically impossible to complete this "1".

zhou xiaonong, who has worked in the field of disease control for most of his life, never expected to suffer setbacks in africa. he gradually realized that in order to take root in the local area, he needed to prescribe disease control prescriptions that were adapted to local conditions.

gradually, the incidence of malaria in the community where zhou xiaonong conducted the pilot project dropped from more than 30% to about 3%. zhou xiaonong also found in africa that only by fully understanding and cooperating with each other can we achieve common goals.

zhou xiaonong still goes to africa every year to provide support, but in the initial pilot community, he has trained a team of local volunteers to be responsible for case reporting and initial treatment. he hopes that the local area can achieve a transition from "blood transfusion to hematopoiesis". the beijing action plan adopted at the summit proposed thatchina will continue to send experts to share medical experience and good practices, health cooperation remains an important part of china-africa friendly cooperation.

chinese crops cross mountains and seas

taking root in africa

china and africa, one is the largest developing country, and the other is the continent with the most developing countries. for both sides, development is a huge issue that lies ahead. for example, in terms of food, food shortage has long been a problem that has plagued african countries. after decades of hard work, china has solved the problem of feeding 1.4 billion people, and can empathize with the african people's appeal for zero hunger.

in recent years, chinese agricultural products including hybrid rice and cassava have crossed mountains and seas and taken root in africa, bringing increased food production and income, helping many african families get rid of hunger and poverty. what else can the two sides do together to achieve higher levels of development and agricultural modernization?

agricultural modernization was one of the important topics at the china-africa cooperation forum held this the beijing action plan (2025-2027) released by the forum, "accelerating the modernization of african agriculture" has become a separate chapter, which includes three major areas: agricultural cooperation and technology transfer, poverty reduction and rural development cooperation, and food security, with a total of 21 specific measures.

due to its low yield and the need for large-scale imports, rice is not considered a staple food crop in many african countries. in recent years, china's hybrid rice has been introduced and planted in more than 20 african countries, becoming a well-known chinese crop brand in africa.

five years ago, researcher liu zaochang began to promote hybrid rice in kenya, uganda and other countries. compared with traditional hybrid rice, this water-saving and drought-resistant rice, which once won the first prize of the national science and technology progress award, requires less water and can grow well in dry land.

with its excellent disease resistance and high yield, water-saving and drought-resistant rice has been successfully trial-planted in many african countries and has passed the new variety approval in uganda and burundi.

local farmers have enough food to eat and their lives have improved. over the past few years, this energy-saving and drought-resistant rice has been planted on 80,000 mu of land in 12 african countries, and more than 200,000 kilograms of seeds have been sold.

for agriculture to develop, the cultivation of scientific and technological talents is the key.the beijing action plan has repeatedly stressed the importance of agricultural science and technology exchanges between china and africa, and supports scientific research institutions in jointly building laboratories to strengthen agricultural technology sharing, transformation of results and talent training.

gregory, a nigerian boy, has been in sanya, hainan for a year. he is a graduate student of the chinese academy of tropical agricultural sciences. the reason why he came back to china to learn from the chinese academy of tropical agricultural sciences is that the excellent cassava varieties developed by the chinese academy of tropical agricultural sciences are widely planted in nigeria, and the cassava production has doubled.

gregory, a nigerian student:my purpose in coming to china is to breed pest-resistant cassava varieties. pest control is very expensive, and if we can develop green solutions to help reduce pests, then the cost of pest control will be low. this will promote economic development and enable people to escape poverty.

in recent years, the cooperation between the two sides has been deepening, expanding from cassava breeding and cultivation to management, processing and other links. in july this year, the demonstration base of the "african cassava production doubling plan" was unveiled in nigeria. both sides hope to promote the technological upgrading of the entire cassava industry.

introducing high-quality varieties and increasing food production is only the first step in africa's agricultural revitalization. next,how to store grain, how to increase added value, how to solve the problem of water and electricity usage for farmers, these development challenges that still exist are actually a stage for chinese institutions and companies in related industries to show their talents.

focus on modernization

china and africa "running in both directions"

a major feature of this forum on china-africa cooperation summit is its focus on modernization.

the beijing declaration on building an all-weather china-africa community with a shared future in the new era, released on thursday, stressed that achieving modernization is a common pursuit of all countries in the world, and that world modernization should be modernization of peaceful development, modernization of mutually beneficial cooperation, and modernization of common prosperity. on thursday, four high-level meetings on governance, industrialization, and agricultural modernization were held in parallel, reflecting the common concerns and expectations of china and africa for modernization. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, which requires both high-quality bilateral cooperation between governments and the attraction of more diverse forces to join the process of china-africa modernization.

this mobile phone is produced by a domestic enterprise and has never been launched in china, but it has been deeply rooted in africa. the communication signal here is unstable and the call charges between different operators are very high. this phone has "four cards and four standbys" to change signals at any time and save call charges. if you eat and your hands are greasy, you can answer the call by making a "yeah" gesture, and hang up by extending five fingers. due to its price advantage, it has been the number one in africa in recent years, and can be called the "king of africa".

the recently released "china enterprises investment in africa report 2024" shows that china's investment entities in africa are becoming increasingly diverse. according to statistics from the ministry of commerce,currently, more than 70% of enterprises investing in africa are private enterprises, which has significantly accelerated africa's industrialization process.

wang luo, who has long been committed to the study of international development cooperation, believes that investing in africa cannot be separated from the premise of a strong bilateral mechanism between governments. the central government stated in the "ten modernization partners action" that china is willing to provide assistance for the construction of the african continental free trade area and deepen logistics and financial cooperation; the "accelerating african industrialization" chapter of the "china-africa cooperation forum-beijing action plan" also emphasizes that china will increase support for the construction of african special economic zones, industrial parks and free trade zones, and africa will continue to promote policies to improve the business and investment environment in africa.

the mutually beneficial and win-win bilateral relationship between china and africa has also set an example for multilateral cooperation. in addition to more than 50 heads of state, heads of government and representatives of african countries and the chairperson of the au commission, the participants of this china-africa cooperation forum also include the secretary-general of the united nations and heads of several international organizations. when meeting with relevant persons, china emphasized that china firmly upholds the international system with the united nations at its core and is willing to further deepen cooperation with the united nations and practice true multilateralism.the word "multilateral" appears in the "forum on china-africa cooperation-beijing action plan" in terms of international affairs cooperation, financing cooperation, climate change, and accelerating the modernization of african agriculture.

liu junfeng, deputy director of the china international development cooperation agency:this also shows that we are open and inclusive. we welcome all parties to pay attention to, support and jointly promote china-africa cooperation.

liu junfeng has been engaged in foreign aid since he graduated from university in 1991. over the past 30 years, he has witnessed the quality upgrade of china's foreign aid. in 2018, the national international development cooperation agency was established to coordinate major foreign aid issues and make recommendations, promote the reform of foreign aid methods, determine foreign aid projects and supervise and evaluate their implementation. he was once asked by friends and colleagues why the newly established department was not called the "foreign aid agency" but the "international development cooperation agency" after decades of china's foreign aid history? he said,this cause insists on equal treatment, mutual support, two-way efforts, and keeps pace with the times.

in 2021, the central government put forward a global development initiative, placing development in a prominent position in the global macro-policy framework, promoting synergy and efficiency in the multilateral development cooperation process, accelerating the implementation of the un 2030 agenda for sustainable development, and creating a new starting point for the quality and upgrading of china's international development cooperation. it is a key step towards international development cooperation that combines multilateral and bilateral cooperation, involves multiple subjects, interacts on multiple platforms, connects in multiple directions, and involves multiple resources.

according to a relevant person in charge of the national international development cooperation agency,in recent years, in conjunction with the united nations and other international organizations reflecting on the characteristics of official development assistance, the connotation and extension of traditional development aid have been gradually expanded to more diversified international development cooperation, emphasizing sustainable development assistance.

on july 11, the china-africa ethiopia-united nations industrial development organization cooperation demonstration center was established. this center is the first tripartite demonstration project jointly implemented by the national international development cooperation agency, african countries and un agencies under the framework of the global development initiative to support africa's industrialization, agricultural modernization and talent training programs. as an outcome of the forum on china-africa cooperation, the center has been written into the declaration, action plan and the joint statement of china and africa on deepening cooperation within the framework of the global development initiative. in fact, before the establishment of the institutional framework, the national international development cooperation agency had already explored tripartite and multilateral cooperation in some projects and platform building.