
new economic vision | technology companies create classrooms of the future to illuminate rural children's technological dreams with "local science and technology innovation"


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cover news reporter ouyang hongyu
the sheep on the ranch all look the same, so ai "sheep face recognition" shows its prowess; wild giant pandas need to have their body temperature measured, so "smart dressing" is arranged! there are also smart incubators for chickens, and "michelin guide" for wild mushrooms... from inner mongolia to sichuan, from hebei to yunnan, a wave of innovation that combines local characteristics with modern technology is emerging among rural children.
on september 1, tencent released a report on the map of future classrooms, showing that as of the end of august 2024, 48 future classrooms have been built in 15 provinces, cities and autonomous regions across the country, with a total of 27,296 hours of science and innovation courses opened, benefiting more than 1.15 million students. the "local science and innovation" has illuminated the technological dreams of many rural children.
what is "earthy science and technology innovation"? fan wenhua, a student from the third middle school of chayouqian banner, inner mongolia, has something to say.
fan wenhua, who grew up in a remote pastoral area, used to herd sheep with her grandfather when she was young. however, the sheep were numerous, looked similar, and easily ran around, so it was common to lose one or two. she thought: if there was a "sheep counting machine", her grandfather would not be sad about losing sheep.
she always thought that she would have the chance to complete this idea when she grew up, but fortunately, a future classroom was built in her school.
fan wenhua and several of his friends got inspiration from "face recognition" and formed a "sheep face recognition" scientific innovation team. they used 3d printing technology to make many sheep and used their data to train the ai ​​"sheep counting model". in the end, fan wenhua and his friends witnessed the implementation of the intelligent sheep counting device in reality, which also gave them more confidence and courage to pursue their scientific dreams.
in fact, there are many such cases. from smart wearable temperature measurement equipment for wild giant pandas, to smart brooding boxes, wild mushroom illustrations, tidal toilets, remote-controlled mobile farming and watering robots, and smart agricultural greenhouses. in future classrooms, more and more children are turning everything around them into scientific and technological innovation practices. for them, the "earthy" in "earthy scientific and technological innovation" refers to the soil of the countryside. using trendy and cutting-edge scientific and technological means to realize down-to-earth wishes is the scientific and technological innovation method of rural children.
if the inventors of "earthy science and technology innovation" are the little masters of rural construction, then the future classrooms that promote the popularization of science and technology learning are the key for them to open the door to science and technology innovation.
luo mingjian, a teacher at lingguan middle school in baoxing county, ya'an, sichuan, believes that china's rural information technology education has undergone profound changes over the past two decades. "from the simple computer room on campus in the early days, to the reconstruction of the school after the wenchuan earthquake, to today's future classroom, the school's teaching methods and equipment have been integrated with advanced science and innovation education."
data shows that as of august 2024, the future classroom mini program has launched more than 10 science and innovation activities, attracted 233,200 users, and nearly 4,000 certified teachers have shared more than 10,000 science and innovation dynamics, covering more than 1,000 schools across the country, and accumulating more than 500 excellent science and technology works to realize children's science and technology dreams. on the basis of popularizing science and innovation courses, the future classroom also "promotes learning through competitions" and supports more than 6,000 students to participate in related competitions.
from gamification-based learning and exploration to public welfare-oriented special courses, the future classroom is gradually promoting the universal access to scientific and technological resources, allowing children in remote areas to see a wider world.
talking about the significance of the future classroom project, zheng lei, head of tencent's system for protecting minors, believes that a team that works on game addiction prevention using gamification to help children fall in love with technology sounds like a fantasy story, "but it is indeed a direction our team needs to explore in depth, and it is also the mission we shoulder."