
“no education or social security is required to settle in shenzhen”? human resources and social security bureau responds: not true!


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rumor: "no education and no social security can settle in shenzhen"? shenzhen municipal human resources and social security bureau responded: not true!

details:recently, some self-media have hyped up news such as "people with no education and no social security can settle in shenzhen", which has attracted attention. it is reported that "settlement without education and no social security" specifically refers to settlement with relatives, including the migration of couples, parents, and children. this settlement condition does not have any education or social security requirements, but there are strict age requirements and kinship requirements, and parents who move with their relatives need to queue up and wait for a quota. the so-called "shenzhen relaxes settlement" and other news are often exaggerated and generalized by agency agencies in order to attract traffic. the shenzhen municipal human resources and social security bureau reminds citizens who need to settle down to keep their eyes open and apply for household registration according to official guidelines to avoid unnecessary financial losses. (source: guangming daily)

misconception: if noodles don’t become soft after being cooked for a long time, it means that industrial glue has been added and they cannot be eaten?

the truth:noodles are a staple food for many people, but "noodles" are popular and have many controversies. there are rumors online that "the noodles cannot be cooked because they are added with industrial glue and plasticizers... they cannot be eaten and are harmful to the body!" in fact, it is normal for noodles to be hard to cook, and it is not because of the addition of illegal additives such as industrial glue and plasticizers. if salt, alkali, eggs or whey protein concentrate are added to the flour, the hardness and chewiness of the noodles will be increased. in addition, some people think that they cannot eat it when they see the word "glue", but there is no need to be "scared of everything". edible glue is a food additive that is allowed to be used in accordance with regulations in my country, such as the common xanthan gum, carrageenan, pectin, sodium alginate, konjac flour, etc. they are all very safe and can play a role in thickening and retaining water for food. adding sodium alginate when making noodles can significantly increase the viscoelasticity of the dough, and adding konjac flour can also increase the chewiness of the noodles. (source: "people's daily science popularization" wechat public account)

tip: school is back! don’t let the start of school become a “sick season”. check out this health guide

details:with the start of the new school year, students are returning to campus one after another. as the summer-autumn season changes, infectious diseases are at their peak; schools are crowded with people, making cross-infection more likely; children’s summer living and eating habits change, making it difficult for them to adapt in a short period of time, etc., so the “start of school season” can easily turn into a “sickness season”. parents and students are welcome to check out this practical health guide.

1. regular work and rest, go to bed early and get up early

you should adjust your biological clock in time, go to bed early and get up early, ensure adequate sleep, and let your body gradually return to a normal work and rest pattern. at the same time, make a work and rest plan, including the time of getting up, eating, studying, entertaining and sleeping every day, which will help to form good living habits and improve learning efficiency.

2. balanced nutrition and reasonable diet

eat regularly, do not overeat, and have a balanced diet with a combination of meat and vegetables. eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, milk and soy products, do not eat raw or half-raw seafood and aquatic products, and wash raw fruits and vegetables.

3. strengthen protection and prevent diseases

develop good hygiene habits and wash your hands frequently, especially before meals, after going to the toilet, and after touching public items. do not spit anywhere, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent droplets from spreading germs. open windows for ventilation every day, try to avoid crowded places with poor air circulation, and avoid contact with people with symptoms of infectious diseases.

4. strengthen physical fitness through exercise

engage in moderate physical activity every day, arrange your daily life properly, strengthen your physical fitness, maintain a healthy weight, and improve your immunity.

5. adjust your mindset and face it positively

summer vacation is over, and students are returning to school. it is inevitable that they will feel psychological discomfort and anxiety. they should use positive psychological cues to enhance their inner joy and enter the new semester with full spirit. (source: "healthy beijing" wechat official account)