
"Promoting the Spirit of Educators·Rural Teachers' Diary" Qing Yangjie: A broken plaster statue brings a big gift package


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Qing Yangjie (right) instructs students to hand-paint desks and chairs. Photo by Huasheng Online Omnimedia reporter Wan Junyu
【business card】
Qing Yangjie, female, born in August 1993, is a member of the Communist Party of China and graduated from the Broadcasting and Hosting Department of Guangxi Arts Institute. In August 2019, she was admitted to Zhongtian School in Xinxujiang Town, Dong'an County through the Hunan Province Special Post Program and served as a primary school Chinese teacher and art teacher.
August 21st, sunny.
I am so happy today. I am one step closer to my dream of holding an art exhibition for children!
In the afternoon, I communicated smoothly with a public welfare organization, and they were willing to provide us with funds to decorate the rural children's art exhibition hall. Before that, I had gone over some details of arranging the exhibition hall in my mind again and again.
When the art exhibition hall is built, I will have a place to put my treasured "artworks". Each of these "artworks" has its own story, full of emotion and imagination, and I really like them.
Looking back, my love for children's paintings started with a broken plaster statue.
In 2022, the school held the Grassland Art Festival, a large-scale event that the children themselves "took care of". Our class was responsible for the design and layout of the photo-taking and check-in area.
The children moved the plaster statue from the art room to the photo-taking area as a display, but forgot to move it back when the exhibition was dismantled. The next day, the children found that the plaster statue had broken into pieces. Everyone panicked and placed the pieces on the podium in the classroom. The whole class was silent...
At this time, a classmate suggested: "Let's make it into something else and put it back in the art room." Everyone thought this was a good idea, and they were instantly inspired and started discussing the renovation plan.
The atmosphere of the morning reading class after that was very subtle. The children read attentively and in unison, as if they suddenly had some kind of tacit understanding and suddenly became "of one mind."
That day, each group in the class claimed a piece of debris, and as soon as the bell rang, they went into the art room to carry out "cultural relic restoration."
After school, the children invited me to inspect the work. When I walked into the art room, the scene in front of me surprised me!
Each group put the transformed fragments together, and we found that these plaster fragments were given new life - the bowl-shaped fragments became a "swimming pool", the arched fragments became a "volcanic energy station", and there were also "mushroom forest", "sofa", "armor"... Everyone was very happy and felt that these works were better looking than the original ones.
I took the opportunity to give everyone some "chicken soup for the soul": "Students, if we had complained, blamed, and shirked responsibility at that time, then these plaster fragments would have remained fragments. But you solved the problem through thinking and action, and the plaster fragments became a unique work of art in the world. It also brought you a big gift package, which includes tolerance, optimism, and responsibility..."
The mountains of Zhongtian Village offer the children here blue sky, green grass, tree branches, stones, mud and wild flowers. How could I bear not to let my classmates enjoy all of this?
So, I applied to be an art teacher. From sketching a tree, to picking up branches to make bird nests, to renovating old wooden chairs in the cafeteria, using discarded bed boards as drawing boards, using leaves to print curtains, using old picture books to make greeting cards... In our eyes, there is no waste, and everything can be painted.
Our "decoration company" is getting bigger and bigger, and we're even getting more work!
One day, the principal said, "There are a lot of dirty handprints on the walls of the stairwell in the teaching building, which looks ugly. The students in your class are good at painting. The school will pay for some paint and brushes. Can you use the activity time to paint the walls to make them look better?" The students cheered after hearing this.
We spent three months painting all the walls of the stairwells, and invited students from other classes to paint together. Since then, there have been no dirty handprints on the walls, and the stairwells have been "treasured" by the children.
Someone asked, your students play so wildly, are they distracted, and does it affect their studies?
To be honest, the students not only did not disperse, but became more united. In Chinese class, they seemed to have opened up a new world. They found inspiration for their paintings from the texts and began to make up stories for their paintings. Moreover, because they had experience in carrying out activities, they designed some texts into popular research and study activities.
In order to show and record their growth, I specially created a class public account to publish their activity photos, original cartoons, and videos of handicrafts, etc. When the art exhibition hall is built, I will display those treasures well. They are the marks of their growth and my precious wealth.
In a blink of an eye, the children have graduated from primary school and are about to start junior high school. The graffiti they left on the wall will become mottled as time goes by, and they will continue to grow up, until they are old enough to explore everything outside the village primary school. Perhaps some memories of the six years of primary school will fade away, but I know that "beauty" will accompany them in various forms, sometimes love, sometimes strength, and sometimes a colorful childlike heart...
(Compiled by Huasheng Online Omnimedia reporter Zhou Yangle)
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