
The trend of children's watches becoming smartphones is due to excessive profit-seeking by businesses


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"As soon as the holidays come, she keeps playing with the children's phone watch. The screen is so small that it hurts her eyes. She has to wear it when she goes out to listen to music and watch videos." Liu Shuang, a parent from Haidian District in Beijing, said that although mobile phones and tablets are banned, her daughter is obsessed with this smaller version of a "smartphone," which makes her very worried.

According to the Legal Daily, many parents have recently reported that some children's phone watches have similar functions to smartphones, and are filled with games, animations, short videos and other entertainment content, which gradually make children addicted to them. "Excessive entertainment increases the difficulty of parental management." In addition, various fancy software on the watches are cleverly designed to set up membership reward mechanisms, game gold coin packages and other projects to induce children to recharge and consume.

Children's mobile watches are now like smart phones. The supervision of children's mobile watches can no longer be carried out as "watches", but should be included in the category of smart phones based on their actual functions. Unless the manufacturers of children's mobile watches give up adding entertainment functions to children's mobile watches, otherwise, children's mobile watches may affect the healthy growth of children.

In response to the negative impact of smartphones and tablets on students' learning and life, the education department has clearly stipulated that the use of mobile phones and tablets in primary and secondary school classrooms is prohibited. In this context, many parents equip their children with children's phone watches to replace smartphones in order to facilitate contact with their children.

Some manufacturers and operators of children's phone watches continue to increase the functions of children's phone watches to increase the prices of children's phone watches and attract children to buy and consume. For example, they add social and game functions to children's phone watches to mislead and stimulate children to compete in consumption.

This turns children's phone watches into de facto smartphones. Most of the functions of smartphones, including taking photos, chatting, video calls, adding friends, posting to Moments, playing games, etc., are available on children's phone watches. Using such children's phone watches may be more harmful than using smartphones. On the one hand, some parents may think that their children are just using watches, and thus relax their supervision and guidance of their children; on the other hand, since the screen of children's phone watches is smaller, long-term use of children will have a negative impact on their vision development.

Data shows that there are about 170 million children aged 5 to 12 in China, and the market penetration rate of children's smart watches is about 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to put strengthening the supervision of children's smart watches on the agenda. It is necessary to define the scope of the basic functions of children's smart watches, and also to regulate smart children's smart watches as smart electronic products.

This is also a "no" to the excessive pursuit of profit by producers and operators. The excessive intelligence of children's phone watches reflects that producers and operators, due to excessive pursuit of profit, induce minors to over-consume and become addicted to smart watches, but forget their own responsibilities to protect minors online and in society.

Some people do not care about strengthening the supervision of children's smart products, believing that it is an outdated and conservative idea to not allow minors to use smart electronic products in the era of artificial intelligence. In fact, whether to allow children to use overly intelligent electronic products depends on whether it is beneficial or harmful to the growth of children. When the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, they must be restricted.

It has become an international consensus to restrict students from using smartphones and social media. According to reports, at the end of June this year, the Los Angeles Unified School District's Board of Education voted 5:2 to ban students from using mobile phones in primary and secondary schools. The new regulations will take effect from the beginning of next year. This means that more than 400,000 students in the school district will no longer be able to use smartphones in school, make calls or send text messages, or watch short videos or use social media. Moreover, more and more American cities are planning to follow suit and even pass legislation to make smartphones and social media disappear from K-12 (primary and secondary school) campuses.

This is because we take into account the negative impact that smart electronic products and social media have on the physical and mental growth of underage students. In order to ensure the healthy growth of children in the era of artificial intelligence, it is necessary to restrict children's use of smart electronic products.