
After pregnancy, these 4 kinds of food are beneficial to the development of the fetus, and expectant mothers should not be reluctant to eat them


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I remember that my friend was pregnant and had been craving for cherries for a long time, but because cherries were expensive at that time and she lived with her parents-in-law, she had been refraining from buying them. Once, a few of my girlfriends and I went to visit her and bought some cherries for her. But her mother-in-law saw them and said that pregnant women should not eat cherries and asked us to take them back when we left.

Later, my friend told us that her parents-in-law were quite frugal and would hardly buy any expensive vegetables, fruits, etc. Hearing this, we told her that although her parents-in-law were frugal, she was pregnant and wanted her baby to develop better, so she should not be reluctant to eat some things.

Fruits are not uncommon in our daily lives, and most fruits are relatively cheap, so almost every family can afford them. However, some fruits are more expensive, and some pregnant women are reluctant to buy them due to limited family financial conditions (or other reasons).

In fact, fruits are very popular among expectant mothers during pregnancy. They not only taste refreshing and can increase appetite, but also are rich in nutrients and have a good effect on promoting the development of the fetus. Of course, there are many types of fruits, and each type focuses on different nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended that expectant mothers can choose more types and eat a moderate amount every day (preferably not more than 300 grams).