
Sinopec Capital Investment in Hydrogen Energy


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Recently, two consecutive news reports about Sinopec transferring shares of its hydrogen energy company have attracted widespread attention in the industry: on July 30, Sinopec transferred 100% of the equity of its Xinxing Inner Mongolia Green Hydrogen Company to Zhongtian Hechuang for a transaction price of 74.08 million yuan; in May, Sinopec transferred its 3.4% stake in Shanghai Shunhua at a transfer floor price of 46.12 million yuan.

This makes people wonder why Sinopec chose to "exit"? Was it because its vision of building "China's first hydrogen energy company" was frustrated? This central enterprise, which is regarded as the "chain leader" of hydrogen energy, seems to have a somewhat "wavering" investment strategy, which shows the difficulty of developing hydrogen energy?

Sinopec has not yet publicly stated the reason for the share transfer of the above two companies, but from all indications, this should be just an adjustment of its investment strategy. In fact, it is further investing in hydrogen energy companies. A typical representative event is that on August 2, Sinopec strategically led the C+ round of financing of Kerun New Materials and completed the delivery.

Looking back at Sinopec's many hydrogen energy investments since 2018, it is not difficult to find two notable characteristics: First, it adopts a "point-to-point" layout around pain points and bottlenecks, targeting key equipment and key materials for fuel cells and hydrogen production, storage, transportation and addition; Second, as a resource integrator, it adopts a market-oriented model, investing where necessary, cooperating where necessary, introducing where necessary, and doing what should be done by itself.

Sinopec has flexibly used its own methods to build a relatively complete "skeleton" of the hydrogen energy industry chain, playing a vital role in leading the development of the hydrogen energy industry, promoting technological innovation, and promoting the large-scale development of the industry.