
China's economy shows its latest "answer sheet"


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Through the trickle of data, we can see the magnificent Chinese economy and deeply feel its vigorous and beating pulse. The latest economic data is like a mirror, reflecting the steady pace and enterprising attitude of my country's economic operation.

The brilliant figures released by the General Administration of Customs today (7th) are like the brightest stars in the night sky, announcing that my country's import and export of goods is moving forward steadily at a year-on-year growth rate of 6.2%. In the first seven months, the total value of imports and exports on this huge trade canvas reached 24.83 trillion yuan, painting a new glory in the same period of history. Among them, the wings of exports soared in the blue sky of 6.7% growth with an excellent performance of 14.26 trillion yuan; the boat of imports was not far behind, with a cargo volume of 10.57 trillion yuan and a growth rate of 5.4%. Mr. Lu Daliang, Director of the Statistics and Analysis Department of the General Administration of Customs, said: "In the first seven months, my country's import and export scale has reached a new level. In July, the single month has soared both year-on-year and month-on-month, and the year-on-year growth rate has remained above 5% for four consecutive months."

Looking at the export sector in detail, wind turbines, ships, and automobiles are like three horses, with growth rates of 86.3%, 84.4%, and 20.7%, respectively, leading the new trend of my country's exports and demonstrating the strong competitiveness of "Made in China" and the fruitful results of transformation and upgrading. In terms of imports, the import volume of metal ores and energy products increased by 6.2% and 5.4% respectively, injecting a solid material foundation and inexhaustible power into economic development.