
How hard is this futures company chairman? He served as a senior executive of more than 20 companies and did not report to the regulator and received a fine


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(Original title: How hard does this futures company chairman work? He is a senior executive of more than 20 companies and did not report to the regulator and received a fine)

Since August, two morefuturescompanyTicketDisclosure.

HeilongjiangSecurities Regulatory BureauThe latest disclosure on the official website shows that Datong Futures and Yongshang Futures were both decided to be issued warning letters by the Heilongjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau at the end of last month.

Both futures companies were found to have loopholes in information technology governance and network security management. In addition, Datong Futures also failed to submit the re-election of the company's directors to the shareholders' meeting for review; while Yongshang Futures had the company's chairman, directors,SupervisorHe had a part-time job but failed to report it to the Heilongjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau as required.

Overall, with the disclosure of the above two fines, data shows that the futures industry has received 90 fines this year, involving 40 futures companies or their branches. The types of violations mostly include illegal marketing and publicity, irregular risk management and internal control, and unqualified practitioners.

Two more futures companies were fined

In fact, as the only two futures companies in the jurisdiction of the Heilongjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau, Datong Futures has been fined in the past three years, and Yongshang Futures has received fines for two consecutive years. This year, both futures companies have been fined for the first time.

The content of the penalty mentioned that Yongshang Futures' chairman Xu Zhufeng, director Xu Busheng, and supervisor Wang Jun had part-time jobs and failed to report to the Heilongjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau as required.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Administrative Measures for the Appointment of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Personnel of Futures Companies", if the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of futures companies hold part-time positions, they shall report to the relevant dispatched agency of the China Securities Regulatory Commission within 5 working days from the date of the occurrence of the relevant situation.

Yongshang Futures is a futures company under the private enterprise Qunsheng Group, which is listed in the top 500 private enterprises in China according to its official website. Xu Zhufeng is both the chairman of Yongshang Futures and the actual controller of Qunsheng Group.Tianyancha data shows that Xu Zhufeng currently serves as a senior executive of 24 companies, 14 of which are still in existence, and most of them are held by Qunsheng Group. For example, he serves as a director of Zhejiang Yongkang Rural Commercial Bank, in which Qunsheng Group holds 5.0094% of the shares.

Xu Zhufeng's father, director Xu Busheng, also serves as a senior executive in 29 companies, 19 of which are currently in existence or in operation. Among them, Hainan Wanguo Meiling Real Estate Development, of which he is the legal person, is the only company established this year, and Xu Zhufeng is also the actual controller of the company.

Wang Jun, the supervisor of Yongshang Futures, is also shown on the Tianyancha website as serving as an executive in five existing companies.

The penalty against Datong Futures mentioned that the re-election of the company's directors was not submitted to the shareholders' meeting for deliberation. According to Tianyancha's official website, the company has two directors.

IT issues are receiving attention again

Another reason the two futures companies were punished was loopholes in information technology governance and network security management.

In fact, last year and the year before, the fines received by Yongshang Futures were also related to the above-mentioned violations. In 2023, the Heilongjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau found that the company's network and information security protection system was imperfect; in 2022, it was found that there were three violations in information technology, including that the company's main computer room server was attacked by a network and did not resume normal operation after a month, the number of technical personnel did not meet the requirements, and the backup capacity of the disaster recovery room did not meet the regulations.

In the previous two years, the fines issued to Datong Futures also mentioned problems with information technology governance. For example, last year's fine mentioned that Datong Futures did not have a security test report before the launch of its important information system; the fine issued the year before mentioned that the company had loopholes in network security management and protection, information technology risk assessment and audit.

IT fines are not uncommon this year. Data from third-party platforms show that 73 fines received by the futures industry this year were related to irregularities in risk management and internal control, 10 of which mentioned violations in information technology, including insufficient IT personnel, mixed use of computer rooms, and failure to monitor the operation and system changes of IT system service agencies.