
Employees seek help from the Legal Aid Center for rights protection, Shandong Daoan Law Firm lawyers help them recover their wages and receive a banner


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reporter Hou Xiangjia and correspondent Wang Benpeng report from Qingdao
With the successful mediation of a legal aid case involving a labor dispute, the beneficiaries, Ms. Wang and Ms. Yang, got back their wages that had been in arrears for several months. To thank the two lawyers, Dong Chengcheng and Wang Yixian from Shandong Daoan Law Firm, for their hard work and professional legal services, the two beneficiaries specially sent a banner and flowers printed with "Solving problems for the people in accordance with the law, and warming people's hearts with true love" to express their deep gratitude to the lawyers.
It is understood that Ms. Wang and Ms. Yang, employees, had a labor dispute with a company because they were owed wages for several months, and sought help from the Legal Aid Center of the Laoshan District Federation of Trade Unions. After accepting the case, lawyers Dong Chengcheng and Wang Yixian from Shandong Daoan Law Firm combined the evidence provided by the parties, sorted out and analyzed it, and finally listed the two companies as respondents for arbitration. After determining the arbitration plan, the two lawyers assisted Ms. Wang and Ms. Yang in writing a labor arbitration application and clarified the arbitration request. Before the arbitration hearing, after obtaining the consent of Ms. Wang and Ms. Yang, the two lawyers actively helped the workers negotiate with the company and communicate with the arbitrators many times, and finally determined the mediation plan. On the day of signing the mediation agreement, Ms. Wang and Ms. Yang received the salary back pay from the company, achieving the good effect of settling disputes and settling the case.
Dong Chengcheng introduced that reaching a mediation agreement before the arbitration hearing can, on the one hand, save both parties the time and economic costs of going through the arbitration procedure and the first-instance and second-instance litigation procedures and enforcement procedures of the People's Court, reduce running around and meet the workers' needs for a one-time quick resolution of disputes; on the other hand, it can avoid a long rights protection cycle and the risk of a company's reduced payment ability or inability to pay.
The successful mediation of this labor dispute legal aid case fully demonstrates that party member lawyers adhere to the leadership of party building, proceed from the vital interests of workers, take responsibility, have legal beliefs, and actively practice social responsibility on the road of legal services. A silk banner, a bunch of flowers, and a thank you represent the full trust and affirmation of the parties to the two lawyers. This is a two-way rush of giving and thanking. The two lawyers said that they will continue to strive for the greatest interests for workers through professional legal services and rigorous work attitudes, and contribute to the construction of harmonious and stable labor relations and the progress of pre-trial mediation of labor arbitration cases.