
With the help of new media, the automobile business can also overcome difficulties in the market | Strengthening the country and promoting business · Hand in hand


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"Make every effort to reverse the business situation, increase terminal sales, and strengthen our own brands..." In the context of a domestic automobile price war that has lasted for more than a year, facing severe market conditions, GAC Trading received a request from the group in the hot July.
Company leaders have entered multiple social platforms
On May 29 this year, the "2024 China Auto Dealers Conference" released the top 100 rankings. With a total operating income (auto sales) of 27.948 billion yuan and a total auto sales volume of 182,575 units (including used cars), GAC Trading ranked 16th in the country, up three places from previous years.
Yan Jianming, chairman of GAC Trading, told reporters that the auto industry has truly entered a period of survival of the fittest. From the perspective of auto consumption, auto replacement has entered a period of high growth since last year, especially in the Pearl River Delta region, where auto replacement and renewal has become an increasingly important growth point for the development of the auto industry. Only by constantly innovating and changing can we survive.
In commerce and trade, commercial vehicle sales are the first priority. At present, the overall strategy of GAC Trading is to "focus on the main business, serve the main business, and empower the main business". GAC Group has a full range of passenger car brand sales store systems, with 122 sales stores in more than 20 provinces across the country. It also develops automotive supplies, boutique installations, car beauty, and second-hand car services, and provides financial leasing and operating leasing services. In summary, it is to add value and empower the group's main business in the field of automobile sales, increase efficiency in logistics and supporting fields, and actively explore and incubate environmentally friendly renewable resources and international business.
However, the car-selling industry today is very different from the environment five years ago.
At present, new media has swept all age groups, characterized by the generalization of communication forms, leading to omni-channel marketing becoming the mainstream. The reporter learned that the leaders of GAC Trading Company, from the chairman and general manager to the middle and senior management and grassroots, have entered multiple social platforms and connected more than 120 trading stores. In the past, they only sold cars and did business, but now they have a new image, built a diversified marketing chain, formed a new media marketing matrix, and improved brand voice and sales conversion.
According to GAC Business data, the average daily number of effective leads has increased by 67.80% compared with the same period last year. At a time when price wars are sweeping the country and pressure on automobile companies is increasing, 3,160 orders were placed on the Douyin platform alone from January to June, showing the unlimited possibilities of new media platform applications. In addition, by integrating internal and external resources of the group, upgrading customer service with special policies, exclusive products, and special marketing, a total of 24 joint store activities were held in the first half of the year, gaining a lot of customers.
Co-create car models and create personalized service models
After a company launches a car model on the market, it cannot change every day, but meeting the differentiated and personalized service needs of users is an eternal test. On the R&D side of the OEM, GAC Trading, Trumpchi, Aion, and GAC Research Institute explored a new model of personalized service, and co-created models were born.
In the past, it was just selling supplies, but it did not help much in the substantial expansion of vehicles, and customers were not satisfied. Later, by co-creating customized models, GAC Trading opened up a rare new track. On the service side of the sales store, it created GAC brand commercial special models, achieved cross-border win-win with well-known domestic and foreign IPs, and many co-creation projects that made young people excited emerged in an endless stream. A total of more than 100 PDI plans were planned, and the orders for models reached more than 21,000 vehicles.
Zhu Chunmao, who has the title of "GAC Trading Craftsman", is very experienced. He works for Qihang Technology, a member company of GAC Trading. As the project leader of GAC Trading's Trumpchi brand PDI version car (a special edition modified car model before delivery), he collaborates with GAC Trading's Operation Management Department and Customer Value Innovation Department. Through field research, Zhu Chunmao understands the current sales status of supplies in various sales stores of the trade, and selects supplies that meet the rigid needs of the sales stores based on the current hot products in the automotive aftermarket and feedback from sales stores. At the same time, through multiple rounds of negotiations with local service providers, the procurement cost is reduced step by step, covering 7 key models including the M8. As of December 2023, the average penetration rate of new car sales of the Trumpchi brand PDI version car project in the trade store will reach 10%, which will increase the company's supplies revenue by more than 10 million yuan, and the profitability of the sales store's complete vehicles will be improved.
Text and photos by reporter Qi Yaoqi