
There was no Moutai on the “Moutai Flight”, so who should be held responsible, the “Kunda Journey” or the Anshun Huangguoshu Airport?


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Travel to Guizhou by flight

Not only can you enjoy the local scenery

You can also buy it at the price of 1499 yuan

Buy Feitian Moutai

Isn’t something like this particularly exciting?


Many tourists reported to the China Consumer News reporter

Said they had signed up for a group ride"Moutai Flight"

Travel to Anshun, Guizhou

However, the travel agency did not conduct the "lottery purchase" as promised.

Tourists also failed to buy affordable Moutai

What exactly is going on?

Reporters conducted an investigation

Many consumers reported

Taking the "Moutai flight" to buy Moutai is just empty talk

Years of rights protection to no avail

Aunt Li, a tourist from Zhejiang, and her husband visitedGuizhou Kunda Travel Agency Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Kunda Travel Company) signed up to participate in the "Moutai Flight" activity and also called on retired employees of the unit to participate in team building, forming a 55-person "Moutai Flight" tour group to Anshun, Guizhou.

"When I joined the tour, the staff of Kunda Travel Company said that after the five-day and four-night tour,Passengers on the flight will draw lots to be eligible to buy affordable Moutai. The winning rate is 70%. The winner can buy two bottles of Feitian Moutai at the price of 1,499 yuan per bottle.Aunt Li told reporters that at the end of the tour, the staff asked them to register their ID cards on the "Qianyun Legou" applet for the lottery to purchase wine, but until they returned home, the entire tour group did not receive any notification to buy affordable Moutai.

The "Moutai Flight" activity launched by Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. File photo

Coincidentally, on July 23, Ms. Lin from Fuzhou, Fujian reported to reporters that she and her family took the "Moutai flight" to Anshun, Guizhou in July 2021. Each person paid 3,580 yuan for the tour and visited multiple scenic spots with the group. In the end, they skipped the purchase of Moutai. "No one in our group agreed. We negotiated with the travel agency for a long time, but in the end we didn't buy Moutai." Ms. Lin told reporters.

Mr. Zhang from Ningbo, Zhejiang, told reporters: "I chose a five-day trip to Anshun. The travel agency said that this trip was a flight subsidized by Moutai and that I could draw lots to buy two bottles of Moutai at 1,499 yuan per bottle. The tourists in the group discussed the draw to buy Moutai on the return flight, only to find out that no one won the prize."

Aunt Li, Ms. Lin, Mr. Zhang and others took the "Moutai flight" with high hopes but returned empty-handed. They took legal action against Kunda Travel Company and have repeatedly asked it to honor its promise to buy Moutai since 2021. The company said it was applying for a supplementary purchase from the airport, but it kept delaying and the matter was left unresolved.

"This matter has been dragging on for several years. Because we are in different provinces and the distance is far, it is very inconvenient to defend our rights. We are exhausted physically and mentally." Aunt Li and others told reporters.

Travel agency response

The airport did not redeem Moutai liquor for some flights

Currently unable to address consumer demands

Is there really a wine purchasing activity on the “Moutai Flight”?

Why couldn’t the original promise be fulfilled?

The reporter contacted Mr. Long, the person in charge of Kunda Travel. Mr. Long said that in 2020, the company reached a cooperation intention with Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. to use affordable Moutai to promote "aviation + tourism". Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. launched the Moutai exchange activity from August 11, 2020 to October 28, 2021, and the company participated in the whole process. By buying Moutai at a fair price and reducing the group registration fee, more than 30,000 tourists from Zhejiang and Fujian markets were attracted to Anshun for tourism. From August 11 to October 28, 2020, 17,746 people won Moutai by lottery as required, and exchanged for 35,492 bottles. The process is that tourists register and draw lots in the "Qianyun Legou" applet, and the airport sends the wine after paying the fee.

The problem occurred on flights between March 28, 2021 and August 3, 2021During this period, Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. has beenThe reason for not paying for Moutai liquor was that there was no quota for tourism wine purchase resources.As a result, Kunda Travel Company has been repeatedly complained by consumers, and our local reception fees of nearly one million yuan have also been deducted. "Mr. Long said that some tourists who registered to buy affordable Moutai through the "Qianyun Legou" applet did not receive the wine and did not receive a refund due to system problems such as wrong mailing addresses. Kunda Travel Company had no choice but to spend millions of yuan to buy wine at market prices and send it to tourists. The company suffered heavy losses and is now unable to solve the problems reported by tourists.

The reporter searched for "Qianyun Legou" in the WeChat applet and found that it had ceased operations. Currently, wine purchases are being conducted on the applet "Qianhang Pre-order Purchase". Screenshots provided by consumers show that Anshun Huangguoshu Airport was indeed on the list of "Moutai flights" at the time.

expert's point

Failure to perform obligations as agreed constitutes a breach of contract

"Moutai Flight"This is a win-win policy

Why did it change?

Where is the problem?

The reporter saw in a "Report on Applying to Guizhou Airport for Supplementary Purchase of Moutai Quota" submitted by Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. to the Marketing Department of Guizhou Airport Group that the airport has obtained Moutai quota provided by Guizhou Airport Group since August 2020.The Fuzhou-Anshun and Ningbo-Anshun flights operated from March 28 to August 3, 2021 have not received wine resource quotas, involving 286 flights and 31,121 passengers.According to the operation of Anshun Huangguoshu Airport, the quota of Moutai liquor for Fuzhou-Anshun and Ningbo-Anshun from March 26 to August 3 is recommended to be replenished by the flight operators.

Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. applied to Guizhou Airports for additional quotas for purchasing Moutai liquor.

According to industry insiders, many branch airports in Guizhou are currently carrying out the "Moutai Flight" activity, but most travel agencies and airports have not signed a written cooperation agreement. "Such practices are not standardized and pose potential risks to consumers and travel agencies," the insider said.

Wang Jiucheng, chief lawyer of Beijing Lidao Law Firm, told reporters that if Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. and travel agencies reach a cooperation agreement on using affordable Moutai to promote "aviation + tourism", they should perform their obligations in accordance with the agreement. If they fail to perform their obligations in accordance with the agreement, it will violate the principle of good faith.If it constitutes a breach of contract, the party shall bear the liability for breach of contract to the travel agency.

In response to the problems raised by consumers, the reporter sent an interview letter to Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd. On August 2, Liang Xiurong, general manager of Anshun Huangguoshu Airport Management Co., Ltd., responded to the reporter by phone, saying that the incident involved many people and the matter was complicated. The company needed to fully understand the situation, which could not be explained in one or two sentences.

As of press time

The reporter did not receive any further response.

China Consumer News

We will continue to follow the progress of this incident.

Produced by the New Media Editorial Department of China Consumer News

source/China Consumer News·China Consumer Network

Reporter/Sun Wei

Editor/Li Xiaoyu

Producer/He Yongpeng Ren Zhenyu

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