
Automakers should be cautious when releasing weekly sales rankings


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■ Gong Mengze

Recently, the topic of whether automakers should release weekly sales rankings has attracted widespread attention in the market.

In my opinion, the weekly sales ranking is a timely reflection of the current local market consumer confidence. The overall strengthening of the weekly sales ranking is expected to further boost consumer confidence and expand and promote consumption. However, as an individual automaker, it is advisable to be cautious in releasing short-term sales rankings.

First of all, when car companies release relevant data without authorization and strict auditing from other companies, it not only lacks credibility, but also has large errors and uncertainties.

Secondly, sales ranking is essentially a result of competition, and should not be the competition itself. The development of an enterprise itself has short-term, medium-term and long-term evaluation and measurement dimensions. The pace of product launch and product replacement and modification planning of different enterprises are also different. In addition, the power configuration of current new energy products is diverse, and pure electric, extended-range, plug-in and other models are applicable to different scenarios. It is difficult to be scientific and rigorous to compare them together for a short period of time, and it cannot accurately reflect the actual medium- and long-term situation of the enterprise's strategic planning, R&D investment, and forward-looking technology layout.

Finally, when most consumers make purchasing decisions, they are influenced by many factors, such as advertising, promotions, and social media. As a marketing tool, weekly sales rankings will give consumers strong psychological hints and cause irrational interference to the market and industry.

At present, how to publish and use these data scientifically and reasonably is a problem that the automotive industry needs to face together.

On the one hand, it is necessary to improve and standardize the entities and mechanisms for publishing industry data. At present, domestic industrial statistics are conducted on a monthly basis, which is determined after balancing the cost of data collection with the completeness, timeliness and accuracy of information. For high-frequency data such as weekly sales, if there is a real demand in the industry or policy research direction, industry associations that have access to data can assess the demand and actively publish it, rather than becoming the individual behavior of a certain enterprise.

On the other hand, we encourage automakers to firmly adhere to the long-term development concept. We continue to advocate that automakers actively explore innovative ways to match new business formats in terms of operating systems and business models, continuously enhance their all-round comprehensive strength, fully demonstrate the charm of new products with high-quality products and services, and continuously enhance the added value of their brands.

Image | ZCOOL Helo

Production | Zhang Wenling
