
Larian is trying to get rid of the influence of "Baldur's Gate 3" and come up with ideas for the new game


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As August approaches, Baldur's Gate 3 has been officially released for a year, and Larian Studios has been continuously updating the official version of the game for more than a year, and even the last major update patch will not be released until next month. Baldur's Gate 3, a work that has won Larian Studios many awards, has become a "high wall" that Larian Studios needs to overcome as it has started developing a new work.

According to Adam Smith, lead writer of Baldur's Gate 3, one of the biggest problems Larian Studios faces in developing new games is that when they discuss an idea, everyone will say that (this idea) has been done in Baldur's Gate 3, so it turns out that they have done a lot in Baldur's Gate 3. This feeling is actually the same during the development of Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity: Original Sin. During the creation process, the developers will wonder if players have already experienced this mode and whether they have already felt this emotional arc. Everyone needs to constantly work hard to ensure that players get new experiences rather than repeating past content.

Larian has already said that it will not make a sequel to Baldur's Gate 3, and they have already started developing two "ambitious" new RPGs. Since it is an RPG, storytelling is a very important part. After Divinity: Original Sin and Baldur's Gate 3, Larian Studios doesn't know what new stories they will tell players.