
"Traveling in China" Research Tour·Innovative Beijing | Supporting the "1-hour global travel dream"


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“…3, 2, 1, ignite!”

"Boom!" A deafening roar broke the silence. The super-high-speed wind tunnel was like a sleeping giant awakening, releasing amazing power.

In the heart of Beijing's Huairou Science City, the "Marching China" research and interview team witnessed a "flying" experiment about the future.

Imagine if every innovation of an aircraft had to be put into practice, wouldn’t the R&D costs and risks rise sharply? Fortunately, scientists have invented a magical tool - the wind tunnel, which creates a "flying" space on the ground, allowing aircraft designers to boldly try and pursue their dreams. Therefore, it is also known as the "cradle" and "behind-the-scenes hero" of aircraft design.

This huge machine, which is usually quiet but roars like a lion when working, is the JF-22, the world's most advanced hypersonic wind tunnel.

It is 167 meters long, and its experimental cabin is about 4 meters in diameter, which can accommodate experimental models up to 8 meters long. What's even more amazing is that it can simulate a flight environment of up to 10 kilometers per second.

How powerful is it? Han Guilai, a researcher at the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the site manager of the Huairou shock wave wind tunnel, told the research and interview team that the scale, duration and performance indicators of the JF-22 are all at the world's leading level.

It complements the JF-12 reproduction wind tunnel built in my country in 2012, making my country the only country in the hypersonic field that can fully cover the hypersonic "flight corridor" experimental capabilities.

"When the flight speed reaches 10 to 20 times the speed of sound, the dream of reaching anywhere in the world in one hour will become possible." Han Guilai said that the research team will explore cutting-edge technologies in the fields of space-to-earth round-trip aircraft and multi-stage orbital aircraft based on the wind tunnel experimental platform, and contribute to my country's hypersonic technology field. (Zhao Zhuqing, Shen Jiaping, Wang Xiaoxiao)