
Beijing Central Axis successfully applied for World Heritage status!


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Source: CCTV News WeChat Official Account

Today (27th), at the 46th UNESCO World Heritage Conference held in New Delhi, the capital of India, my country's application“Beijing Central Axis: A Masterpiece of China’s Ideal Capital Order”It has been officially included in the World Heritage List.As of now, my country has 59 world heritage sites.

The Central Axis of Beijing is located in the center of the old city of Beijing. It is 7.8 kilometers long and was built in the 13th century. It is a combination of buildings and ruins that governs the entire planning pattern of the old city.Beijing's Central Axis contains a total of 15 heritage elements.Starting from the bell and drum tower in the north,Going south, you will pass Wanning Bridge, Jingshan, the Forbidden City, Duanmen, Tiananmen, Waijinshui Bridge, Tiananmen Square and its buildings, Zhengyangmen, and the remains of the southern section of the central axis.To Yongding Gate at the southern end.The Taimiao, Sheji Altar, Temple of Heaven and Xiannong Altar are located on the east and west sides of the central axis respectively.

These heritage elements include five different types of historical relics: ancient royal palaces and gardens, ancient royal sacrificial buildings, ancient urban management facilities, national ceremonial and public buildings, and central road remains, forming a landscape rhythm and magnificent order with ups and downs, and balanced symmetry from left to right.It is a model work that represents the mature development of the central axis of traditional Chinese capitals.

△ Aerial view of Beijing’s central axis

Beijing's Central Axis is the most complete traditional capital city central axis building complex in China.It witnessed the ideal capital order that has influenced China's capital construction tradition for more than two thousand years.

Beijing's Central Axis has always led the city's development, providing a special testimony to the long-term practice of the traditional Chinese concept of "selecting the center" in the construction of the capital, and expressing the philosophical concepts of "center" and "harmony" upheld by Chinese civilization. Its overall planning pattern shows the traditional ideal paradigm of the capital city as recorded in "Kaogong Ji" of "facing the market behind" and "left to the ancestors and right to the community"; the architecture and landscape concentratedly express the emphasis on etiquette and order in traditional Chinese capital planning; and the diversified spatial organization provides a strong material testimony to the national etiquette culture and traditional urban management methods.

△ Bird's eye view of the northern section of Beijing's central axis

Beijing Central AxisIt also has important historical witness significance and is directly related to a series of historical events with world influence. Since its construction, Beijing's Central Axis has undergone the historical evolution of the city and has continued to influence urban development, demonstrating the lasting vitality of traditional planning concepts and having a profound impact on the history of urban planning and construction in the world.It is a Chinese case study on the protection and sustainable development of ancient capitals.

△Tiananmen Square

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee recognized that the "Central Axis of Beijing" meets the World Heritage Criteria 3 and 4.The World Heritage Committee highly appreciates the tremendous efforts and outstanding achievements made by the Chinese government in protecting and inheriting the cultural heritage of the old city of Beijing.

  • The traditional Chinese capital planning theory and the philosophical ideas of “Zhong” and “He” embodied in the “Central Axis of Beijing” have made important contributions to the history of world urban planning (Criterion 3);

  • As an outstanding example of the mature stage of the central axis of traditional Chinese capitals, the “Beijing Central Axis” represents a unique type in the history of world cities (Criterion 4);

  • Recognize the integrity, authenticity and protection and management status of the "Central Axis of Beijing".

The World Heritage Committee stated that the authenticity of the "Central Axis of Beijing" is reflected in its continuity as the core of the capital. Tiananmen Square and its buildings are an important part of the development of the "Central Axis of Beijing", and recognized the necessity of maintaining its current form.

△Zhengyangmen Tower

Li Qun, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism and Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, stated at the World Heritage Conference that the successful application for World Heritage status is a new starting point. China will earnestly implement the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and continue to make efforts in the protection and repair of cultural relics and buildings, responding to the impact of natural disasters, encouraging community participation, scientifically guiding tourism development, and improving interpretation and display capabilities to ensure that the "Central Axis of Beijing" is properly protected and inherited.