
A residential complex in Wuhan was complained of "illegal construction on the entire floor" of multiple buildings. The property management said: It is not up to you or me to decide whether it is illegal construction.


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Cover News reporter Shi Wei

Recently, many owners of Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay reported that "whole floors of illegal construction" appeared on the roofs of many residential buildings in the community. On July 19, when a reporter from Cover News visited, the property staff of the community said, "Whether it is an illegal construction is not up to you and me, it is up to the urban management to decide," and "it was like this when the developer handed it over to us."

Local media reported that the Erqi Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Center in Jiang'an District has gone to the residential area and ordered the illegal buildings of more than 100 square meters on the roofs of 12 buildings to be restored to their original state. In response to the problem that the property company did not stop or report the illegal construction, it has jointly initiated the filing and investigation procedures with the district housing management department.

High-end real estate project complained by owners about illegal construction on multiple floors

Property management: It is not up to you or me to decide whether it is an illegal construction

Ms. Zhang, a resident of the community, introduced that Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay is located near the Hankou River Beach in Jiang'an District. The houses have been delivered for two years. When it was purchased, the price was nearly 50,000 yuan per square meter. It is a high-end community in the area.

In early July, construction work on the roof of Building 12 in the community attracted the attention of the owners. One owner went upstairs to check and found that more than 100 square meters of illegal construction had been done on the roof.

"The roof originally had two floors of space reserved for it, and the lower floor had space for balconies and windows. The exterior facade was the same as other floors. The illegal builders simply built walls to divide the lower floor and added a ceiling to illegally build an entire floor of rooms. Standing on its ceiling, you can see a normal roof and you can't tell it's an illegal building." Ms. Zhang said that after hearing the news, the owners of other rooftops checked the conditions of their own buildings and found that the rooftops of buildings 9 and 11 had been completed with illegal construction at some point, and doors and windows had been installed, which outsiders could not open to check.

"The property management charges more than 6 yuan per square meter, and the daily management is quite harsh. Takeout is not allowed to enter. The owner quarrels with them every day, and they say it is for the safety of the owner and for high-quality management." Ms. Zhang said that when the owner checked the 12 illegal buildings, the construction party took out the property registration certificate and said that it had been approved by the property management. The property decoration inspection form was also posted on the site, showing that everything was normal during the daily inspection, and there were only three days with problems with materials and construction noise.

"At present, the owners of buildings 9 to 12 have reported that illegal construction has been discovered, and the situation in other buildings is still under investigation. To go up to the roof, the property management must agree to open the door." On July 19, when a reporter from Cover News followed the owner to check, the property management staff forbade the reporter to follow the owner to the roof on the grounds that the reporter was a stranger.

The property staff said: "The situation of Building 12 has been handed over to the urban management department for handling. Non-owners need to obtain approval from the urban management department to go upstairs to check. Whether it is an illegal building is not up to you or me, it is up to the urban management department to decide."

Led by the owner, the reporter went around to the top floor of Building 11. The owner pointed at two windows and told the reporter that the 41st floor was originally the top floor, but another floor of housing appeared above the 41st floor at some point, and ordinary residents now lived in a duplex. Through the window, one could see that the walls and ceilings in the room had been decorated and painted.

During the visit, the reporter encountered an urban management team member who was accompanied by the property management to inspect the site. The property management opened the rooftop door, and the reporter followed up and found that the location and appearance of the two houses could no longer be seen from the rooftop, and the illegal construction could not be seen. The urban management team member left the scene after the inspection.

The property staff said that the houses within the two windows already existed when the developer handed them over to the property company and had nothing to do with the property, and that these two houses "had not been sold yet."

According to the owner's feedback, the reporter then tried to go to Building 9 to check. A property manager at the scene stopped the reporter and said that the building remained the same as when the developer handed it over, "but we don't know how many floors the building originally had, nor how many floors it has now."

Greentown Group: It is an authorized brand project

The Group can accept complaints directly

On July 16, local media Chutian Metropolis Daily reported that after receiving the complaint, the Erqi Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Center of Jiang'an District went to the community and ordered the restoration of the more than 100 square meters of illegal rooftop construction to its original state. In response to the problem that the property company did not stop or report the illegal construction, it has jointly initiated the filing investigation procedure with the district housing management department. After the facts are determined, the property company will be severely dealt with in accordance with the law.

Ms. Zhang, a resident of the community, said that the urban management department investigated the situation in Building 12, but Buildings 9 and 11 have not yet been dealt with, and it is still unclear whether there are any illegal constructions in other buildings. "The information we received is that part of the two-story space reserved by the developer was illegally built before the handover, and part was left for the owners of the top floor to build illegally. The owners involved are all special customers of the developer."

Public information shows that the developer of Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay is Wuhan Hongjiang Real Estate Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as Hongjiang Real Estate), which has multiple real estate, investment and property service companies in Wuhan. The property management company of Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay is held by Greentown Property and Hongjiang Real Estate with a 51% and 49% stake respectively.

According to the industrial and commercial registration information, Hongjiang Real Estate has two registered addresses in Wuhan, one on Lihua Road in Dongxihu District and the other in Binjiangyuan in Jiang'an District. On the afternoon of the 22nd, the reporter called the company to find out the situation, and the staff said: "If there is any situation, you can contact the property management, and they will report it to the company. It's useless for you to contact me."

She refused to provide the business address and hung up.

The reporter went to Lihua Road in Dongxihu District, and the security guard of the building where the address was located said that there was no such company in the building. The reporter then found the office of Hongjiang Real Estate in Binjiangyuan, Jiang'an District. The front desk staff said: "They are not here. I refuse any interviews."

Cover News reporter noticed that Greentown Group has developed many "Huangpu Bay" branded properties across the country. Is Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay related to Greentown Group? When the reporter called the Greentown Group's official website to find out the situation, the customer service staff said that Wuhan Greentown Huangpu Bay is a project built by Greentown Group, which was built by Greentown Group and authorized Hongjiang Real Estate to use the "Greentown" brand. "Owners can also complain to us directly, and we will investigate and handle it."

The reporter then went to the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Center of Erqi Street, Jiang'an District to learn about the handling of the incident. The staff said that the specific situation needs to be introduced by the law enforcement team, "but the street leaders are in a meeting, and the leaders need to agree and coordinate the interview."

After the reporter waited for an hour, the staff said they didn't know when the leader would finish the meeting. The reporter left after leaving his phone number. As of press time, the reporter has not received any response.