
Is AED a life-saving device? Using it right away may delay the rescue


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Three weeks ago, 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie died of cardiac arrest during a match in Indonesia. This tragedy caused countless regrets and also made everyone pay attention to first aid measures. After the athlete fell to the ground, the rescuers did not bring an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the court, which became a key point to question the untimely treatment.

In China, AEDs are basically standard equipment for large-scale sports events. AED devices can also be seen in other public places., such as airports, high-speed rail stations or subway stations.

Some car owners even bought AEDs with their own money and placed them in the trunk for others to use in emergency situations.

Left: AEDs in Beijing subway stations. Right: Red AED signs on cars, usually indicating that the car is equipped with an AED and the owner's phone number, saying "In case of emergency, you can break the window" or "The trunk can be opened remotely" | sohudouyin

The car owner bought an expensive AED to help a stranger. It is a heartwarming act and also adds hope to saving lives in an emergency.

AED, the "life-saving device", is becoming more and more commonSee, if we see someone fall down or have a heart attack, can we save their life by taking out the AED and using it immediately? No,Doing so may delay first aid and may even cause harm to yourself.

Not all emergencies can be saved by an AED, and sometimes other operations are more urgent than using an AED.In addition to having the heart to save lives, you also need to understand the following information in order to truly save other people's lives and protect yourself.

AED is a "life-saving device", but it needs to be used correctly| cmicsmedical

There are countless critical situations, and AED is only suitable for one

Because AED only has one first aid method - electric shock, there is only one situation in which it can save people.There is a fatal problem in the heart's circuit, and this problem can be restored to normal by electric shock.(some ventricular fibrillation, ventricular flutter and ventricular tachycardia).

However, there may be other problems with the heart's electrical circuits. If the problem is not immediately fatal, an electric shock is not needed. If the heart stops beating, it will be fatal immediately, but an electric shock will not restart the heartbeat, and AEDs will not work. What is needed is chest compressions, drugs, and a pacemaker.

In addition to the circuit,Problems with the heart's waterways can also be fatal, such as acute myocardial infarction caused by blood vessel blockageIf the water problem does not affect the circuit (no arrhythmia occurs), the AED will have no effect; if the water problem causes the circuit to malfunction, the AED will not be used in situations where electric shock is not appropriate; when a situation is suitable for electric shock, the AED can temporarily "repair" the circuit, but if the water problem is not cleared in time at the hospital, circuit paralysis may occur again at any time.

Problems that can cause people to fall to the ground do not only come from the heart. Common conditions that can cause loss of consciousness include stroke, epilepsy, hypoglycemia, heat stroke, and suffocation.Usually, an AED is not needed in these situations.

As the heart and lightning logo shows, the AED first aid method is to shock the heart| flickr

There are so many critical situations and they are so complicated. If you can't distinguish them clearly, you can't save people? In fact, sometimes even doctors can't immediately judge the situation clearly. There is no time to identify the cause of the disease during first aid. The most important thing is to quickly restore blood circulation.

You can decide whether you need to get an AED in two simple steps:

First, check if the person who fell to the ground is conscious.If the person is still able to ask for help or push others away, there is no need for an AED. For those who are silent and motionless, you can try to ask loudly in their ear "What's wrong with you?" and tap their shoulder. If they can respond clearly, they are conscious. Then just ask if they need help.

If the person still does not respond,The second step is to see if there is normal breathingFirst, turn the person to a supine position with their face up (do not move the person easily if there is a suspected head or neck injury, such as a car accident injury), and then observe the rise and fall of the chest. If there is no rise and fall, the rise and fall is very slow, or it seems that the person is only exhaling but not inhaling, it is likely that the heart of the person is no longer working, and CPR needs to be started immediately.

At this point, getting an AED as quickly as possible may be helpful, but there are more important things to do before using it.

When to use an AED and when not to use it

Should use

AEDs are effective for ventricular fibrillation, ventricular flutter, or ventricular tachycardia

Should not be used

The patient is conscious and responsive

The patient has normal breathing and pulse

The patient has a pacemaker in his chest

Hazardous environment: Conductive or flammable substances in water or humid environment

(When the patient is a child or infant, it is best to use a dedicated electrode pad)

AED and chest compression are two different things and cannot replace each other.

If you find someone not breathing, the first thing you should do is not to find an AED, but to find a professional first aid worker.There was no one else around.Dial the local emergency number directlyIf other people are present, one person should be designated to make the phone call, try to get an AED, and administer the medicine.The rescuer immediately began chest compressions.

When the heart in a person's chest cannot pump blood,Pressing the chest from outside can also stimulate blood circulation., continue to supply blood and oxygen to the brain and other important organs, improving the success of first aidThe compression position is roughly at the midpoint of the line connecting the two nipples, with a frequency of 100 to 120 times per minute and a depth of 5 to 6 cm (for adults). If the rescuer can do this, he or she can also open the airway for the fallen person and perform artificial respiration.

When someone brings the AED and it is ready, you can stop chest compressions and use the AED. After the shock is completed or the AED determines that it is not suitable for shock,Immediately continue chest compressions for 2 minutes or until the person recovers.(such as starting to cough, move a limb, or talk).

CPR and AED are a combination | AHA

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (mainly chest compression and artificial respiration) and AED are two different things. They can be combined but cannot replace each other.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation uses external force to make oxygen-containing blood flow to the whole body, trying to maintain the function of important organs, which is equivalent to pumping blood for the heart.Blood.AEDs do not maintain blood flow, but instead try to restore the heart to normal., allowing the heart to pump blood on its own. Correct cooperation can improve the chances of survival of a person with cardiac arrest.

So in terms of order, why should we do CPR first and then use AED? Because when the heart stops beating, the brain and other fragile organs are suffering from lack of blood and oxygen. With every passing minute, more cells die. If CPR is used first to supply oxygenated blood, these cells can be saved immediately;If you go get the AED first, get it.During the time when the AED was being used, cells continued to die.Even if the rescue is ultimately successful, it may leave permanent damage to the brain.

Chest compressions get the blood circulating again | Action First Aid

Use it with confidence. AED will not shock the wrong person.

After getting the AED, first make sure the surrounding environment is safe, then follow the instructions on the device to perform the following operations.

There is no need to worry about shocking the wrong person. The AED will analyze the heart rhythm of the fallen person before delivering a shock. It will not discharge if a shock is not needed, and will also give an advance warning when a shock is recommended.

AED operation steps

Turn on the AED, follow the on-screen instructions and sound prompts (some models require you to press the power button first).

②Remove clothing covering the fallen person's chest and dry the chest if necessary.Apply the electrodes according to the instructions on the pictureUsually, one piece is attached to the upper right chest and the other piece is attached to the lower left chest. Some models require the electrode wire to be plugged into the AED host jack.

③ Stop touching the fallen person.Let the AED analyze the heart rhythmAfter the analysis is complete, the AED will prompt whether it recommends or not to shock. If it recommends shocking, make sure everyone is away from the person who has fallen to avoid accidental shock. Some models can discharge automatically, while others require pressing the "discharge" button.

④After electric shock, or when electric shock is not recommended,Restart CPR immediately.

AED electrodes and main unit in the outer packaging| Anatoliy Smaga

AED is easy to use, but you need to pass the test to use it

Although AEDs are easy to use, many countries allow untrained people toHowever, currently untrained non-professionals are not allowed to use AED for first aid in China.

rightFor those who may be involved in first aid, it is recommended to receive CPR and AED training.After obtaining a first aid training certificate, the use of an AED during the validity period of the certificate is protected by law.

Legal conditions for the use of AED

The "Expert Consensus on China's AED Layout and Deployment" released in 2020 mentioned: In 2017, the National People's Congress passed Article 184 of the "General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", which indicates that the use of AEDs in emergency situations in our country will be protected by law, and it is legal for volunteers (non-medical workers) who have received professional training and obtained certificates to use AEDs during first aid.

Pre-hospital emergency management regulations in various places also have similar explanations. For example, Article 30 of the Hangzhou Pre-hospital Medical Emergency Management Regulations, which came into effect in 2015, states:Citizens who have received training and obtained qualification certificates and have professional first aid skills are encouraged to provide emergency on-site first aid to acute, critical and seriously injured patients in accordance with the operating specifications.Their emergency on-site rescue actions are protected by law and they do not bear any legal liability.

Even an untrained person can roughly learn how to use the AED by carefully reading the instructions on it, but the reading and understanding process takes at least several minutes, and it will be slower when panicking, and time is crucial for first aid.Training can reduce the time from seeing someone fall to delivering the shockFurthermore, training can increase the confidence of first responders and reduce hesitation before using an AED.

but,The biggest role of training is not to learn the AED itself, but to learn the important operations before using the AED., such as assessing the condition of the person who has fallen, calling emergency services, and performing effective CPR. Even if there is no AED available on site, these are the key to preserving life in emergency treatment.

Is it necessary to have an AED at home?

Some people want to buy an AED at home after seeing AEDs in public places or knowing that their family members have heart disease. Before buying, you need to consider the following:

① When someone suffers cardiac arrest, there must be someone around who can operate the AED skillfully so that the device can be effective.

People at high risk of fatal arrhythmias may be better candidates for an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), implanting a defibrillator in the body allows it to identify arrhythmias and deliver shock therapy at any time. This is more secure than relying on others to operate the AED.

③AED equipment is expensive, and batteries and electrodes need to be purchased and replaced regularly.

If you decide to purchase an AED, it is recommended that you choose an approved device, regularly check the manufacturer's safety alerts and recall notices, perform maintenance according to the instructions, and regularly replace batteries and electrodes.


Sometimes, AED is a critical first aid device, but more oftenComprehensive and solid first aid knowledge is the basis for saving lives.You also want to protect your family and help strangers, and enrolling in a formal first aid training course is where it all starts.


[1] Emergency Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Island Emergency Medicine Innovation Unit of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (2019RU013), Key Laboratory of Emergency and Trauma Research of Ministry of Education of Hainan Medical College, School of Emergency and Trauma of Hainan Medical College, Hainan Provincial Critical Care Clinical Medicine Research Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Trauma and Disaster Rescue Research, Key Laboratory of Trauma of Hainan Medical College. Expert consensus on the layout and deployment of AEDs in China. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2020, 29(8): 1025-1031.

[2] Chinese Society of Research Hospitals Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Committee. 2016 Chinese Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Expert Consensus. Chinese Journal of Health Emergency Electronics. 2017;3(1):12-36.

[3] Emergency Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Island Emergency Medicine Innovation Unit of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Key Laboratory of Emergency and Trauma Research of Ministry of Education of Hainan Medical College, etc. Expert consensus on the layout and deployment of AEDs in China. Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;40(9):813-819.

Author: Dai Tianyi

Editor: odette

This article comes from Guokr and may not be reproduced without permission.