
Hot topic: Eating a lot of pepper oil may cause breathing difficulties? Doctors say so


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Cover News reporter Ning Zhi

Recently, a blogger posted a message: "I just found out that eating too much sesame oil may cause suffocation. The sesame oil here refers to Sichuan pepper oil...", which attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Message posted by blogger

So, have hospitals ever treated similar patients? The reporter asked Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital, Chengdu University Affiliated Hospital, Nuclear Industry 416 Hospital and other hospitals, and many hospitals replied that they had "never encountered such patients."

"But sometimes I eat too much and have mild spasms in my throat." An emergency doctor from the Nuclear Industry 416 Hospital told reporters. In addition, a doctor from the Chengdu 363 Hospital also revealed that "the emergency department encountered a similar patient, but it was a case many years ago." An emergency doctor from another hospital said that there are very few such cases. In his opinion, "it may be more of a gimmick."

Is it true that eating a lot of Sichuan pepper oil may cause breathing difficulties? Liang Qingyue, director of the nutrition department of Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital, said in an interview with reporters: "I have indeed met some people around me who have breathing difficulties after eating Sichuan pepper oil. Generally, it is caused by eating a lot of it. There are also cases where the Sichuan pepper shells get stuck in the throat, causing a feeling of suffocation."

"Sichuan people love spicy food, such as hot pot or cold dishes, and like to put pepper oil or pepper." Liang Qingyue said that pepper is a spice that contains trace amounts of toxins. Although the "numbing" feeling of pepper is delicious, it is also an anesthetic that has an anesthetic effect on the nerves. Before the pepper enters the esophagus, it will release a certain amount of hydroxymethyl sanshool, also known as pepper numbing element, due to rupture. It is a substance containing ether statins. Choking into the trachea will paralyze the muscles of the throat and the respiratory nerves, which can cause spasms of the smooth muscles of the upper respiratory tract, leading to contraction of the trachea, bronchi and lungs, hindering the entry of oxygen, and causing the patient to suffocate or even die of respiratory failure.

Liang Qingyue reminds that if you have difficulty breathing due to consuming pepper oil, first, you should rinse your mouth with clean water immediately to prevent the pepper from irritating the throat and respiratory system again, and open your mouth wide to breathe to ensure oxygen supply. Second, do not drink cold water or cold drinks, because this will easily cause the oil to condense, thereby aggravating the discomfort. It is recommended to drink warm water to relieve symptoms. Third, if the situation is serious, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time.

"Don't consume too much pepper oil at one time. Just put a little bit in moderation." She especially reminded that patients with sore throat, bronchitis and pregnant women should avoid consuming pepper oil. The elderly and children are advised to eat less.

Chinese medicine expert and deputy chief Chinese medicine physician Tian Wei, director of Chengdu Ruotian Chinese Medicine Clinic, also reminded that although peppercorns are a condiment, they are also a Chinese medicine. Peppercorns are pungent and warm in nature, and enter the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. They are slightly toxic and should be taken internally at 3 to 6 grams per day. Excessive dosage is not advisable.