
russia and ukraine are not yet in a position to negotiate. russia says it will not attend the "peace summit" in november.


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on september 21, local time, russian foreign ministry spokeswoman zakharova said that russia would not attend the second "peace summit" on the ukrainian issue scheduled to be held in november this year. she also stressed that russia does not refuse to resolve the ukrainian crisis through political and diplomatic means.
zakharova said that russia is ready to discuss serious proposals, but it must take into account the current regional situation and geopolitical realities as well as the relevant conditions put forward by russian president vladimir putin in june this year.
the day before, ukrainian president zelensky said that ukraine is ready to meet with russian representatives at the second "peace summit" and that ukraine has formulated three points of the "victory plan" and that all contents of the plan will be ready in early november.
screenshot of afp report
zhang hong, a researcher at the institute of russian, east european and central asian studies of the chinese academy of social sciences, analyzed in an interview with a reporter from china central radio and television's global information radio that although ukraine did not announce the specific content of the "victory plan", it can be seen from zelensky's speech that he is more concerned about ukraine's security, economy, social development and other concerns.
zelensky’s “victory plan” roughly includes three contents: the first is to ask the west to provide more military aid, especially asking the united states to lift restrictions on the use of weapons aided to ukraine.
second, zelensky mentioned that ukraine’s infrastructure and power facilities have been severely damaged, and ukrainian people may have to suffer from the cold this winter. therefore, the "victory plan" is also to seek more economic and humanitarian assistance from the west.
third, the "victory plan" may include some content on ukraine's future long-term security guarantees, such as requiring western countries to support ukraine's joining the eu and nato and to provide ukraine with long-term security guarantees as soon as possible, rather than signing a ceasefire agreement with russia.
judging from the content revealed by the "victory plan" and the russian side's statement, the negotiation bases of the two sides are far apart and the conditions for negotiation are not met.
earlier, the european parliament passed a resolution calling on eu countries to lift restrictions on ukraine's use of western weapons systems to carry out deep strikes on russia's mainland. the resolution also called on member states to speed up the delivery of weapons, air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine, including the taurus long-range cruise missile.
but german chancellor scholz recently reiterated that he would not provide ukraine with taurus cruise missiles. scholz also said that it is necessary to study ways to peacefully resolve the conflict between russia and ukraine.
screenshot of deutsche welle report
zhang hong further analyzed that germany's refusal to provide ukraine with taurus long-range cruise missiles was based on strategic, diplomatic and economic considerations.
first of all, it is a strategic consideration. european countries, led by germany, have provided a lot of aid to ukraine, but at the same time they have insisted on a strategic bottom line on the issue of aid to ukraine, that is, the russian-ukrainian conflict cannot be completely out of control and cannot anger russia. after the outbreak of the russian-ukrainian conflict, russia drew many strategic red lines for the west, requiring the west not to use long-range weapons to attack targets in russia on the issue of aid to ukraine. therefore, scholz tried his best to avoid such an extreme situation.
the second is diplomatic considerations. after the outbreak of the russia-ukraine conflict, germany has always been unwilling to bind its interests with the united states on security issues and aid to ukraine, which also leaves a certain amount of room for mediation and maneuver for german diplomacy.
the third is economic considerations. before the russian-ukrainian conflict, germany and russia had close economic ties, and the two sides had a good basis for cooperation in the fields of energy, trade, and technology. in the future, germany will still be the most important economy in europe. in order to leave some room for russian-german economic cooperation, germany has always exercised restraint in aiding ukraine.
source: global information radio "live world"
reporter: yang zhuoying
edited by lin weiwang full text
reviewed by li peng and liu yiyao