
2024 power battery development forum: stimulating new "kinetic energy" and shaping the future


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phoenix auto news on september 21, the "innovation and momentum - 2024 power battery development trend forum" hosted by global automotive group was held in beijing. at the event, shi jianhua, deputy secretary-general of the china electric vehicle hundred people's association, jin yong, academician of the chinese academy of engineering and professor of the department of chemical engineering of tsinghua university, wang fang, chief scientist of the china automotive technology research center and chief engineer of the new energy project, xiong shusheng, foreign academician of the russian academy of engineering, professor of zhejiang university, visiting professor of the chinese academy of sciences, and cui dongshu, secretary-general of the automobile market research branch of the china automobile dealers association (passenger car market information joint conference), and many other top experts in the industry gathered together. they had a fierce discussion and in-depth sharing on the future development trend of power batteries, the path of technological innovation, the strategy of improving safety, and the market application prospects. in this feast of ideological collision, the experts expressed their opinions, pointed out the direction for the future development of the power battery industry, and contributed valuable wisdom and strength to promote the continuous progress of my country's new energy vehicle industry.

at present, china's automobile industry is at a critical time node from a large automobile country to a powerful automobile country. in this important historical turning point, new energy vehicles have undoubtedly become the key force to achieve this grand goal. with the increasing global attention to environmental protection and the adjustment of energy structure, new energy vehicles have become the mainstream direction of future automobile industry development with their advantages of zero emissions and low energy consumption. in the development process of new energy vehicles, power batteries play a very important role. as the core component of new energy vehicles, their performance directly determines the key indicators of new energy vehicles such as cruising range, safety, reliability and cost.

according to data from the china passenger car association, from january to august this year, china's auto industry sold a total of 6.016 million new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 35.3%. in august, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeded 50% for the second consecutive month, reaching 53.9%. during the same period, according to data from the power battery industry, from january to august this year, my country's cumulative installed capacity of power batteries was 292.1gwh, a cumulative year-on-year increase of 33.2%.

it can be said that the technical level and development status of power batteries will greatly affect the future direction of the new energy vehicle industry. as shi jianhua said in his speech, power battery technology is like the heart of electric vehicles, providing vehicles with a continuous source of development "power". the "high" and "low" quality of an electric vehicle is inseparable from the technology of power batteries. in his view, power batteries are the core technology of electric vehicles. only by making good batteries can we make good electric vehicles and lead the automotive industry towards a greener and smarter future. this is not only a responsibility to consumers, but also a responsibility to the future of the entire electric vehicle industry.

| the development of power batteries has a long way to go, and lithium iron phosphate still has great potential

it is true that the rapid rise of new energy vehicles has indeed opened up a very broad space for the development of power batteries. however, we must clearly realize that the development of power batteries is not a one-day job, nor is it something that can be achieved overnight. it requires a large amount of capital investment, the wisdom of countless scientific researchers, and long-term practical exploration.

in this process, we cannot just pursue speed, but also pay attention to quality and sustainability. moreover, in the process of developing power batteries, we must pay attention to methods and approaches, and we cannot blindly follow the trend or seek quick success. we must deeply study market demand and technological trends and formulate scientific and reasonable development strategies. we must proceed on the basis of conforming to the trend of the times and respecting the objective facts of industrial development, and fully consider various factors such as environmental protection, sustainable use of energy, and social and economic development. only in this way can we ensure the healthy and stable development of the power battery industry and lay a solid foundation for the future of new energy vehicles.

from the perspective of industrial development, the progress of power batteries is related to the future direction of new energy vehicles, and its technological innovation and quality improvement are crucial; on the other hand, the sustainable development of power batteries needs to take into account multiple factors such as the environment, energy and economy. this process is full of challenges but of great significance. at this forum, several experts from different fields of production, academia and research also deeply analyzed the current status and problems of power battery development, and put forward forward-looking and constructive insights, providing multiple perspectives and innovative ideas for the future development of the power battery industry.

in the theme sharing of "the past and future of automotive power batteries", academician jin yong gave a detailed introduction to the development history of power batteries, and pointed out that lithium batteries have always been an important carrier of electrical energy storage. in the automotive industry, the rapid development of electric vehicles has promoted the technological innovation of lithium batteries. in his opinion, in order to promote the continuous innovation of lithium batteries, it is necessary to attach importance to material innovation and structural innovation from the underlying logic. therefore, the future development direction of power batteries includes improving specific energy density, such as developing solid lithium batteries, using solid electrolytes, solving safety problems, increasing specific energy density, and developing from polymer electrolytes to oxide semi-solid batteries, sulfide and halide all-solid lithium batteries. at the same time, sodium-ion batteries, as a new idea, have the advantages of low price and wide operating temperature, but low specific capacity density, and cannot completely replace lithium batteries at present.

just as geely's shield short blade battery has demonstrated outstanding results in structural innovation, these innovative measures have provided an excellent example for the structural optimization of lithium batteries. they also prove that only by deeply exploring the innovative paths of materials and structures from the underlying logic can we continuously tap the huge development potential of lithium batteries and open up their broad market space.

in the theme sharing of "technological innovation and application challenges of automotive power batteries", engineer wang fang started from the technical route of power battery development and interpreted the cost, life, safety and other aspects of the current ternary lithium and lithium iron phosphate batteries. wang fang pointed out that with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, consumers' demand for endurance, energy replenishment, safety and recycling has promoted the technological innovation of power batteries. in terms of material and structural innovation, structural innovations such as short knife batteries and solid-state attempts in system innovation have not only improved energy density, but also improved safety to a certain extent. the results of thermal diffusion tests show that more and more batteries can be tested without catching fire, proving the continuous improvement of china's battery safety. at the same time, wang fang also mentioned that safety is the most important indicator of lithium batteries, and short knife batteries are a new generation of high-safety lithium iron phosphate batteries.

it can be said that safety is the core key of power batteries and an important guarantee for the stable operation of new energy vehicles. in the theme sharing of "new momentum of power batteries - more efficient and safer", professor xiong shusheng also emphasized the importance of safety and efficiency to the development of power batteries. he said that safety is the core label of lithium iron phosphate batteries, and high efficiency is the icing on the cake for batteries. for example, geely's short blade shield battery has high safety performance, high mileage, cold resistance and fast charging speed. the two major propellers of power batteries are safety and efficiency. only by adhering to more efficient and safer development standards for a long time can we promote the advancement of battery technology.

indeed, in the development history of power batteries, safety has always been the cornerstone. without safety guarantees, all performance advantages are out of the question. efficiency is the goal that power batteries are constantly pursuing. higher energy conversion efficiency, faster charging speed, and longer driving range are all key factors in promoting the popularization and development of electric vehicles.

| geely aegis short blade battery: breakthrough innovation, demonstrating the strength of power batteries

looking at the current industrial landscape of power batteries, technological innovations are springing up like mushrooms after rain, presenting a scene of vigorous development and prosperity. in the field of materials, researchers continue to explore new electrode materials and electrolytes, and are committed to improving the energy density, cycle life and safety of batteries. in terms of structural design, innovative battery pack structures and cell arrangements are constantly being innovated, which not only improves space utilization, but also enhances the overall stability of the battery. at the same time, advanced battery management system technology is also constantly improving, which can more accurately monitor and control the status of the battery, extend battery life and improve safety. in addition, the development of fast charging technology has also brought great convenience to users, greatly shortened the charging time, and improved the user experience of new energy vehicles.

major enterprises and scientific research institutions have increased their r&d investment, actively carried out industry-university-research cooperation, and jointly promoted the continuous progress of power battery technology, laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle industry. in the fiercely competitive market structure of many power battery products, why can geely shield short blade battery stand out? at the event, jiang yunqi, director of the battery system department of the new energy development center of geely automobile research institute, said that geely shield short blade battery, as an innovative power battery product, has outstanding performance in terms of technological innovation, safety, and performance.

different from the long-blade battery, the short-blade battery is more compact in structure design and can better adapt to the space requirements of different models. this makes it more flexible in installation and layout, providing more possibilities for car designers and meeting consumers' needs for vehicle space utilization and personalized design.

in terms of performance, geely aegis short blade battery also performs well in the lithium iron phosphate system, with higher energy density and volume utilization increased by more than 50%; it has ultra-long battery life, a safe service life of more than 1 million kilometers, and a battery cell cycle life of 3,500 times; it has better low-temperature working performance and a high low-temperature endurance retention rate; it will fully popularize the "fast charging experience" and use carbon nanotube technology. it only takes 17 minutes to charge the battery cell from 10% to 80%. in terms of safety performance, it adopts a variety of technologies, such as "wet double-coated diaphragm" and self-fusing technology design. through the challenges of 8-needle simultaneous piercing and "live bullet penetration", the production base adopts a new self-developed mes traceable digital system to ensure safety and controllability. the pack part improves safety performance from the aspects of structural design and thermal management, and has undergone rigorous testing and obtained certificates. the architecture level adopts the ctb configuration to improve safety and performance, and can achieve 0 intrusion of the side column into the battery cell.

previously, in the power battery quality challenge of catarc, geely shield short blade power battery won the quality challenge certificate for its excellent quality. in the extreme working condition test, it adopted the "serial test" scheme and successively underwent a number of rigorous tests higher than the national standard, including dynamic seawater corrosion immersion, extreme cold in the plateau, high-frequency scraping, etc., without smoke, fire, or explosion; the needle puncture test exceeded the national standard by 8 times, and 8 steel needles pierced the battery cell for 1 hour without any damage, and it did not catch fire or explode in the explosive damage in the shooting test. at the same time, it has a long life and high health, and the battery cell cycle life reaches 3,500 times, supporting vehicles to travel more than 1 million kilometers.

the outstanding performance of the shield dagger battery in various rigorous tests, as well as its outstanding advantages in structural innovation and safety performance, have proven the reliable and stable quality assurance and huge development potential of the shield dagger battery. its advanced technology and outstanding performance have set a new benchmark for the power battery industry and provided strong power support for the future development of new energy vehicles.

|the next step of "power battery"

in the theme salon session, zhang kun, deputy editor-in-chief of huanqiu auto group, served as the host, and xiong shusheng, foreign academician of the russian academy of engineering, professor of zhejiang university, visiting professor of the chinese academy of sciences, cui dongshu, secretary-general of the automobile market research branch of the china automobile dealers association (passenger car market information joint conference), jiang yunqi, director of the battery system department of the new energy development center of geely automobile research institute, and liu lei, director of the energy system department of the new energy inspection center of china automotive technology and research center, shared their experiences again as guests. several experts conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as "is the short knife battery the future of lithium iron phosphate batteries?", "the relationship between solid-state batteries, semi-solid-state batteries, and lithium batteries in the future", "the relationship between the service life of lithium batteries and the value retention rate of electric vehicles" and "the next outlet for power batteries":

xiong shusheng said that the biggest advantage of lithium iron phosphate batteries is safety, which makes them suitable as automotive power batteries. the shield dagger battery is an improvement on lithium iron phosphate, with higher safety, longer life and superior fast charging performance. the short size of the dagger battery is conducive to large-scale industrial production and reduces costs. it has excellent performance, low-temperature battery replacement and excellent energy density. it is an important direction for the development of power batteries and has a great impact on the cost of the entire vehicle.

cui dongshu emphasized that the chinese auto industry has undergone essential changes, new energy vehicles have grown rapidly, and batteries are the key. the service life of automotive batteries has a greater driving effect on the value retention rate, reducing advanced technology and excellent power, especially geely short blade battery products, will have a good acceptance worldwide in the future, and also make our chinese auto value retention rate reputation better improved.

jiang yunqi pointed out that geely always considers the all-round safety of power batteries based on user needs and conducts in-depth and meticulous consideration of every detail. in the future, geely will also enrich the control of various special details on the framework of the shield safety system, decompose them with logical thinking ability, and continue to strengthen various safety details, striving to achieve engineering at all safety points, mass production, and make them available to consumers.

liu lei believes that the shield battery has improved safety from three aspects: materials, structural innovation, and management system. safety is improved through design at the material level; in terms of structural innovation, innovations in cell structure and system integration are helpful to improve safety; in terms of management system, 7×24-hour full-time monitoring is critical. in the future, china's power batteries can strive to improve safety from the perspectives of materials, structural innovation, management systems, and the application of intelligent sensing technology. although these technologies are not mature, universities, research institutions, and enterprises are exploring them, which is expected to provide technical support for battery safety.

so far, the "innovation and momentum - 2024 power battery development trend forum" has also come to an end. although the event has come to an end, the thinking and exploration it has triggered will continue to drive the power battery industry forward. in the future, we look forward to seeing more innovative technologies, safer products and broader market prospects, and working together to achieve the goals of green travel and sustainable development.